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Private Rumors of the Bothan


The Prosperity | Jedi Learning Halls
Tag: Kuzon Lu’Ten Kuzon Lu’Ten


In the bustling hallways of the flagship temple of the New Jedi Order, The Prosperity, Padawan Roman felt a familiar blend of excitement and apprehension swirl within him. The walls hummed with the energy of young Jedi training, lightsabers buzzing, and the distant echoes of teachings resonating through the training chambers. But today, Roman's focus was not on his own training, it was on meeting someone new -- Padawan Kuzon, a brilliant Bothan rumored to possess an encyclopedic knowledge of Galactic history.

As he wandered through the temple, Roman's thoughts drifted to the stories he had heard about Kuzon. Rumors among the initiates suggested that he could recount the achievements of the Jedi Order in detail, from the legendary battles against the Sith to the profound philosophies of the Jedi Code. Roman, with a growing interest in the intricacies of the Force and the legacy of the Jedi, was eager to meet the young scholar whose reputation preceded him.

Roman spied a learning hall, its large windows casting beams of bright light across the room. He took a deep breath, adjusting his robes. With each step, he reminded himself how important he wanted to make good first impression. Entering the hall, he noticed somone who he thought could be Padawan Kuzon seated at a table, surrounded by open holobooks.

"Hey, are you Padawan Kuzon?" Roman called out with a friendly smile, feeling slightly out of breath from his hurried steps.

For the past few hours Kuzon had been completely lost in his research. Being in another galaxy more or less and right now he preferred it that way. On the table were history, geography and biographies of various beings. Of course most were holo-books except for the one crimson regular book, his journal that he was writing and illustrating with a specially crafted pen. When the young Bothan wasn't doing either he was studying the text from one or the holobooks.

He smiled, relieved to find the latest piece of evidence. "That makes sense from what I saw in my dream." Kuzon whispered to no one in particular. Having done his lightsaber drills the aspiring historian had come to the hall for his personal mission to record the latest subject he was on. It was certainly better for him than dwelling on the fact that he disappeared for some time without explanation and can’t even remember why.

The reminder caused Kuzon to grimace as if poked in the arm by a claw. Sighing the padawan thought.

Even now I can't figure out what happened to me. Whatever it is I missed out on too much and hadn't been there for the Order.

A sense of guilt came over him followed by determination. Kuzon resumed his writing for another few minutes before picking up an unfamiliar voice calling out in question. A bit surprised, Kuzon turned from the right side to see a red headed human waving in his direction.

Getting over the shock he put down the pen and stood up before bowing in greetings and cleared his throat.

"Y-yes that's me. Uh, who are you?"

Tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari
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Padawan Roman felt his heart race with a mix of excitement and nerves at Kuzon's surprised greeting. "I'm Padawan Roman," he replied, his smile widening as he stepped closer to the table littered with holobooks and Kuzon's crimson journal. The atmosphere was warm, alive with the soft glow of the holobooks, casting intriguing shadows across Kuzon's impressive collection.

"Lots of rumors going around about the new guy! Everyone says you're a walking encyclopedia of Galactic history," Roman continued, his curiosity bubbling over. "I thought it would be great to meet you and maybe dive into some of those stories together. I'm especially interested in the tales of the Jedi, how we've grown and evolved, the legends we strive to uphold."

He caught himself leaning forward, eager. "It's amazing how much the past shapes our future, right? I mean, understanding the struggles and triumphs of the Jedi could help us navigate our own paths."

With a newfound enthusiasm, Roman gestured to the scattered holobooks, intrigued by what Kuzon might share. "What's the latest story you've uncovered?" The prospect of a new friendship and the chance to learn felt like a spark igniting in his chest. Roman could feel the camaraderie forming already, and he was more than ready to embrace it.

Roman. Kuzon had heard some things about him. A Jedi of noble birth and an aspiring diplomat. The latter was very commendable while Kuzon didn't care if Roman grew up in high society or not. What mattered is that he is a fellow Jedi committed to their shared path. Of course the Bothan was taken further aback, blinking his eyes a few times when Roman mentioned people spoke about his knowledge of galactic history.

Didn't think I would earn that kind of notice. Kuzon thought with some amazement.

Then again he had spoken often about his favorite subject to anyone willing to listen or until someone got annoyed. As Roman further explained his reasons for meeting him Kuzon smiled.

"Exactly history can teach us a great deal.”

Pleased to gain a new friend who enjoyed history, Kuzon gestured for Roman to take a seat. Once the human did, the other padawan answered the former's question.

"Currently I'm reviewing the legend of Jedi Master Belth Allusis and the Heroes of Bothawui."

Flipping a few pages Kuzon his journal to show a sketch of a hooded figure whose face shrouded mostly in shadow expected his bearded jaw wielding a lightsaber in a defensive stance. Around him fighting by his side were a few armored soldiers battered yet defiant with all of them being drenched by rain drops while a multiple of shadows. Roman would like to tell that this scene is that of a last stand. Once sure that his colleague got a good look at the illustration Kuzon asked.

"So Roman, what do you know of Master Allusis?"

Tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari
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Padawan Roman took a moment to absorb the vivid sketch Kuzon had presented. The hooded figure, looming against the backdrop of a tumultuous storm, was striking. Despite his ignorance of the context, Roman felt a sense of awe wash over him. The scene suggested bravery, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to a cause--even in the face of impending doom. Yet, try as he might, Roman couldn't conjure any recollections of Master Belth Allusis from the depths of his mind.

He lowered his gaze thoughtfully to the illustration, tracing the lines of the armored soldiers who stood valiantly beside the mysterious Jedi, before letting out a soft chuckle. "I must admit, Kuzon, I'm afraid I don't know much about Master Allusis." he confessed, embarrassment creeping into his tone. "It seems my studies have focused more on the political aspects of the galaxy's past rather than the heroic legends. Perhaps I've overlooked some treasures in our history."

Roman leaned back in the chair, folding his hands behind his head, attempting to project an air of nonchalance that belied his genuine curiosity. "I've heard of many Jedi legends--the tales of the Great War, the fall of the Sith--but this Master Allusis seems to be yet another remarkable figure I've yet to uncover. What can you tell me about him?"

Kuzon nodded in understanding. Even though those that share a common interest have different focuses. Instead of disappointment, the Bothan was rather excited to recite this ancient master tale.

"Before his final stand during the Great Galactic War Belth Allusis was known as a brave selfless servant of the force who embodied the virtues of the Order. This included politeness to others and his humility including in attire."

He displayed a page of hooded Allusis talking in a hallway with a young Jedi knight who had her bowed head, struggling with grief. Subsequently Kuzon resumed.

"Of course I found out to my amazement that as a member of the High Council he had quite the sense of humor and a sharp tongue to match it. Reputedly this was said to have constantly eased tension in council meetings."

Inwardly Kuzon took that as a reminder that humor can help even in the most dire of situations.

"The future grandmaster of the Order, Satele Shan years later reflected that Master Allusis was a champion of lost causes. This was demonstrated during the second battle of Bothawui in that war. Following an earlier Republic victory in Bothan space most of their forces withdrew before the inevitable Sith retaliation came. Yet a small garrison under Master Allusis stayed behind to defend the world. Besides him there was eighty four Jedi Knights and four thousand Republic troopers."

Another page followed, displaying a now unhooded Allusis, gray bearded and long haired rallying the defenders with a clenched fist and determined eyes looking out into the distance. In the background behind them was a massive installation surrounded by military defense lines.

"Soon the Sith returned with an army of fifty thousand strong. Yet due to the planetary generator they weren't able to use their navy for an orbital bombardment and so were forced to attack said generator that was heavily fortified. No relief force coming to save yet them and realistic about their chances the defenders made the Sith pay dearly in the siege that followed. The latter cruelly and recklessly threw their forces into one frontal assault after another only to be countered by the clever tactics of their foes. For every single defender who died each took ten enemies with them."

The next sketch showed Republic soldiers in a trench firing at the Imperials as several saber wielding Jedi jumped in engaging the charging enemy troopers and crimson guardsmen. Sighing Kuzon then confessed with saddened eyes as if he witnessed what followed.

"Despite their bravery and cleverness the Republic garrison slowly but surely whittled until there was only a handful left with Master Allusis while the Sith were able to bring in reinforcements. As they were cornered Grand Moff Zellos of the Sith Empire appeared before them, offering fair treatment if Allusis and his brave followers would surrender. They refused outright.”

Subsequently Roman would see an annoyed and prideful officer in an imperial style uniform called out to the Jedi master some distance away in the storm. Looking his colleague in the eyes Kuzon concluded, quoting Jedi Historian Gnost-Dural.

"Neither pride nor foolhardiness drove the defenders' decision. They were guided by the Force. They had passed beyond the fear of death. Their glorious last stand will never be forgotten."

The final sketch showed Master Belth Allusis lying face down in the mud with his fallen comrades all around him, still raining.

Tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari
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Padawan Roman sat quietly for a moment, absorbing the weight of Kuzon's words. The story of Master Belth Allusis resonated deep within him, igniting a flicker of inspiration and reverence he hadn't previously felt. The depiction of Allusis's unwavering bravery in the face of insurmountable odds filled his heart with a sense of pride in the Jedi Order, even as he felt a knot of sadness tighten at the end of the tale.

"Thank you, Kuzon." he finally said, his voice steady but laced with the gravity of what he had just learned. "Master Allusis was truly remarkable. I can see now why his story is one to be told, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that often clouds our galaxy."

He leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "But tell me, what drew you to study Master Allusis so deeply? It seems many have forgotten the legends of heroes like him, often focusing on the politics and upheavals that define our times." Roman's brow furrowed slightly as he searched for understanding in Kuzon's thoughtful gaze.

"Is it the honor of recounting his bravery that inspires you?" he continued, his tone becoming more inquisitive. "Or is there something in his story that you find particularly resonant?" Roman couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Kuzon's interest in the fallen master, something that perhaps mirrored what they both navigated as Padawans in a galaxy still healing from its scars.


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