Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ruug'la Jag | Old Man of Wayland


THEME: Way to Fall Metal Gear Solid 3

NAME: Ruug'la Jag [Literally Old Man in Mando]


RANK: Ures Alor Al'verde (Commander of the Ures Alor)


AGE: Sixty-Six

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: Six Feet Two Inches

+ Battle Hardened
+ Weapons Master
- Old War Horse
- Chronic War Wound Pain

No one knows who Ruug'la Jag really is. His real name hasn't been used for some time. But, some know of the Old Man of Wayland. An old warrior who has served the Mandalorian effort for decades. However, after the death of an old friend during the splintering of the Mandalorian's into separate factions between Crusaders and Faithfuls, the Old Man vanished becoming a stateless warrior fighting for whom ever could pay. Now, returning to Mandalore with the bones of his old friend, he plans to put the past to rest and forge a home for those who have been displaced by the demise of the Mandalorian Clans.

VERDE ONE (Crusader Class Corvette Antique)

GEAR: Cybernetic Left Arm, Pet Raquor'daan
- Eulogy For A Warrior [LINK]: Ruug'la Jag returns to Olankur, Mandalore to rest the bones of the last member of the previous Ures Alor, however, meets Mandalorians who may herald the old man's return.

- A Pleasant War [LINK]: Ruug'la Jag is invited to a black-tie-formal hosted by [member="Gilamar Skirata"].

- Access Denied [LINK]: Ruug'la Jag and the Ures'alor are contracted by [member="Gorba the Hutt"] to assist an assault on Collective controlled Network Access complex.

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