Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ryan Slade

Ryan Slade


NAME: Ryan Slade
Alias: Ghost, Blackout, Merc of Silence.
FACTION: Galactic Empire
SUB-FACTION: Project Pantheon
RANK: Apprentice/Assassin.
SPECIES: Near Human.
AGE: 27.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 7’ 0”
WEIGHT: 240lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White.
PLAYBY: Sean Faris/Ryu Hayabusa

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
+ Weapons training: Having the best weapons training from the Czar Program, he can pick up any weapon and use it, but prefers Sniper rifles, Pistols, and melee weapons.
+ Secrecy/Lying: He has a layer of secrets around him, letting him freely say anything about himself and he can deny it later with ease.
+ Limber/Acrobatic: Having a very thin body for his height, he is very agile and is hard to catch.
+/- Force Powers: He is force sensitive, but does not use his powers making possible situations become harder for him. However, he is known to use stealth as a force power.
+/- Silence: He rarely speaks, making a point in a conversation, or making him look rather rude.
+/- Trust: because he lies a lot, He rarely gets trust, and so people may be on their toes around him, and when he is telling the truth, some people may not believe him.
-Strength: For a man his size and stature, he is rather wimpy in strength, preferring to use tactical attacks rather than brute force.
- Moral code: He had no real morals, but makes his decisions according to how it may affect him in the future. Be it killing a person, or letting him live, making him unpredictable.
- Order: Slade can follow orders, but he will always question them. Thinking that there is always a better way to get around.

Normally dressed in civilian clothes, He can be seen carrying a blaster pistol, his black hair is very short, and cropped to be almost a buzz cut. Very athletic looking, Being very tall considered to other Humans.


Dressing in a simple Flex-armor body weave suit, he keeps most of his identity hidden. Seen as very tall he can be picked out from a crowd, which is if he is ever in one. Keeping very secretive of himself and preferring to not be with others, if you catch him alone he won’t say a word to you. He can be seen carrying a Vibrosword, and a blaster pistol. It is rumored that he carries a Lightsaber with him as well.

Ryan was born as a small child in a family on Nar Shaddaa. Living in the poverty level of society. Ryan learned how to protect himself. Not doing oh so well in it, he decided to train even more. Learning from many Gladiators of rings and street fighters, he enlisted in the various fighting arenas where he earned money. At the age of 17 he was fighting his last round when his boss decided to spin up the game. He captured Ryan's mother and the other contestants younger sister. Who ever won would lose their family member but live another day.

Ryan had won against the man, and as was said, his mother was killed. His father then vanished into thin air and he was left alone in the Galaxy. Ryan went around trying to find work until he had become a Bartender. He was a Bartender for 3 years when an old woman came up to him and enlisted him in the Galactic Empire, he sped up through the ranks of training and was sent to the Czar program.

After his transformation he has become silent. After finding he was a force user as well, he had his own purple lightsaber, and with the various programs of the Galactic Empire he has gained armor, and other weapons for his job as a Czar, an assassin, a Soldier and an Inquisitor.

Melee weapons;
Assortment of Daggers
Black Smoke Vibrosword
White Lightning Vibrosword
Purple Dual-phase lightsaber
Ranged weapons;
DP-01 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Zealot Compact Sniper Rifle
Flex-armor body suit (will wear most of the time)
Zodiac Smart Heavy Dura Armor (wears during major battles)
Zodiac Smart Dura Armor Helmet Assortment (Top Second from left for picture)

Naginata Class Starfighter
Silk-5 Speeder Bike




Akodya Mune

@[member="Ryan Slade"] I am keen on a thread! :D I am responding to one now, so would you like to start it? If you want I can do it later if you despise starters. LOL.

Ryan Slade

@[member="Akodya Mune"] Yep, I hope you do. Warning it is rather long.

The intro thread that is.......

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