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Approved NPC Ruslan

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"Ruslan" - Mitthr'usla'Antho

  • Intent: To create a CEO of an upcoming company created by myself
  • Image Credit:
    First Image


[*]Links: N/A
  • Age: 45
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Chiss
  • Appearance:
    Ruslan looks to be an aged man, weathered by years of ambition, war, and stress. His face wears the thin lines of age, looking younger than he actually is despite all of the stress he faces as CEO. The skin of Ruslan is a light blue, typical of members of the Chiss species along with his dark blue hair as well. Ruslan's body is built lean with broad shoulders and muscular arms to help compliment his lean muscular frame.

  • Name: Ruslan
  • Loyalties:
  • Business Partner of First Order

  • Ruslan is quite wealthy due to his status as a CEO of a weapon, vehicle, and droid manufacturing company. Along with this, Ruslan has quite a few stock investments in the global Galactic Market encase his company falls through. Ruslan holds most of his credits within the Galactic Bank, as to keep his credits safe from any harm or danger that could befall them from pirates or thieves looking to make easy money by robbing the rich for their own selfish desires.

[*]Notable Possessions: N/A
[*]Skills: N/A
  • Ruslan is a cold and calculating person, oftentimes keeping his thoughts to himself rather than sharing them with others. He doesn't find the need for sharing his thoughts or ideas unless the situation presents him an open opportunity to do so. In line with this, Ruslan has a bleak outlook on the galaxy. He views it as, "I view a suit of armor around the Galaxy, one from where I pull the strings." Ruslan seeks the protection of others through weapons and machines of war, he see's no other way for peace than to carve through your enemies upmost with War and Ruin on all of his enemies.

  • Weapon of Choice:
    Military Blaster pistol

[*]Combat Function:
  • Skilled with Blaster Pistol
  • Manipulative
  • The Chess-master
  • Non-Force User
  • Not Highly Skilled in Combat
  • More of a Talker than a Combatant

Ruslan was born to a moderately wealthy family. Ruslan spent his first few years of life on Coruscant, living with his adopted parents. Life was simple, life was easy...Ruslan didn't have a care in the world growing up. He went day in, and day out going to school, hanging around with friends, socializing with his family. Life looked as though it was great for Ruslan, he was doing great in school...being offered quite a few scholarships along with having the opportunity to go to whatever university of his choosing, whether on-world or off-world/ Though...of course all things have to come to an end.

Ruslan's family were supporter's of Sith Rule on they fled to the southern part of the Galaxy during the invasion of Coruscant by the Galactic Alliance. Ruslan has been stripped from his only home, his only friends...he had lost what future he had hoped to have, instead of being replaced by hiding in self-proclaimed exile from the Galactic Alliance. For years, Ruslan worked constantly to try and scavenge a living for him and his parents, until finally, the First Order came into existence. He made a deal with the Order, and thus his corporation was formed.

FN-2826 said:
Not Highly Skilled in Combat
More of a Talker than a Combatant

FN-2826 said:
Martial Artist
Skilled with Blaster Pistol

I'm sorry, but this seems a little contradictory. I'd advise removing one set of these traits and keeping the other, or at least clarifying how these two sets of disparate traits can exist simultaneously.


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[member="Feeto Chivaro"]
I removed the martial artist trait. As for him not being skilled in combat, I mean he hasn't been trained like a soldier and he primarily only knows how to operate and use a blaster with a good degree of skill, other than that, he cannot do much while in a combat zone.
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