Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant's dark underworld was just that, dark in every sense of the word, from the dreary neon drenched lights to the sinister figures who lurked in the shadows, waiting for another victim, another body to go missing without a trace. The Spicers were on the prowl again, looking for some new victims to join their production as little more than bodies to drive the mechanisms forwards, given only what was needed for survival, and sometimes not even that.

Lanta was running again; a gang had spotted him and taken an interest in either his cloak or his internal organs; they were speaking quickly through respirators, it was hard to know for sure. But he wasn't intending to give either up. He rounded a corner and jumped up a wall, clambering over the edge as he plummeted towards the ground behind it, the drop a lot larger than he was counting on. He landed as softly as he could, leading to his ankle being badly sprained as opposed to the alternative. He limped out the alleyway and collapsed outside of it, scratching at the wall to regain his balance, clawing his way onto his feet as his shortcut ended up far less short than hoped, the gang rounding the corner towards him, wielding whatever blunt objects they could pick up; they were not going to waste blasters on him. He picked up a rusty pipe from the ground next to him, keeping light on his hurt foot as his eyes searched for a way out of this.

He was a mercenary, he killed for money, yet here he was doing charity all the same. Behind the faceless mask his eyes narrowed, on the gang members pursuing [member="Lanta Rosa"]. They were barely armed enough to be seen as anything more than your average street thugs, but nonetheless they were pursuing a man likely with intent to kill. He supposed he'd kill them first then.

Following after the masked vigilante waded through the sea of people until he reached the other side, standing before Lanta and the thugs rushing towards him. A singular message flashed across his helmet as he stepped forward, LK-40 in one hand, his personal sidearm in the other.

Hello Darkness

A magnetically accelerated slug spat out from his sidearm, tearing open the chest of one while the LK-40 propelled a projectile through the throat of another. Another shot ripped open another enforcer, and a quick flick of the LK-40's secondary trigger brought the flechette screaming back into the weapon, and through the stomach of another street rat. All that remained after the brief massacre was one.

A singular criminal holding nothing more than a heavy pipe, surrounded by his dead friends, staring down the ominous text projected by his mask. He pissed himself.
Insilico peered through the sights of his 6-2Aug2, as he watched [member="Cadmon Geller"] from a near by rooftop. Pitty he hadn't gotten here sooner. Insilico had been tracking this gang for some time, looking to cash in on the bounties put on them by a the relative of a former victim. At least there was still one left standing.

The last final man stood there for several seconds after his head violently erupted, spraying a mist of blood high up into the air before the body crumpled to the ground. The recording of the shot would make a fine addition to his collection.

Insilico's chest parted in two, revealing the tiny torture droid nestled inside "I suppose I should go down and introduce myself" he thought as he bolted out of the chest of the protocol droid's body, floating down to the two figures. "A fine evening for killing, gentlemen!" He gently floated between [member="Cadmon Geller"] and [member="Lanta Rosa"], hoping they wouldn't get the wrong idea and blast him
It seemed he was having some help for now, or alternatively people who wanted him more. He kept a firm hold on the pipe he had picked up as the masked man eliminated all of the gang with his blaster; which seemed like an excessive way to deal with them. Lanta seemed to show the opposite reaction to the gang, showing no fear at these two newcomers, in fact right now he was already planning his way out; one of them was a droid, hopefully slower than he was. But the one with the mask would be a problem, maybe he could talk his way through this. He straightens up, looking at the two "Alright then lads, what'll it cost me?" he asked, tucking the pipe into his jacket and putting his hands in his pockets.
In an instant, the last of the thug's head evaporated into a red mist, his corpse falling down among the others. Despite the bloodbath, CSF wouldn't bother with anything this deep, just more gang violence, or the work of the Beast. Either way, they wouldn't be too bothered by the small massacre, and neither were any of the other passing denizens. Such was life down here.

Both weapons found their way back into holsters on his thigh before he looked down to [member="Lanta Rosa"]. "Fifty." He stated in response to the question of cost. Cadmon wasn't all that serious, he could use the funds, but if not it didn't much matter. He was getting sentimental after all so it seemed. He'd find money to hurl across the bar for drinks elsewhere if need be.

The text on his helmet vanished, leaving a blank faceplate staring down at Lanta, his gaze not averting from the man even as [member="Insilico"] joined them, practically beaming with pride as a result of his final blow to the cadre of street trash. It had been a nice shot though, he'd give the droid that.
Insilico chuckled and shakes up and down a bit, his light shifting from bright red to blue "The only payment I need is the bodies, if no one has any objection."

He floated from one body to another, slowly scanning each one for info. Each one hadn't been one of his targets. Insilico turns back to [member="Lanta Rosa"] "Do you require some assistance in going somewhere?"

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