Heir of Tenebrae
His cloak was wet from the heavy rain, the hundred meters from his dark hulled shuttle, up the ravine towards the mountain side soaked him. The dark crimson of his tabard looking even darker with the water gathered in it. Drops of water dropped from his hood to his helmet, running down the armoured cheek, almost tear-like. His armor shielded him from the elements though, he did not feel any heat or cold, the temperature was regulated perfectly in his closed system.
Since Darth Imperius arrival, he had felt the presence of the world, it's dead were all around, the souls sacrificed on the altars of dogma and hubris screaming in eternal pain. He relished the feeling. The horrors of war and annihilation inflicted on this planet empowered him, empowered him beyond the knowledge of what had happened, it was a foreshadowing of what was to happen again. A prophecy in the past, a vision of the future.
The armored figure of the Dark Lord stood at the entrance to the cave, the sword Anathema, sheathed on his back, the lightsaber at his hip. His powers resonated with the place, the clash of past and presence exhilarating. Little stones cracked under his sabatons as he started to enter the darkness of the cavern.
He walked into the shadow of another war, another conflict that fueled the perpetual fire that was the heart of the Force. It was here where Darth Bane founded the Order of Sith Lords, where he created the Rule of Two on the bones of lesser Sith. It was only fitting that he started his journey here as well.
On Ruusan.