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Approved Starship Rusalka-Class Light Frigate

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Commodore Helix

Disintegrations done dirt cheap.

  • Manufacturer: Helix Solutions
  • Affiliation: Helix Solutions
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Rusalka-Class Light Frigate
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel, Quadanium, starship components, weapon battery components
  • All Standard Features
  • Shield Leech Array
  • Fast: Unusually quick for a Helix warship, the Rusalka is designed to attack larger vessels in small groups, pursue pirates or persons of interest, or similar tasks.
  • Inexpensive: Small and cheap to construct, these make up the bulk of the Helix navy.
  • Shield Leech Array: Possessing a Shield Leech setup similar to that on the Nosferatu, a group of these can severely inconvenience vessels around them.
  • Mediocre Defense: Unless it can bolster itself with its shield leech capabilities, the Rusalka's defenses are nothing special, able to hold off fighter-grade weaponry or light turbolaser fire.
  • Mediocre Attack: Possessing only a modest armament for its size, the Rusalka is best used in groups, and will most often be seen this way.

A light Helix warship, this vessel was one of the first designed and fielded by the company for low-value operations in the field, when resistance is not expected to be outstandingly heavy.

Possessing an adequate, well-rounded offense and defense, these vessels' only real nasty trick is a weaker variant of the Nosferatu's shield leech, able to weaken the shielding of an enemy vessel and strengthen their own. When so bolstered, a small group of these vessels can prove a surprisingly dogged enemy to larger ships, but this is not their primary purpose.

The Rusalka is mostly used to transport personnel, escort larger vessels, enforce contract payments, or do battle in lower-risk areas. It performs all of these tasks ably, being fairly speedy and quick to turn for its size, and well-armed enough to see off most pirates or lightly-equipped hostile fleets. It maintains a modest fighter complement of a couple squadrons, enough to defend itself from bombers.

Overall, the Rusalka is a small but capable (and inexpensive) utility vessel, serving an important purpose in Helix's operations despite its lack of real combat punch individually. As such, this is by far Helix's most numerous warship, often found travelling alone, in small groups of two to four, or escorting clients or larger warships.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Commodore Helix Commodore Helix

The problem was, you linked in the image source a completely different wookie page than into the Primary Source, where the ship that is the main picture is actually listed. So it's perfectly fine if you copy that link there as well.
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