Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ruusan Invasion Signup

The die is…almost cast.

SSC intends to do an invasion of Sith Triumvirate held Ruusan. Please post here with whether you are willing to join in the fight, along with your skills and rank (for FUs).

This will tell us whether we have enough folks to make this a genuine option.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Connor Harrison"] @Everyone

Obviously I will be available. Primarily I will be concentrating on fleeting, but I also have some characters like Nantaris who are Masters who can provide melee action.

Please list only 1 or 2 characters you plan to use and only post here if you actually have the time and activity to carry it out.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Naturally I will be there!

Although Coci can hold her own with sabers, her main strength is Force Skills. TK, Illusions, mind control and attack and some minor skills she uses for both defence and attack.

I would probably bring Théo into this as well if we have the ability to have more then one alt.
[member="Zephyr Carrick"] and all. Remember as per the rules:

'5. A character fulfilling an aid request for another Major Faction may not join any more Invasions until the Invasion thread they are aiding in is completed.'
My GA alt is already participating in the invasion with the OS. Depending on how that one is going and the starting of SSC's, I may or may not be able to help with Cambria - a Knight who is a Jedi Ace & Guardian type.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] I've been waiting for this. :D I'm offering up my mando alt [member="Face"]. I can fleet, but I prefer large scale ground operations and close air support. If you need me to do boarding, then I can do that too. I don't have a problem taking on FU in small scale encounters, but I'm not dueling. I'm hitting them with at least a squad-sized unit.


If I was green, I would die.
I will most likely aid the darkling throng with my Sith character unless it looks like the SSC needs more aid or the sides are more even.

If I do roll Jedi on this:

Healer and ground assault enthusiast.

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Rogue Master signing on with favoured abilities of Telekenesis | Mindform | Resistance | Healing | Force Lightning.

AND now hopefully can debut my new Sith Buster armour.
In order of preference, alts and such that are viable.

1) Kei Amadis - Master, Military training, Command Training, Mostly uses stuns and such now to disable opponents, can have some old wildcards show up for the heck of it.
2) Taiden Keth - Padawan, Light and blinding attacks, swordsman and duelist, can bring a few of his small gunships if you want space action, had some experience of space battles by this point.

Nato has to sit this one out due to ic reasons sadly, kids and such.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
I can bring me :)


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