Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ruth Les'mer | RUTHLESS



AGE: 32
HEIGHT:200 cm
WEIGHT:85 kg
FORCE SENSITIVITY:False Good riddance...


Ruth is a tall and stocky man with thinning black hair. He's clean shaven, and his body is toned and fit for his age. A large scar begins under his collarbone and extends down to his groin, and his arms are covered in aged cuts and healed over gashes.


Ruth is usually seen in all black clothing. An iconic characteristic is his long overcoat.


Several electro-tattoos are inked on Ruth's body. These come in the shape of winding "chain" patterns wrapping around his torso and thighs, and are usually hidden under his clothes. Extracting the data from these tattoos displays photos of Ruth's former family.


Duraplast Mandalorian Armor - Ruth wears a black set of Duraplast Mandalorian Armor, with wristguards and a visor made partly of Cortosis.


EE-3 Carbine Rifle - This particular rifle is equipped with a ZE-1111 Spread Barrel, turning the weapon into a close-ranged nightmare. The scope has been removed.

Crushgaunts - Ruth uses his Crushgaunts to rip his enemies apart in a bloody spectacle.


Vambraces - Ruth's Vambraces are made of Beskar and Cortosis. Their functions are as follows:

Right Vambrace:
Left Vambrace:
Repulsor Boots - Ruth uses his repulsor boots to perform aerial maneuvers in tandem with his vambrace repulsor attachments.


Ruth Les'mer is a vicious psychopath with a very sedated moral compass. Any displays of compassion or kindness are a front for hidden desires. He is incapable of feeling disgust or shame over his own atrocities, and hardly displays any inkling of emotion. He only revels in violence and sadistic actions towards those he has deemed to be his enemy, which is the only thing to put a smile on his face. Despite this, he once felt traces of love and affection for a family now lost to him, and he has buried these positive feelings under a pile of corpses.

  • Psychopathic.
  • Sadistic.
  • Perceptive.
  • Aloof.
  • Flippant.


Ruth hates jedi and sith with equal amounts of pure rage and disgust. His purpose in life is to eliminate all traces of the strange or unpredictable, and to "punish" those that would use their unnatural gifts for personal gain. He is hypocritical in his motivations, as he arguably causes more harm to others than the force users he persecutes.

  • Expert combatant.
  • Tactical genius.
  • Talented in espionage.
  • Well learned in psychology.

  • Mandalorian Origins - Ruth Les'mer was trained and raised by a Mandalorian pirate group who dedicated their lives to the pursuit of wealth and never ending combat. Ruth Les'mer is well versed in using Beskar equipment and weapons, and has inherited the values and tenacity of Mandalorian culture.
  • Intelligence & Wisdom - Ruth is calculating and perceptive. As he is known to target powerful opponents, he relies on his quick wit and tactical ingenuity to overwhelm his enemies, so he can get them in one vulnerable spot... And beat them into the dirt.

  • Impulsivity & Arrogance - While Ruth is capable of concocting genius plans with violent twists, he is also subject to his own rash nature and inflated ego. His view is usually tunneled, and he often overlooks problems in his peripherals.
  • Avoidant & Unwelcoming - Ruth usually manipulates those close to him for his own benefit - he is also incapable of establishing true relationships with his peers or accomplices. Even if he does harbor some semblance of care for someone, he will try to push them away as far as he can, to spare them of the pain and torment through associating with him.


Ruth Les'mer's childhood was filled with neglect and uncertainty. He lived as an orphan in the Coruscant undercity, and made a living by doing odd jobs for shady characters. He was small, unassuming and ruthless for his age. He could gather important intelligence, deliver illicit substances, and commit violent crimes without immediate suspicion from anybody. This path of amateur criminality led to a group of Mandalorian pirates being charmed by his youthful vigour and difficult temperament. They took him in and exposed him to their warrior culture, and trained him in the ways of combat.

Ruth took all this training onboard, despite the cruelty and the dangerous lessons. He was left on hostile worlds, following the faint signal of an extraction vehicle while he tore through vicious fauna and hostile opponents.

This life of violence eventually began to simmer, as Ruth had found a loving companion in his twenties, and settled down. He had a child, who he cared for dearly, and he vowed to never perpetuate the cycle of violence that was instilled into him early.

It was all ripped away from him, on one fateful day. A great battle on the surface of Coruscant between the forces of light and dark decimated his new home, and his new family. They were simply disregarded in the heat of combat, and their bodies were buried under the rubble of war.

With nothing left to lose, Ruth threw away his old vow to his forgotten child and took up his arms once more. It didn't matter if it was an honourable Jedi, or a power hungry Sith… They would all die.
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  • Ruth Les'mer's words and actions are written in a first-person perspective. E.g:
"-- So the truth of the matter was... I was furious. Too furious. You know that feeling when your brain begins to numb, and your vision gets a little blurry? Yeah... Livid. It didn't take long for me to whip a fist in the sorry bloke's direction."
  • Ruth swears a lot, but it's all censored for the simple fact that too many naughty words in one paragraph is unsightly. You can fill in the blanks in your own head, if you wish.
"You've got.. TO BE - ### ### AND ### YOU, AND #### WITH A WOMP RAT, RIGHT UP YA ###." Unsightly. I think it's funnier to redact it anyway.

  • He's got an Australian accent.

OOC Details W.I.P

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