Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Running the Gauntlet


Morality Policeman :)
Things have been going a little tense for me IRL over this past month, and big life decisions suddenly came up and some of them still have not quite been settled.

In short, I'm being thrust into a moving situation while shopping for a car, staying in university, and dealing with a laptop that is structurally unsound, much to my utter frustration.

With this sort of junk going on, I'm afraid my posting will be unpredictable and some characters may be neglected. I may even have a week of radio silence, so I hope no one gets annoyed if I am in threads with them.

In case you don't know your RP mates' character rosters, here are the accounts that will likely be affected:
  • Corvetta Salvo
  • Sannika Brynn
  • Tacitanya
  • Skrik Piper
  • Jehanne
  • Tålamod Shapochka
  • Malin Spritejägare
  • Brevitæ
  • Bottlecap
  • Alice
  • Tsukikaneko Nozomi
I will try my best to write regularly with Geneviève Lasedri, but I cannot 100% guarantee solid activity. I hope you Rebels can keep the fire burning if it isn't so. ;)

Thanks for all of your patience. I'll be back.

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