Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Running Gun

1527 GST
Taurin Tane Taurin Tane
「Challenged by a bounty hunter
so I turned around to draw」

Embarrassment became Talin’s unwelcome guest, constantly gnawing at her stomach and self worth. When she pulled a pistol on Dax Dax , she thought herself ready to do what it took. Those she idolized had been younger when they took their first life. It was the cost of a better galaxy - some were beyond saving, simply because they didn’t want to change. Of course, the ginger had shown none of the patterns of the psychopath he resembled, and she was glad she didn’t put one in his chest. Yet that silver lining was not enough to heal her wounded pride. She had choked. She’d need to find some guts before glory. Fuel fed the fires, and in the smoke, visions of a new plan danced in fluid streaks. She needed a teacher. Her parents and siblings had given her most of what she needed - but she was lacking a mentor who would put her under pressure enough to mold her.

“This bucket of bolts!” Tansu yelled from the cot over. “Twice in one week! Well, I better go see if Dax needs help.”

It was a golden opportunity. Their mechanics would need to fetch more parks to repair the ship - and sourcing them would be a whole other issue. A whole night to start laying foundations. Jakku was teeming with the nastiest characters who would do anything for a quick buck - it wouldn’t be hard to pick up a thing or two at the canteena. With leather jacket and cowboy hat donned, Talin slid the blaster into her waistband, and set off.

Tumbleweed blew across her path as she approached the fallen SSD. Luggabeasts and speeders were parked at the first makeshift step. The locals had been a town within the downed ship, the bar easily marked by its noise. The place crawled with undesirables. A wandering gaze drank in the sight. The place was dim, the only lighting beneath the bar, wnd a few neon signs. A bounty board lined the wall next to the entry. Tables had been pushed together to make a spot for cards and dice; Talin’s interested peaked, but as she caught the eye of a smuggler who threw her a wink, she changed trajectory to the bar.

“Whaddya want, kid?” The bartender asked while pouring another patron.

“Corellian whiskey?”

“Got ID?” His voice was colored with doubt.

“Does anyone in this place?”

Shrugging, he did fetch an oil can, laying it in front of her. Folks didn’t come here to be asked questions - he accepted that easy enough.

“No whiskey.” He explained. “Knockback nectar.”

Lifting the makeshift cup to her lips, Talin sputtered on the sip.

“Tastes like sour spit!” She accused.

“Take it or leave it, but I’ll need payment.”

Angrily, she tossed a credit chit on the counter, and waved him away. At least, with the drink, she was blending. Now to observe.
Eyeing the neon sign for the Oasis, Taurin came to a slow stop outside of the bar. The faintest breeze threatened to blow a few strands of hair in front of his eyes. It had been a while since the bounty hunter was last here, and the thought alone threatened to make his head ache. Not enough to keep him from being a good patron, though. After a quick roll of his shoulders and stretch of his back, the man strolled inside.

Reddish brown eyes gave the room a quick once over before fixating on a spot at the bar left of center. Taurin almost smiled in disbelief at the sight of a particular female at the counter. He didn't sit too close to her, just enough to keep her in his peripheral. As the bartender approached, Taurin gave him a nod of acknowledgment.

"I'll take one of whatever you're tryin' to get rid of."

Taurin rested an elbow on the counter and began lazily flipping a credit between his fingers. His other hand rested in his lap.

What's the plan here..?

The question wasn't for himself, but in regards to the not-so-cleverly-disguised girl. It didn't really matter unless it meant his job was about to be a lot harder. Fetching runaways was one thing, said runaways hanging around shady places and getting involved with even shadier people was another. It would turn out to be annoying at the least if the girl walked out with them. Ideally, he could avoid making a scene. And if she wasn't meeting up with anyone, well. Runaways weren't exactly known for going quietly.

Not about to frustrate himself with made-up scenarios, Taurin decided time would tell him how rough the next few hours of his life might be. Swiftly swapping credit for drink, the hunter wasted no time getting his first sip in.

A sigh escaped his lips in tandem with the drink's light clack against the counter. Taurin stared into the drink briefly, watching the liquid shake slightly before evening out. Under the guise of absentmindedly looking around the bar, the hunter shot the 17-year-old a glance. What were the odds it would be easy to strike up a conversation? Taurin never thought himself a lucky man.

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt
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Though the day was still young, the venue did not lack patronage. Talin studied those around her casually. If she wanted to walk the walk, she had to talk the talk. Leaning back, she forced herself to relax, lacing an arm around the stool next to her. The nectar was revisited. She was still choking the thing down, but it was at least good practice for a poker face.

Predator and prey sharply contrasted. There were the down trodden, destitute, only here to seek an escape from reality. Desperation and fear had permeated their entire beings. It only took someone speaking too loudly next to them to prompt a flinch. Those they feared carried swagger and confidence. They made demands of the bartender, carrying force in every word. Some were, of course, rowdy and loud - but their silent brethren were marked as wall, dominance in their stare, forcing her own eyes downward. Talin quickly realized why Dax had read her like an open book.

Shivers rolled down the girls spine, prompting her head to turn. Eyes met with a cowboy for a split second. The man looked like he could have walked off Concord Dawn himself. Quick assessment led her to mark him as hunter, and practiced at that - but not unkind as so many others in this place. He looked like the very mentor she’d come in pursuit of.

Abandoning her drink, she wove through the crowd to join his side. Greeting was offered with the tip of her hat. Within her boots, her toes danced like a broom tail.

“Howdy. Got’sa proposition for ya.” That didn’t come out right. “Er, a job. If you’re interested.”

She was worse than a cat on a hot tin roof. By the force, she hoped this guy could help.
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With the rest of the patrons being the usual lot you'd expect, Taurin's quick investigation of the bar was complete. The girl in the hat remained the only thing of interest. The hunter's eyes fell back to whatever was in his cup before he took another swig. As he lowered the glass, he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. It was a bit hard to keep track of one pair of footsteps amongst the cacophony of drunken and desperate fools, so Taurin turned his head to confirm his suspicions.

With a delayed nod, Taurin lifted his head, sitting up straight. He turned his body so it faced halfway between the girl and the poor excuse for a drink in his glass. The red-head's brow perked at the equally poor attempt at a job offer. A very unexpected one at that.

... Well if I'm the shady guy she leaves with that'll make everything a lot easier.

The corner of Taurin's mouth tugged into a half smile, his brows raised slightly in disbelief. "You think I'm lookin' for work?"

Taurin's hand left the cup. It slid to and along the edge of the counter as he shifted slightly to face the 17-year-old better. He rested his elbow on the counter. As Taurin looked the ginger in the eyes it was clear that she wasn't made for this type of place, age aside. Taurin decided to count himself lucky in this instance, or maybe it was Talin who was lucky. Taurin could vouch that at least he himself was a decent man. Well, decent enough.

"You can call me interested. What kind of job has you comin' to a place like this?"

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt
“You wouldn’ be in a chithole like this if it were otherwise.” Talin retorted, a mischievous grin blossoming. “A lot nicer hodunks than this to drink.”

Grabbing the nearest stool, she pulled it up, legs squealing beneath the chatter of the crowd. She sat backwards, leaning against the counter, to look out into the crowd; couldn’t read her face if he couldn’t see it.

“I need…”

She hadn’t thought about how to convey the idea without looking stupid. Lips pursing, she pulled on the experience of two twins scheming to drive their parents insane.

“A thrill.”

She let the proposal hang, half turning to the bartender once more. A couple rapid knocks on the counter filled the silence - that meant another drink, right?

“Ya see, things have gotten a little… stale. Sometimes, you just need a new perspective. I’d like you to take on a job - something dangerous, but it doesn’t have to be big. And I’d like you to let me tag along and show me the ropes.”

Working to keep the poker face, she glanced back to the tables, watching a mandolorian throw a pair of die.
Taurin sat quietly through the girl's proposition, eyes only leaving her face to watch her hand attempt to summon the bartender. The redhead could only blink at the use of the word 'stale', and his right eyebrow raised a fraction of an inch as the kid in front of him continued.

Slowly, a smile spread across Taurin's face, lips parting just enough to show a hint of teeth. A silent, breathy snicker bubbled forth. After four long seconds, the hunter finally stopped laughing but didn't do much else to hide that he found the situation bizarre and comical.

"That's a bold ask you've got there." Taurin leaned back in his seat and took a glance at the approaching bartender.

Surely this girl can't be serious, was all the hunter could think to himself. "Metaphorically... Hypothetically speaking," Taurin waved his hand, "If I was lookin' for work, and I were willing to put both of us in mortal danger for the sake of a 'thrill', what do you propose as adequate compensation? Can you even defend yourself?"

The hunter weighed his options. The bounty was clear about two things. He was encouraged to 'scare her straight' and bring Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt back very much alive. Obliging this odd request might get the girl missing whatever she's decided to consider 'stale' at such an age. 'Stale' probably meant 'safe', and the hunter was guessing that 'safe' meant 'boring'. However, if something were to go wrong, it would be both their heads.

Taurin lazily began to scratch at the side of his chin.
I could just get 'er on the ship and take her home. That would be easy enough at this rate.
Trademark attitude drove a scoff from Talin’s chest. The cowboy had struck the nerve which brought her to the bar, and anger laid beneath it.

“Of course I can.” She declared haughtily, and a hand floated to holster, peeling back the side of her leather jacket to offer a peek. Pistol handle and saber lived in holy matrimony. “Got myself here whole, didn’t I?”

Her voice had rose, taking on a streak of defiance, and attracted attention. A chiss head appeared over her shoulder. Sapphire skin oozed slime, and the smell of liquor hit Talin like a charging bantha. The smile he gave was as hollow as his head.

“This guy botherin’ you, sweetheart? Hows about company who knows how to treat a lady.” Inebriation seemed to slow his senses, but not dull them entirely. He caught a flash of Talin’s weaponry and let out a chuckle. “Put the toys away and come play with something else.”

Had to jinx it. Panic danced beneath a hard stare. If she couldn’t prove herself capable of fending off nerfherders, the job was hopeless. Pulling on every bit of meanness she inherited from her pa, the girl pivoted. Cold calculation cleared anxiety. The picture of a true Concordian belle, she offered a shy smile. Her gaze dropped to a hair on his collar, and a flirty hand extended to brush it away. She allowed her hand to linger on his shoulder, and met his eyes once more.

“That’s a real nice offer, sir, but I’ll do you one better. How ‘bout I take one of my little toys,” Talin’s voice trailed, then her posture stiffened. “And shove it where the sun don’t shine.”

The hand in his shoulder gave him a hard shove. Becoming putty beneath her, he was totally unprepared, and stumbled backwards and over the sabbac table. A roar went up with dice and cards flying. Clearly, folks were doing well; chaos immediately ensued. A trandoshan immediately produced big iron. A gloved fist found the chiss and produced a satisfying grunt. Around them, weaponry and violence bloomed. Talin shot a look to her newfound ally and moved.
Taurin briefly eyed the pistol and lightsaber at the girl's hip before their conversation was interrupted. The hunter's eyes narrowed slightly at the drunken newcomer, and his mouth formed a slight frown at everything that came out of the other man's mouth.

Yeah, we're going to need a change of scenery, Taurin thought. Before he could request that Talin's new friend go anywhere else, he watched as the girl's reply created the perfect reason for the two of them to leave. But first...

Taurin made eye contact with Talin as he stood, moving his right hand to his blaster holster. "Alright, you've got a deal." The hunter's eyes quickly found the path of least resistance to the Holoboard. He directed the girl with a quick nod then swayed to his left to dodge a man shoved against the counter. "Head to the Holoboard. We're pickin' you out a bounty and we're leaving this chithole."

Allowing the girl to walk in front of him made it easier to swerve danger and keep an eye on her at the same time. Taurin watched as the brawl slowly grew, adding a new member each time another drunken fool was caught in the crossfire. When one of those fools was almost shoved into Talin, Taurin grabbed them by their collar, and used the momentum of the man's fall to shove him over a nearby table. A quick glance to ensure said man wasn't coming after Taurin was met with confirmation of two things. It was the chiss guy, and he was now, or well, remained a bit preoccupied at the moment.

Taurin faced forward, a stern and focused look on his face as he sighed, grumbling to himself.
"Yup. Right to the board."

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt
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Talin, in a stroke of youth, pouted on the march to the board - it wasn't everyday you got to see a bar brawl! Once, in a holoflick, she had seen a bottle cracked over a head, and something drove her to try it. That desire cleared when Taurin effortlessly took an assailant and tossed them aside like a rowdy child. Petulance transformed to shock, then to admiration. I want to be him when I grow up. Yeah, she had picked the right guy.

The board was littered with ads. Not all the bounties were on people - organizations and missing items had a place, too. Talin studied it for a moment, then pointed to one, regarding a terrorist who had taken a shot at Jakku's space station.

"This one."

Another one jumped out at her, it's title emboldened.


"No, wait, that one! No..."

Then suddenly, there were too many. How could she pick one?! Every adventure sounded enticing. She wanted it all. Unbothered by the uproar behind them, Talin leaned back, hand on her chin.

With his back to Talin, Taurin watched as the fighting continued to spread, seeping closer to their corner of the room. An Umbaran hit the ground a few feet away, and the hunter recalled seeing him playing at one of the tables only a few moments prior. Judging from the shouting from the Atrisian who tackled him, it sounded like the Umbaran was losing before whatever happened. With the Atrisian trying to pin the other's arms, the Umbaran's hand flailed around erratically above his head, holding a blaster pistol he was too uncoordinated to aim. Taurin kicked it sideways out of the man's hand. He watched it skid across the floor into a dark corner.

"Alright kid, we're swapping spots." The bounty hunter took one last glance around the room, stepping back to stand side-by-side with Talin as he spoke. "Take out one of the fancy gadgets on your hip and watch the room. I'll be sure to pick out something sufficiently life-threatening and thrilling for you." Taurin moved to swap spots with the girl, adding some friendly advice. "Try not to look anyone in the eye."

Once Talin's back was to the holoboard, Taurin poked around, pretending to go through the usual process. He was careful not to be too fast that she wouldn't believe him, and not too long as to avoid her turning around. Making up details on a bounty would be easy. Now Taurin's biggest problem was escorting his real mark out of harm's way.

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt
A wild grin blossomed at the direction. Theatrical as ever, one of those fancy gadgets had to be the saber. Just the quivering in her hand lit fire beneath her. It wanted to see action as much as she did. It had been crafted to deliver justice; to right wrongs. It affirmed to her she had chosen the right path, finding the cowboy. With fervor, it sprang to life, hissing a battle cry.

Every patron within a five foot vicinity turned to look. It broke the edges of the riot effectively. Her free hand fell on her hip victoriously. Criminals would avoid the sword like a dray did shears.

“No need to thank me.” She informed Taurin.

Then, one of the patrons took a step forward. Malevolence painted his expression.

“Wrong planet, sugar. Sith and Guild alike got bounties on sabers.”

A throng had amassed around him, all eyes on the blonde and her partner. Taking a step backward, she brushed against her chaperone.

“Uhm. We run now, yeah?”

The wind screamed a warning, and thoughtlessly, cyan light flashed to deflect the coming bolt. Violence broke out again, though not just toward them - the snake ate itself as patrons fought each other off the prize.

“Chit! Hurry up! I’m Talin, by the way! In case we die yew should know my name.”
At the sound of the blaster bolt being deflected, Taurin sucked in a breath. He'd had a slight headache all day, and now he had to fight his way out of a pack of ravenous, credit-mongering fools. His right hand slid to one of his WESTAR-34s. It would have been as nice to squeeze in a nap today as it would be highly unlikely.

"Taurin," is all the man said as he turned, pulled out his blaster, and shot the closest enemy in the chest in one fluid motion. His left hand reached for his second pistol as the right took down a man who, for some reason, thought he wouldn't share the same fate as his predecessor. A smirk graced the hunter's face as his eyes stayed trained on the group in front of them.

"I promised myself awhile back I wouldn't die in some skeevy bar." As a few patrons got the message and backed off, one was too drunk to read this particular corner of the room. The second a rodian moved an inch closer, he fell to the ground, falling upon the first man Taurin had shot seconds prior. The small crowd started to disperse, leaving behind only those truly bent on having the duo's heads. "Lucky for you, that means you aren't dying in one either. Keep us from gettin' shot and I'll get us to the door. On my mark, we move."

The veteran's eyes flickered between the beings before them, analyzing the situation in an instant. Anyone coming at them drunk or unarmed was no issue. Amongst the real dangers remained a rather determined-looking gamorrean, and a man whose fingertips began to disappear along the hem of his vest. Taurin picked off the two biggest threats between them and the outside world and made a break for the exit. He stole glances over his shoulder to be sure Talin was close behind, and fired a bolt into a coward who waited for the girl's back to face him before even pulling out his blaster.

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt
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Talin stuck to Taurin like a shadow as they made a beeline for the door. She did not, in fact, keep them from getting shot; whatever will had possessed her palms earlier was not her own. Every premonition of danger was a second too late, unseen until the plasma was riveting past them. Luck was on their side, though, and the two managed to bust through the doors unscathed but for a few singed hairs. They kept up the pace until breaking the destroyer's outer armor, and finding a setting desert sun. The younger took the lead. A blue streak set the reigns of the luggabeasts free. Again it bore down against the fuel tanks of swoop bikes, save for one. She took the drivers seat and motioned for Taurin behind. Then, skilled hands slid beneath the chassis to tinker with wires. A thunder of footsteps was growing closer. The bike roared as Talin's handywork brought it too life. The pair abandoned an emerging crowd behind them.

The bike slowed when Talin was certain they were no longer followed. A distant imperial ship was the only decoration on the dunes. Above them, an endless sky came alight with stars. At least they weren't stuck in the heat. Rising the a stretch, the blonde dismounted their steed.

"Gosh, that sure did go to hell in a handbasket. Always like that?" Talin grinned, eager. As much of a mess as it was, it was a rush, too - and she was eager for more. "Where we headed, then, partner? Sko!
It was easy for the bounty hunter to pick up on Talin's inexperience when it came to whatever you want to call what was happening. The girl didn't seem to think about the consequences of her actions at all, or maybe she flat-out didn't care about them? He could handle dealing with that. If not for the credits, out of respect for the girl's parents. As a veteran of the alliance, Taurin would've had to be living under a rock at the edge of the galaxy to not recognize the Treicolt name. So, when he saw Talin Treicolt with a bounty requesting her safe return, why would he turn away?

Some part of the hunter hoped that accepting the job would let him feel... something. Like he was closer to the man he once was. The man that drank far less, didn't smoke, and woke up every day guilt-free. A man proud of who he was and what he stood for. But right now..

Taurin would be happy if he ended the day in one piece.

A blaster bolt grazed his left bicep, leaving a new hole in the man's coat. The hunter cursed under his breath. He didn't know if it was nerves; the reality of her choices now dawning on her that stopped Talin from shielding them from the fire. Maybe she just wasn't good at multitasking. But as Taurin turned to stop another hunter from sending a bolt into their backs, he wasn't sure if this girl was even a padawan.

Stealing a ride wasn't a bad call, though. He couldn't complain about that. Taurin defended them as Talin got it going, mostly looking to slow the crowd down instead of trying to kill as many as possible. Aiming at a few of the larger and taller followers in the front, Taurin shot at their legs. A beautiful butterfly effect ensued where a small but meaningful amount of the crowd began to trip or tumble, blockading and slowing the others behind them.

Taurin hopped onto the bike the second it was ready. He fired a few more blasts as they sped off.

The vet took solace in the quiet night once the two were officially out of range of Talin's new fan club. As they came to a stop, Taurin took in the girl's look of excitement as he took out a cigarette.

"Gosh, that sure did go to hell in a handbasket. Always like that?" Talin grinned, eager.

"Not really," Taurin stated plainly as he held the cig between his lips.

His right hand rummaged around in a pocket on the inside of his coat. After a few seconds, he produced a sparkstick. Taurin wasted little time lighting the cigarette as Talin asked where to head next, but leisurely took a drag on the cig before replying. The hunter's hand plucked the cigarette from his mouth before moving to carefully rest in his lap. Taurin turned his head to the side to blow the smoke away from the excited Jedi.


'Troublemaker' would suffice for now.

"The nearest sad excuse for a starports got my ship. It's..." After a quick glance between the fallen imperial ship and the dunes, Taurin gestured vaguely in the direction of the port with his cigarette, before deciding he would just steer the way there instead. "Actually," Placing the cigarette between his lips again, the hunter moved into position on the bike. He took another drag before facing Talin.

"I'll just take us there. This guy's off-world and I don't know if or what you might be flying, but I'm using my ship while I'm on the job." After a pause, the vet continued. "Nice job getting this old thing to work, by the way." Taurin pointed his cig at Talin with brows raised, and his free hand patted the old bike. "That was very quick, very helpful. But what happened to watching our backs? Did a bolt hit your saber hilt or somethin'?"

Taurin leaned forward slightly for emphasis as he held the cigarette a few inches from his mouth. A lock of red hair fell in his face. "Going into a fight knowing you have t'do everything in your power to keep someone safe is one thing, kid. Going into a fight assuming someone will cover you and have your back is another. If I ask you if you can protect yourself and you lie, you die," the hunter stated bluntly.

"I went into that fight assuming you knew how to swing that saber around, but you only deflected a single blaster bolt back at the bar. Before we go any further, I need to know. Didja get cold feet, or is the saber just a flashy trinket you found?"

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt
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Looking like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar, Talin bit her lip and blocked on the toes of her boots. The obvious answer was the latter - but it was difficult to push past pride and admit that point. Whatever had overtaken her and moved to parry the first bolt had been a sham. A flash of her mother, carrying the same hilt, within a hundred place - duracrete jungles, thick greenery, halls from eons gone by. The same gilt, the same movement. It had been the saber who knew what to do, not her. Shame forced her eyes into the sand.

“Well..” How did she tell the cowboy the apparently inanimate object helped her and chose when? “Ya see, I’m not really… I’m not a padawan or anything. But I know the basics! And I’m a good shot! My daddy sure made sure I knew how to use a blaster.”

Firmly chastised, she had begun to lose nerve.

Off world? How far d’ya think? I got friends waitin… I just don’t wanna be gone too long.”

Talin imagined the panic Kyric and Tansu would feel tomorrow morning if they awoke to find her bed still empty. It was quickly overshadowed by the envy her twin would harbor once she told her that she rode alongside a cowboy through the stars to chase some naydoweller.

“Oh, never mind. Just please still take me with you! Pleasepleaselplesse I’ll use my blaster this time!”

The blonde sunk into a crouch, hands clasping to offer the eyes that always convinced pa.
Taurin mulled over everything Talin said. She's a novice with a saber, supposedly a better shot, and apparently desperate enough to get a move on that she's willing to admit she is- not going to be much of a threat once she's on Taurin's ship. The bounty hunter mentally ran through a few scenarios, such as how he'd handle the girl once she realized she was heading home, if he had to disarm her or if she could be reasoned with, and so on. Talin seemed honest enough, and although he was instructed to 'scare her straight' maybe he could just take five minutes to get to know her and convince her that going home was for the best. That may sound like a far too nice and easy idea, but Taurin knew that he'd feel awful if he had to drag her back kicking and screaming.

"We're still goin', don't worry." Taurin waved with his free hand. then gestured for the girl to stand up. "I'm not going to ditch you in the middle of the desert or something, calm down." The cowboy drawled before taking one more long drag on the cigarette. "I know what I'm doing so this won't take long." Offering a smile as he flicked the half-smoked cig into the sand, Taurin faced forward as he blew out smoke. "Hop on, and let's hope the guy guarding my ship did his job well. Neither of us have time to go on a scavenger hunt."

Once Talin was on the bike, Taurin set a course for his ship. The starport wasn't too far off, especially on a swoop. The longer they rode, the more Taurin entertained the idea of just taking the bike onto the ship and callin' it his. Wasn't in too bad of a shape and it was much nicer than walking. The hunter tried to pass the time by casually probing Talin for information, such as why she's willing to put herself in such a dangerous situation to escape her home life. Was home really that boring or that bad?

Soon enough, the starport came into view. It could largely be boiled down to a large, open dome with thin sheets of metal for walls. It sat on the edge of a small settlement that didn't have much of note other than a place to eat and drink, a mechanics shop, and someone offering to be a guide through the desert. A couple of swoop bikes were parked outside of the entrance to the port near a single rodian standing guard. Two people exited with their astromech in pursuit, another entered with a repair droid. When the coast was clear, Taurin slowly rode the bike past the rodian, offering a nod in greeting.

Inside, ships lined the walls of the dome in one big ring. In the center of it all, some haggled with the owners of the repair droids or paid to dock. A few people from varying crews lazily walked about seemingly annoyed or tired from being left with the mundane job of staying with the ship. Taurin drove toward the center of the dome before turning left and stopped in front of the second ship.

"Alright, this is us." Taurin gestured to the D5-Mantis, a patrol craft that the hunter gave better care than he gave himself.

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt
The thing was a relic - something that only made it more impressive to Talin. Once state of the art, time had dulled its sheen, cannon fire leaving marks on the hull. Battle worn. A hand ran over the side, frigid due to the dropping tempature. A slow whistle rolled off the teen’s lips.

“She’s a beaut. Bounty huntin’ must pay better than I thought.”

A piece of Talin’s soul lived amongst the stars. It was unreachable with her own laying abandoned back in the barn on Concord Dawn. To pilot was to take control of her own destiny. Live on the edge. A constant rush. Touting around in Dax’s freighter wasn’t the same. At his call, and likely to be thrown down the trash shoot with how fed up the boy was. Seeing Taurin’s steed only bred a new brand of determination. She’d learn more than how to fight; she’d learn to hunt, and buy a ship pretty enough to rival this one in a starlet contest.

The promise of credits had practically sent her running up the ramp, straight into the cockpit. No permission was requested before she cozied herself into the copilots seat. With a wild grin, her hands fluttered over switches and buttons - a well known routine.

“Ya know, I could pilot, if ya wanted. You could snooze a little on the way, get yer beauty rest! I’ll treat her real nice. Oh, er - coordinates, where is we’re goin’ again?”
The hunter watched as Talin flew aboard his ship without a worry. He sighed and shook his head.

Taurin was much slower getting into the cockpit than the teen. First, he had to get his new swoop aboard, of course. Would he actually use it, or just end up selling it? That remained to be seen. Either way, couldn't hurt to have it. After setting it aside in the ship's cargo hold, Taurin made his way up to the second level, over the bridge, and finally into the pilot's seat.

No permission was requested before she cozied herself into the copilots seat. With a wild grin, her hands fluttered over switches and buttons - a well known routine. “Ya know, I could pilot, if ya wanted. You could snooze a little on the way, get yer beauty rest! I’ll treat her real nice. Oh, er - coordinates, where is we’re goin’ again?”

He didn't mind the girl's enthusiasm. Her presence was much nicer than the usual folks he brought aboard. Taurin wasn't looking forward to the look she'd have on her face when she found out that he was hunting her all along.

"Sure, you can take the reigns." The man leaned back in his seat, feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. One hand rested against his abdomen, the other casually moved to rest on his holster. Taurin's gaze was calm and steady as he stared at the teen. "You might know a faster route to Concord Dawn than I do."

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt

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