Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Run Foerost Run | GI Dominion of Foeros |


Objective 1

Transporting materials from Foerost’s surface to the shipyards in high orbit, has been obstructed by a group of commissioned mercenaries operating under former Imperial contracts. Intercept their ships and have them decommissioned and apprehended.

Do yo’ thang.


The Imperium’s efficiency for dealing with inconveniences throughout the Core was growing in reputation. So much so, that a frustrated distress call had been issued by the operatives aboard the shipyards in Foerost’s orbit. The shipyards had to focus on manufacturing, not rescue missions.

They didn’t have the personnel for that. Being technical architects that they were, they were able to tightbeam, through a string of hidden holonet connections, out to neighboring Imperium territory.

It was a marvel that an outgoing transmission made it to Imperium receivers, bravo to the communications team on that one! After some efforts to piece together the fragmented request, the specialists translated the following, and forwarded it up the chain of command: The broadcast from Foeros claimed a ship full of engineers was stuck in limbo between the planet’s space and high orbit, and required third party intervention. An aggressor intercepted the routine travel and prevented the delivery of raw materials to the shipyard. A requirement to continue production.


It was important that he be here for the operation, even if he had no intention of taking part in it. The Imperium's forces could deal with the mercenaries without his personal assistance. The meeting with the planetary government of Foerost had gone well enough, and now it was simply a case of the Imperium making good on its end of the bargain.

For his part, Cedric had invited one of his students, Ryv Ryv , to meet with him on the training deck of his flagship, the Chimaera, along with several others. No reason was given beyond summons.

The Jedi Master was seated in the center of a large room crafted in what seemed to be entirely of obsidian, the only light in the black room coming from flickering blue flames attached to torches that had been welded to the walls. Cedric was clad in the dark robes of his homeworld, eyes squeezed shut, his mind lost in the twists of the empyrean.
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Location: Entering the training room

Tasha had apparently been summoned. Her life had grown considerably more busy after joining the Grayson Imperium, one issue after another, or one bit of training after another. While she was far from having perfected meditation, she was growing closer. But with great difficulty. She however was not at all deteriorating in the skills that she was familiar with. Nor had her tendency to walk around in near full armor changed all that much. She still did it often, with her helmet simple strung to her belt sometimes. It made life easier that way. Also especially in moments where she was doing something with the Imperium, a type of armor was probably a good idea.

As it was now. She made her way towards the training area, eventually coming in to see what presumably was obsidian, maybe. In this light that was extremely hard to tell. Course, her natural concern leapt to her thinking of Void-stone but she trusted Cedric enough that even if it was it didn't mean danger to her. That, and she had practiced considerably in her skills without her powers.

She paused, after stepping off to the side, observing the blue flames and glancing occasionally at P Placeholder 0128 , waiting to see just what he was doing. She chose not to attempt to meditate here, most assuredly it would disrupt the Imperators, her meditation attempts were...less than peaceful.

Full Cirgun Plate Body Armor with added sensors, encrypted comm system, and sound protection. (Helmet removed)
Guard Breaker. Back belt.
One regular lightsaber. Back belt.
Two BSB (Blackmoor Sonic Blaster) pistols.
Kueget_LN-21_blaster_pistol (left thigh)
blackmoor-personal-combat-deflector-shield (left arm, deactivated)
Objective 3: Find the Imperator

His steps would echo throughout the hallway, each step being of resounding force as he started his approach towards the training hall. The Sullustan was well armed today, after a recent debacle he has been more prepared. His two lightsabers were on his left hip though in addition, his lightsaber pike was strapped along his back, a lightsaber staff was on his back belt and finally a lightsaber whip on his right side. He was on a roll making lightsabers as of late and was hoping it would pay off in some form or eventuality. Reaching the doorway to the training hall, he would push the button as the doors would slid open to where he almost runs directly into Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor , someone he been helping learn the art of meditation.

He would open his mouth to speak but refused to do so upon laying eyes of the P Placeholder 0128 whom sat in meditation in this dark, obsidian room. Standing on the opposite way of the doorframe, he would put his hands clasped together in front of him as he would actually...jingle a little with the amount of weaponry on him. He had a scout blaster in his right boot, a stone knife in his left glove, and finally his two unique blaster pistols which were of sonic and fletteche quality, inside his left and right robe pockets.

His dull green eyes would glance to the Imperator and then slowly, onto Tasha as his eyes looked heavy. He had not slept well for he had nightmares once again, things seeming to never end. He wondered of hers as well, not wishing to convey it out loud but he wondered, knowing with his own soul how badly one can be turned at a flick of a switch. Looking down, he would await the Imperators words but kept silent.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv strode down the halls of the Chimaera mostly alone. Personnel moved up and down the halls, likely preparing for the approaching battle. Fortunately for the kiffar, he was excused from this particular squabble and was instead summoned to meet with P Placeholder 0128 in one of the training rooms. It had been a while since the duo last met for anything other than a mission assignment or an actual mission. Every day was a busy day in the Imperium, which meant Ryv didn't have much time to relax. It annoyed him at times, not enough to bring it up as a complaint, but still, just enough he would whine about it in private to his droid. CF always understood him.

"Hey Ryv!" one of the more social troops called out as Ryv passed by in the hall. "How've you been?"

"I'm chillin', man," Ryv turned and began to walk backwards as he spoke to the stationary soldier. "You know how it is, keeping up with the life, fighting evil. All that jazz, how bout you, Riley?"

"I'm doing good! Keep it up, Ryv. You're a breath of fresh air around this stuffy ship."

"Will do, my man. Will do!" the kiffar turned on his heel before returning his attention to the goal at hand. Cedric had told him to meet at the training deck, which meant he still had several minutes of walking ahead of him. Ryv never understood why ships were made as large as they were. It made traversing them as difficult as piloting them. Eventually, he arrived at the location he was given. The blast doors slid open, allowing the padawan to step inside. He scanned the room before his amber gaze settled on the Imperator.

"What's going on, bossman?!" Ryv grinned wide as he approached Cedric. His eyes flickered to the side, catching sight of Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor . "Hey, what's up? Name's Ryv," next he noticed Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara . "Oh shit, its Jegy! How's it hanging, brother?"

Emiery Grayson

Location: Chimaera >> Training Deck >> The Darkroom
Objective: BYOO >> Getting To Know You
Weaponry: Heirloom Lightfoil | Songsteel Sabre

There was something familiar in the Imperium, a thing that felt like home; though that home was no longer her own, so many centuries on, the concept of Jedi lords and Force-blessed rule was still a comfortable one, but it wasn't that alone which drew her in. Nay, the fire of the Imperator and his followers in hot pursuit of the putrid dark was a beacon that called to the core of her being. Ending such vile threats as the encroaching Empire of the Sith was less of a dream, here, and she would see it through as far as it could go.

Propped up against a bulkhead to the left of the Darkroom's entrance, Emiery wished not to disturb his meditations, her own eyes softly shut, chin lowered as she instead listened to the low hum of the ship's systems, the slow rise and fall of P Placeholder 0128 's breathing, and the... encroaching footsteps, breaking the otherwise silent mood of the corridor. Her left eye slitted open, watching Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor approach and slip into the room, as more footfalls ensued, causing the Pelagian Knight to raise her head and watch with both eyes as Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara disappeared into the obsidian-plated space, as well. Followed by Ryv Ryv .

The back of her dark-maned head thudded softly against the bulkhead against which she was now a fixture. It wasn't that she was invisible, more that she made herself hard to notice. Misdirection had been a useful skill, in court, in her earlier existence, but there was no real purpose in evading the notice of your allies... except, perhaps, to see if they were at all observant. Her lips pursed, as she considered the implications...
Emiery Athelon, Ryv Ryv , Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor , Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara

Such an eclectic gathering.

Cedric's eyes opened slowly as they filtered in, much in contrast to Ryv Ryv 's rather boisterous greeting. The Jedi Master did well to hide the beginnings of the smile that tugged up at his lips. For as by the books as Cedric was, his padawan was about as orderly as a windstorm. He slowly rose to his feet, adopting a soft smile as he looked upon each of them that had entered.

"Ever the professional Ryv," A hint of amusement laced those words. "Jegy, Tasha," he nodded to each of them. They'd stuck with the Imperium thus far, and Cedric was beginning to place a certain amount of trust in each of them. Such was a rare commodity as of late.

Despite the Imperium's religious overtones, there were few Jedi within its borders. The Sith's dominance had seen to the waning of their number in recent years, and the divide the other Jedi had carved between themselves and those that followed the young Grayson had made even less of that number keen on the cause.

It hadn't bothered Cedric. If others would not follow, then he would simply train the next generation, and they would have the skills required to hold off the dark tide. As far as he was concerned, the Jedi that elected to sit aside and debate philosophy were non-factors in the future of the galaxy.

"I suppose you're all curious as to why I've called you here. It was a broad call for any that would answer - except for you Ryv, you need some proper experience." His arms folded behind the small of his back. "It's no secret that war is in our future. It may be years from now, but it is inevitable, and it's come to my attention lately that all my time spent behind a desk and performing diplomacy have left my skills lacking."

A pause.

"I would like the four of you to duel with me here, if you're keen on it. I need practice in dealing with multiple skilled opponents. It's been some time."
The Sullustan did not even notice Emiery Athelon until a rather particular loudmouth known as Ryv Ryv spoke up, shaking the grounds of the place with just his voice...or at least, in his own mind he thought that. Giving a bit of a frown, he would speak to him very quietly as he noticed the P Placeholder 0128 was standing up.

"Depends...done ringing my ears in this chamber? These ears are not big for show."

He frowned still, looking towards now at Cedric as he was addressed along with Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor , the reason they were brought forward to them now being discussed. He heard about having some skills possibly dull behind the desk which he understood instantly, having done more than enough paperwork in his lifetime medically and inquistorially throughout the years. It was also a personal wish to stop doing paperwork for long as he could live for but like life, it was inevitable. Then came the challenge, all four to duel him at once to which made the Sullustan for once, give a small smirking smile, almost out of respect. The Sullustan would then step forward, feeling at his weaponry to check them over before pulling out his Dysai lightsaber first, holding it up as it felt calm in his left hand, having it deactivated for now.

"Ohhhh Imperator, I will take you up on that offer, provided you do not mind possibly getting scarred. Though then again, it could be wise to turn down our weapons...if we wanted."
Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara was the first she noticed to enter other than the Imperator. She had met him before, particularly during an attempt at meditation. It had had its...trials. But there was still some to come of it at least. And she had gotten to know a bit about him in turn, enough to be sure that he'd make an excellent ally. She gave a quiet nod and smile to him as she noticed, however very soon she'd hear yet another set of footsteps as Ryv Ryv not only joined, but introduced himself plenty aloud. She shook her head but smiled nevertheless, choosing to answer his greeting. "Tasha Blackmoor." she answered.

Tip tap. She thought she heard a noise, her eyes glancing around as she narrowed them, tapping her helmet in thought. However P Placeholder 0128 would interrupt that thought as he spoke to Ryv and greeted them. She nodded her head in return, though glanced around again with narrowed eyes. Something was going on. Though she chose to continue listening to Cedric as he spoke. Grinning slightly at the comment towards Ryv Ryv . The inevitability of war. She could semi-tell where it was going as he lead closer to the finish.

And then decided to hit them with the kicker of using "four" when requesting the duel. She eased up, choosing not to put on her helmet as she had considered. Glancing more thoroughly into the darkness but choosing not to bother too hard, returning to look at Cedric, "Sure but, I suppose I shouldn't use this." she said holding out Guard Breaker, the lightsaber designed exactly for combat at close range. "Unfortunately it's plenty likely to hurt my allies just as it is to hurt you if we actually clash. I suppose I can put my blasters on stun though, and tune down my other lightsaber. But there's no tuning this one down unfortunately."

She chose not too acknowledge the person hiding. However, she did choose to take the moment after she spoke to focus through the force. Because there was more too see than just light, all things could be seen through the force. Though she had her limitations. There were some difficult abilities that Tasha had become very good at. With that at least she could now somewhat percieve the person, though they seemed to be dim through it, as if a shadow almost.

Full Cirgun Plate Body Armor with added sensors, encrypted comm system, and sound protection. (Helmet removed)
Guard Breaker
One regular lightsaber. Back belt.
Two BSB (Blackmoor Sonic Blaster) pistols.
Kueget_LN-21_blaster_pistol (left thigh)
blackmoor-personal-combat-deflector-shield (left arm, deactivated)
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
"Oh, dude," Ryv rubbed his face and released a sigh. "Today was supposed to be my day off," his hand still took the lightsaber from his hip. With a flick of his wrist and press of the fingers, it began rotating on its side in the center of his gloved palm. "Alright, that's fine I guess. I think between the four of us we should be able to last like.... a bit? Shit, I dunno," he plucked the spinning saber from his right hand before altering the weapon's settings. Wouldn't want to accidentally murder his master and collapse the entirety of the Imperium in a sparring match. Though to be fair, Ryv was far more likely to cut his hand off by accident before doing any real harm to the Imperator.

"If we're gonna do this," he'd motion to the others. "C'mere and let's make a plan. Numbers are the advantage, let's use em," it wasn't apparent whether or not the kiffar noticed the woman outside until he only motioned towards Tasha and Jegy.

In comparison to his companions and master, Ryv was FAR from imposing. He wore a worn Corellion leather jacket that's likely seen more years than its wearer. Normally, he'd sport an armor weave bodysuit beneath the jacket, but it looked like he wasn't joking about the day off. Ryv was instead wearing sweats and a tank top that read "Banana Split" with art of a banana doing a split while wearing sunglasses. It didn't look good for the padawan. Not at all.


Emiery Grayson

Implications of complacency or ignorance aside, when the Imperator voiced his invitation to four, she knew at least one out of them had a keen 'eye', but didn't discount that the clue would tip off the others in the room. For the mundane individual, all else equal, four on one wasn't a fair fight. With life experience and the Force put into play, it could be more than fair, if not unfair for everyone but the one. And the one was asking for practise?

Hazarding a guess... perhaps he was never schooled in classical fencing?

Only one way to find out, and that was with singular sparring, a string of thoughts she set on a spool for later, as she pushed off of the bulkhead, smoothed out the wrinkles that had settled into her dark grey robes, and shrugged off the open outer robe to fold it up before joining the others. Her fingers brushed over the details of flowering red, purple, and blue embroidery that ran throughout the garment and flowed from the crest of the Tapani Noble House of Pelagia on its upper back, which sat at the top of the package once it was folded. She never wore it out in the field - it was far too precious; a more utilitarian dark grey outer was for those journeys. Releasing a long breath she hadn't intended to hold, Emiery rounded the corner and entered the room.

"The best-laid plans..." she said in Ryv's direction, without implying a tease or jab, as she crouched and laid her bundled outer robe against the inner bulkhead of the dark room, bathed in a flickering, blue glow, "Numbers, yes, but instinct," she paused, rising, and needled the Kiffar with a flat, brown-eyed glance, having now matched his voice with the earlier mention of his name, "and wit, Ryv."

With a faint, cordial smile to Tasha and Jegy, she turned and tipped her head to the Imperator, chin dropping to chest for but a moment before rising again,
her gaze meeting his face, and going up further to meet his eyes.

"Lord Imperator... The White Flame Dancing on the Barrows of his Enemies, perhaps?", the cordial smile remained resolutely in place, "I do hope you stretched."

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There were a scant few things that Cedric derived pure enjoyment from anymore, but ruining one of his padawans’ off days was certainly one of them. He recalled the nostalgic times when Master Arenais had woken him up in the early hours of the morning just so Cedric could watch the older man go through his meditations. He’d hated it back then, but now it was a good memory. Perhaps Ryv would see this in the same light.

“A Jedi must always be prepared. We don’t have off days Ryv,” he offered his padawan what could only be described as a shit eating grin. His gaze switched from the youth to Jegy, who received a nod. “I would prefer if you lowered the power on your weapons. I’m a good fighter, but I’m definitely going to get hit here. I’d prefer not to lose any limbs in the process.”

Then to Tasha. “Yes, I’d also prefer not having my flesh seared from my bones,” he added, gesturing toward her lightsaber. “There are other practice weapons you can use, if it suits you,” he gestured toward one of several weapon racks arrayed in one of the room’s corners. Weapons ranging from medieval axes to sophisticated saber lances gleamed in the flickering light of the azure flames.

Then came the forth. Cedric had felt her as a brief absence in the Force: a patch of open air where there should have been an island amidst the Great Ocean that was the Living Force. In strode a woman he’d never seen before, the faint smile she offered catching his attention quite successfully.

“If you’d ever seen me dance you wouldn’t make that joke. I’ve got about as much grace on the dance floor as I do talking to women,” he returned, “Not unlike my young padawan here,” he gave Ryv a teasing grin before turning his attention back to the woman, a brow lifting curiously. “Don’t think we’ve met before, Miss…?”

The Blade of Ruusan roared to life in broad juxtaposition to Cedric’s fading word. Its cyan light further lit up the room, casting the faces of his companions in ghostly blue shades that flickered with each shift of the blade.

He held it pointed out toward the floor in front of him, a very casual stance to say the least as he slowly began to circle the group of four, awaiting the woman’s answer.
The talk of plans made him roll his eyes at Ryv. Plans were made to be broken, crushed and then thrown back at people at full speed. At times, the best plan is no plan. "Prepare to be stomped if you want to use numbers, I myself excel at one vs many in if you want a plan, the easiest is to not get in the others way." He would motion towards the other ladies in the room as he lifted up his lightsaber and started to adjust a nob near the activator switch, doing so with every other weapon he had in the process as the whirring noises be heard as if they were powering down. There was much discussion going on, he blinked a few times as he held up his lightsaber, finishing fiddling with it as he spun it in his left hand.

"You know Imperator...I just realized something, why not make it more challenging?"

He would then throw his lightsaber as it activated, a yellow hue as it was thrown like a javelin straight towards the Imperator. He did not give him a second to rest or a chance to deflect as almost the instant it would pass near him, intentionally missing, it would turn and try to strike him near the back with a downwards stroke. The Sullustan was literally levitating the lightsaber with the Force, acting as if a second duelist was already behind him as it would strike at him several times with downward strokes, sometimes diagonally as it was a literal floating lightsaber. The Sullustan was even giving a small smirk, having it strike repeatedly though the Imperator could probably tell, he was rusty.

"Why fight with your hands when your mind is literally mighter than the sword?"

P Placeholder 0128
Emiery Athelon
Ryv Ryv
Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor
Tasha would smile as Emiery Athelon revealed herself to them, though Ryv Ryv and Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara didn't seem to pay it much mind. Ryv suggested using numbers to their advantage, which was probably a good strategy. Just not rushing. And Emiery mentioned using wit, yes she would certainly hope so. Jegy however did not seem to be quite certain on the numbers choice. Tasha put her helmet on as they discussed and glanced at the weapons that P Placeholder 0128 mentioned nodding slightly, "I may end up using them thank you." she agreed adjusting her other weapons and using the force to move Guard Breaker over to the side.

However it seemed they would not be taking time to consider strategy. As while the Imperator moved around them Jegy was the first to truly act. Using the force instead of choosing to bring things into close combat. Taking the master's very sudden choice into account Tasha leapt to the side so that she'd be at an angle, and while the Imperator was busy with dealing with the Sullustans flying weapon she'd bring out her two BSB (Blackmoor Sonic Blaster) pistols and sending off two shots from each. They were set on stun, which in truth made them even harder to stop with a lightsaber as they used a wider section of contained soundwaves so that it wasn't nearly as destructive. That was a big advantage of her sonic blasters, you couldn't just block or deflect them with a lightsaber. You either had to dodge or use the force to block them.

Of course part of the reason she jumped away from the others was that the weapons were a bit loud even when you weren't the one hit. Not loud enough for injury of her allies since she'd jumped out of the way, though if she wasn't wearing some ear protection it could have eventually hurt her ears with continued use. "I suggest take the sides if you can so he is facing a half-circle and not open to movement, as long as you don't get in each others way." she said aloud.

Actions taken:
Jumped to the side so as not to harm allies, and fired with her sonic blasters on stun.

Suggested making a half circle around P Placeholder 0128

Full Cirgun Plate Body Armor with added sensors, encrypted comm system, and sound protection. (Helmet on)
Guard Breaker
One regular lightsaber. Back belt.
Two BSB (Blackmoor Sonic Blaster) pistols.
Kueget_LN-21_blaster_pistol (left thigh)
blackmoor-personal-combat-deflector-shield (left arm, deactivated)
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
"Holy shit," Ryv jumped in response to the fourth person's sudden appearance. Yeah, he caught his master's earlier mention of four, but he considered it a mistake more than anything else. "Look," his eyes followed Emiery Athelon as she moved past him. "Wit I've got in spades," the statement was as far from truthful as the kiffar could get. "Also! I wouldn't say I was smooth, chief. I'd describe my brief encounter with Loske as word vomit given form, but what are you gonna do? Sometimes you just gotta take those Ls," as if to further the point, Ryv shrugged. He began to remove his jacket but paused briefly. His gloved hand held it tight and wouldn't let go. Fortunately, Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara spoke up before he could dwell on it further.

"You know what, pal? You wanna take on the Imperator? Be my guest," Ryv stepped back and watched the telekinetic display with a furrowed brow. He had to admit, it looked flipping cool, but weirdly inefficient at the same time. Up next, Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor lept into action and began firing shots with her blasters. The sound of her shots irritated him a bit, but not quite enough to say anything. Mostly just enough to step further away, towards the door. With a complete view of the room and its inhabitants, Ryv waited patiently and watched the squabble truly begin.

Amber eyes flickered from the three others on his side, committing their actions and movements to memory before setting his gaze on P Placeholder 0128 . His response was what Ryv was looking for and waiting for. The kiffar was never the strongest, fastest or biggest kid on the block. His strength was his observational abilities and his mind. He intended to use them.

Emiery Grayson

Calling her words a joke was far off the mark. A tease, maybe... needling, perhaps, but outright humour? Hardly. The Imperator's seeming self-deprecation pulled her faint smile into something half-coy, and the reach for her introduction provoked a response out-of-place with the remainder of the present company - the full use of her title, not uttered in near a millenium.

"Lady Emiery Liane Athelon, of Pelagon," she granted him, in reply to his query, "Jedi Knight."

Words spoken in a High Galactic tone, with a Pelagese accent, the mention of her rank punctuated by the impact of her lightfoil hilt into her right palm, slender fingers curling around the cylinder with just the right amount of grip. The weapon was far older than her, an archaic model fashioned by an ancient Jedi Artisan of her house, fitted with a pontite focusing crystal, emitting a white blade when ignited. Unlike the non-Force-bound copy lightfoils, this instrument of combat was not so easily broken. For Emiery, it was the closest thing to the curved hilt lightsaber she owned before the Nether had plucked her soul from the land of the living, and unlike the sword at her side, was able to be set to a non-lethal level.

"And yourself?"

She followed the Master Jedi's steps at a matched pace as he began to circle, her lightfoil still unlit as she wasn't the one being attacked, yet her left hand flicked a momentary, deflectionary barrier in the way of Tasha's sonic 'projectiles' to prevent her becoming an 'innocent bystander' due to her proximity to the Imperator, a distance between them that had only increased to give more room to Jegy's telekinetic sabery and the Essonian's reaction to the assault.

It had been some time since Cedric had faced a challenge he wasn't certain he could overcome. Jedi were not meant to enjoy the thrill of combat, and Cedric did well to train himself to avoid such primal pleasures. Even still, he never felt so in tune with the Living Force as he did when pushed to his limits.

Jegy’s words dissolved into pointless nothingness as the lightsaber erupted to life. All pretense of conversation faded from the Jedi Master’s mind as the blade soared toward him in a maneuver that looked to be intended to cleave through his shoulder. Time seemed to slow as adrenaline was pumped into his veins, the pupils dilating slightly, the muscles coiling in preparation. The Jedi’s proverbial third eye opened to the river of information that was the Force, analyzing the data pertaining to Jegy’s actions: the color of the Sullustan’s aura in the empyrean, the slight shift of intention that sent ripples through the waters of the Great Ocean, the dozens of brief mental images that made up the possible futures that resulted from Jegy’s actions.

It wasn’t a conscious feedback, but rather the mortal mind attempting to make sense of information that it should not have known, and translate that into action. The hurl of the blade was too obvious, too off mark. As Cedric instinctively dipped his shoulder to allow the weapon to pass harmlessly over it, he drew his left arm back over his head, his wrist moving in tight calculated motions to catch each of Jegy’s strikes before they could meet with the Imperator’s flesh.

Internal thought was silenced. Cedric busied himself with dissecting the flow of raw data that came with his intimate connection to the empyrean. The others spoke, but their words were akin to background gibberish to the Imperator. It was only when Tasha fired two sonic blasts straight toward him that Cedric’s consciousness made itself known again.

So many times had opportunistic warriors sought to end his life utilizing fragmentation weapons and other concussive tools. One could not simply bat away a blast of sound-based energy, nor could they reflect an exploding grenade. Survival had necessitated mastery over the creation of energy barriers, and that skill was proving itself quite hands as Cedric drew his free hand upward, invisible energy filtering from his fingertips to rapidly from a barrier of formless reality. It was like looking into the zenith of a fire, where the heat of the flame mutated the very air itself and made it appear almost sluggish in texture.

The sonic blasts exploded upon the barrier, ringing Cedric’s ears loudly enough that all sound was drowned out. Now turned halfway between the barrier he created with one hand, and the assault of the disembodied lightsaber with the other, the Jedi seemed pinned.

Until he wasn’t.

With an expression of telekinetic will, that barrier was sent careening toward Jegy as if fired from a cannon, a wall of concussive force intended to remove the Sullustan from the competition before he could do any harm.

Cedric took his weapon in both hands then, defending the offending strikes of the floating blade as he his hearing slowly returned. The Ryv and the woman seemed keen on observing for the moment.

“A pleasure, Lady Athelon,” Cedric grunted as he returned another strike. “I’m Cedric.”

He would have snickered at Ryv’s words on Loske, but laughter tended to ruin one’s form. “I’m sure there are many more ‘ L’s ‘ ahead of you, my apprentice. Don’t worry.”
The sonic blasts by Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor were a painful ear ringing noise he still was not used to. Even when he was working so long ago, he hated the noise of the sonic weapons. It was also thus, he barely could watch as the lightsaber that was wielded by the Force would smack into the P Placeholder 0128 own lightsaber over and over again. He noticed the other two, Ryv Ryv and Emiery Athelon as she was introduced, just watched from the background. At long last, the Imperator seemed pinned as the lightsaber was ready to proceed to start with the POKING! Instead, the barrier which Grayson did, reflected the noise onto the Sullustan as his ears lowered lightly as he knew it was coming.

"Ah Kriff."

Then he was rather humorlessly thrown across the room, being launched about ten feet into the air like a rag doll as all concentration was lost. The Lightsaber that the Imperator was fighting would suddenly shut off and fall harmlessly to the ground with a clatter. The Sullustan however, hit into the side of one of the walls which hurt quite a lot, giving a loud grunting noise as he fell straight to the floor with a CLANK! Giving a loud groan, he would slowly get back up as he smacked his lips together, stretching his back for a moment as it cracked a few times. After that, rather quickly now that he stretched a little, he would take out a saber staff as he ignited both ends in crimson red. Spinning it around, he would walk a bit forward, taking his time this time to go over to the Imperator, apparently still feeling sore on his rear.
Tasha ignored the fact that Ryv Ryv was very much taking a back seat in this, as was Emiery Athelon who seemed to mostly just be protecting herself. That turned this into more of a two versus one, which was certainly easier for the Imperator. But she wondered by how much. The man was surely special, but how special. She began to put in more focus, as Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara was thrown back through the movement of the force barrier of P Placeholder 0128 she took her moment. Making use of Shatterpoint to perceive the weakest spots particularly in his swordplay. The blasters were good and could be used as a backup, however she would likely just be pushing him into a system of deflecting with the force and pushing it into one of the others who were less armored than she was.

So it seemed it was necessary to act directly. She holstered the two weapons as she rushed forwards, pulling out her traditional lightsabre since Guardbreaker was not much of an option. Her other hand however would pull out the Kueget_LN-21_blaster_pistol. A much smaller weapon than her sonic blasters, but also capable of stunning. Firing a few blasts from her hip towards him before her blade went forwards, seeming to bounce out of her hand towards him only to return if it made impact either with him or his weapon, a sort of force throw without the common rotation done when using a lightsaber. The idea would be to attack him before he did her. Then moving into an aggressive form with a focus on a combination of the Art_of_Movement which she had become extremely good at, allowing her to move in such a way to always keep her limbs within defensive capacity of either the lightsaber or the harder parts of the armor while moving the weapon to attack the weakest spots she could see, not in his body, but in his bladework.

Even though Tasha had not finished her training officially back when she originally joined the Jedi order and became a padawan, Tasha had always been an extremely skilled duelist. When she was captured and released, she never ceased the intense training that she put into her abilities. For awhile after her capture she had turned to the dark side, and with that came certain aggression factors that she utilized in her swordsmanship at the time. When she returned to the light, even though she grew less aggressive emotionally, she retained the skills and further improved on them. Creating a style that utilized the inertia of a weapon just as much as it's reach, and the rest of the body. When it came to meditation or the more refined ways of the force, Tasha was sorely lacking. When it came to combat, she had become more proficient.

Full Cirgun Plate Body Armor with added sensors, encrypted comm system, and sound protection. (Helmet on)
Guard Breaker
One regular lightsaber. Back belt.
Two BSB (Blackmoor Sonic Blaster) pistols.
Kueget_LN-21_blaster_pistol (left thigh)
blackmoor-personal-combat-deflector-shield (left arm, deactivated)
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
"Well alrighty then, guess I'm up next," Ryv watched P Placeholder 0128 begin his defensive while he began stretching. Having gotten out of bed less than an hour prior, the padawan learned needed to limber up. He was beginning to bounce up and down gently, really warming up as Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara was torn from his feet and thrown across the room. The resounding thud that echoed across the room left the Jedi wincing from just hearing it. Before he could turn to help out his sullustan ally, Jegy was on his legs and striding towards the Imperator to engage him further. Ryv's search left him with nothing, unfortunately, meaning he had to join the fray.

Without thinking further, the kiffar raced ahead of his three allies and ignited his saber. A green light surged out from the blade and painted the scene in its verdant touch. Ryv charged up and threw out a backhanded swipe of the blade, the tail end of his jacket flying up after it in an attempt to distract his mentor from the shift in weight at the apprentice's hips and pivot of his back foot. Years spent working in the underbelly of the Outer Rim taught him a very important lesson. There was always someone bigger, better, and stronger. And for someone of Ryv's small stature? That meant there was a whole lot of someones. He learned to either even the playing field or increase the gap between him and his foes to walk away from every fight he was forced into.

So, after the faint had been thrown, Ryv followed through. His body dropped and spun as he kicked out to hook Cedric's foot with his own and tug. If Cedric sees through the faint, Ryv expected to see a booted foot collide with his jaw at any moment. Had the Imperator fallen for it, well, Ryv might just slow him down long enough for his allies to make something happen.

Stun bolts were the bane of his existence.

One could easily repel blaster rounds, but stun shots had an oddness to their energy. They flew toward him as Tasha approached. Rather than bat them aside, he held his blade close to his body and used short pivots to avoid the bolts, an odd waltz that had him dipping and spinning around Tasha's assault. All was going well.

And then came Ryv.

Little attention had been paid to his padawan. Cedric was more than a bit preoccupied with Tasha and Jegy - the kick wasn't noticed until Cedric was falling backward, the wind metaphorically and quite literally blown out of his sails.

Tasha's blade fell toward him.

Acting on instinct, Cedric's own weapon was doused as he put his weight into his foreward fall. There was a clattering of plates as his body jerked forward, curling into a tight ball as he would roll right into Tasha, passing just beneath her practiced blade.

Ryv Ryv , Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara , Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor , Emiery Athelon

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