Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Runar Ævar

Full Name
Runar Ævar​
The Boss
Prince of Blood
Crime Lord of Sanctuary
Prince of Blood
HPI Representative
400-500 years​
HPI Representative
Crime Lord
Sangnir (High Blood)
Sephi (formerly)
Galactic Basic
High Nelvaanian
Many other​
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment

Character Alignment
Lawful Evil​
190 cm​
80 kg​
Light blond, nearly white with green colour​
Red (not Sith-like)​
Voice Sample
Template Credit

  • Runar has a long history of underworld business and information brokering. Born as a Sephi, he later became a Sangnir. He went to the Netherworld, where he built up his underworld connections and ran his own organisation in several major cities and territories. This is how he came into contact with the L'lerim bloodline. Later, to preserve his influence and businesses in the Sanctuary and the Seat of Ashla, he was forced to agree to the terms of the HPI and Terraris Command and return to Realspace after hundreds of years. As a result, he has become an HPI Representative, representing the HPI Consortium throughout the Galaxy. This also brought him into contact with the Dark Empire and the Trade Federation.


    Not much is known about Runar's past; this is also due to the fact that he himself does not remember to all this. What is certain is that he was not born as Sephi, but was subsequently placed into this body during a ritual. By this time the body was already a Sagnir. Whether Runar's soul came from or what happened to the original inhabitant of the body is all obscured.

    He travelled the world for a very long time, at first he was just a little criminal, he was a trickster, nothing more. He worked in many different underworlds, gained experience, and sought and traded information. He always tried to avoid wars and fights because he never really took the trouble to learn that. There were always others who did the dirty work instead.

    He managed to amass a smaller fortune and his power also increased when the first Netherworld event took place and Runar also moved to the Nether. He didn’t despair and found great opportunities in this place. He had no intention of returning home to Realspace, and remained here. For the first time in his life, he may have been his own master and began to build his information network and criminal organization in this place.

    Netherworld is nowhere near as barren and uninhabited as most believe. The man had plenty of opportunities to gain information, to found and build an underworld. Many times it was faster here, so it took decades for him, while in Realspace it was only a few years. Here he became acquainted with two emerging species, the Shadows and the Valkyrja. As these two species built the largest and most interesting cities in the Nether, so Runar began to increase his power in these as well.

    It was easier in the Sanctuary and soon he was in control of the whole underworld here and he had contacts, people in almost the entire Netherworld. His only inconvenience was caused by Omni's awakening. Luckily, it didn't take long and Runar was able to resume his usual work. Among other things, he helped Eina search for Geiseric at Netherworld.

    The crusader was not dead, so they were not found. He later met the man in person and he was the first to notice that Eina and Geiseric Geiseric fell in love with each other, even before either of them realized it. He warned the crusader to be careful, but the man eventually broke her heart.

    In any case, Runar took advantage of Eina’s absence and strengthened his own power and influence in the city. Runar remained the Crime Boss of the Sanctuary for a very long time after this, and even extended his influence to the Seat of Ashla. This mainly meant black markets and information gathering and the like. Since this kept the other underworld persons away from these two big cities, their leaders tacitly agreed that the Sangnir could maintain all this.

    Around 900 ABY, the HPI in Realspace began a major expansion and needed a charismatic representative. So, in order to maintain his influence and reputation in the Netherworld, the man took it upon himself to begin working for the HPI and Terraris Command in Realspace.

    Original bio: Link
    Codex sub: Link

    Runar is tall enough, coupled with a lean but athletic physique. He has very light blonde hair that looks almost white, with several strands of green in it. He has pale skin and red (non-Sith) eyes. The appearance of the whole suggests nobility, superiority, as if it were just an arrogant prince or king.

    Well, his behaviour reflects that. He always has excellent manners, loves shadow games, and loves to get others to debt in direction of him. After all, he can benefit from this. Runar always wears upscale, noble clothes. There are almost always bodyguards around him; he likes to speak flatteringly, he is charismatic, so he is able to gain the sympathy and trust of many soon enough. He usually has a wine glass in his hand that contains anima (blood).

    Smart: Runar was very smart and well-educated, this was a great help to him many times during his life. And hopefully it will in the future.
    Charismatic: A charismatic person, thanks to this he can quickly awaken trust in others; and added the fact he is a great leader, it can be a very dangerous combination.
    Silver-tongue: Like the nobles in general, he also knows when to say what; how to solve situations in words. Runar, with words, is far more dangerous than with any weapon.

    Not a Fighter: Not a warrior, words are his weapons. If he can, he'd rather miss out on fights or just entrust it to bodyguards.
    Ego: That doesn’t really need to be explained either, it’s a complete miracle that his ego will fit in the Sanctuary or Netherworld, which if hurt can really hurt.
    Behaviour: His behaviour and style can offend and hurt many, which is why he has accumulated quite a few enemies in his lifetime.
    Thirsty: He is tormented by eternal thirst for anima.

    Long life: The Sephi species and especially the Sangnir live a very long time. It also goes hand in hand with he is going to see his friends, customers, etc. die.
    Non Force User: This is both an advantage and a disadvantage, Runar is an NFU, so there are where this an advantage, elsewhere a disadvantage.
    Information: He has a lot of information in his possession, much of it to his advantage, but he also knows a lot of things that make many want his death.


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    House L'lerimTerrris Command
    House Kala'myrTerraris Command
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    An excellent bureaucrat, a talented leader and an excellent info broker. He doesn't have much combat skills, he can shoot with a firearm, but don't ask the result. The same is true when he wields a sword. As long as he has to speak, he will thrive perfectly because you have practice and experience in these. And he is good at controlling an underworld organisation.

    Languages Known:
    Galactic Basic – Native
    High Nelvaanian – Fluent
    Sith and ur-Kittât – Fluent
    Huttese – Fluent

    Athletic: Despite his inability to fight, he has an athletic build and he is often exercising. Thanks to this, he has great reflexes and athletic movement. Many people would not even think about this, and thanks to his physique, dexterity and speed, he has already escaped countless times when they wanted to kill him.
    Natural Charm: The man has an aura that makes many people believe him whatever he says, i.e. he can easily scam others or gain their trust (mainly affects NPCs, in the case of PCs it's the player's decision). The man is very aware of this and has taken advantage of it countless times throughout his life. Part of this trait made him a really good spy and information broker.

    Wealth: It can be said that Runar is very rich, he has gained a huge fortune in the last centuries. These are material possessions such as money, relics, etc. In addition, it has a myriad of invaluable information that many would give anything for.
    Notable Possessions: In addition to the general basic equipment, he has:
    • The Pit: One of the most famous illegal places in the Sanctuary is in the basement of one of the inns, the place is in the darkest area and you can get here through a multitude of alleys. Illegal fights, bets and a stronghold of the black market.
    • A larger mansion in the noble quarter of the Sanctuary.
    • Lightsaber resistant rapier.
    • Kaldrweave noble attires.
    • Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit
    • OPBC-01m
    • Essence of Vitae
    • Spies, agents, co-workers, informants all over in the Netherworld.


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    - TBD
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