Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ryan Wooters

Ryan Wooters

Ryan "Wooty" Wooters
Name: Ryan Wooters​
AKA: "Wooty"​
Faction: Neutral​
Rank: N/A​
Species: Human, Corellian​
Age: 29​
Sex: Male​
Height: 1.80 m​
Weight: 76 kg​
Body type: Fit​
Eyes: Hazel​
Hair: Light brown​
Skin: Caucasian​
Force Sensitive: Nope, but still badass​
Strengths & Weaknesses

(+) Charismatic: The true businessman knows how to speak with people to get them on his side. Why? Because sometimes your tongue can be sharper, than any sword in universe.

(+) Creative: If you are a great artist, architect or even a great thief, you need one thing more than any other. Creativity can get you from many bad situations and can reveal many secret paths.

(+/-) Smoker: Easy way to look and be cooler in exchange for few years of your life.

(-) Cheapskate: "That's too much. I'll give you half."

(-) Stubborn: "Well, I'm willing to buy your half quality goods, for half money you want. And i don't see any queue of costumers, waiting infront of your shop, willing to buy your garbage. So, do we have a deal?"


Ryan is one of those types of man. Perfectly shaved, formal suited legal businessman on one hand. Perfectly shaved, formal suited crafty thief on other. His intentions are usually revealed when it's too late. He doesn't have any notable distinguishing marks, just a few little scars here and there.


Ryan has born 29 years ago as an only child in a poor family on Correlia. Father ex-soldier hendicapped from war, mother ex-maiden leaving her job so she could take care of her husband and son. Living only from few hundred credits per month, Ryan quickly learned to find ways to get easy credits for himself and his family.
At age of 16, he managed to form and lead a small group of street pickpockets, scammers and smugglers. Although they all made some good money in it, group broke up after few months.
From money he made, he was able to get some education.
Next 7 years turned to be golden age for him. His thief career was icredible moneymaker and he would be a youngerst and richest man on whole Correlia, if another thief would't took most of his wealth from him.
So he decided to end his career, buy a small shop and live a peaceful life. With no suprise, he managed to fullfil only one of his decisions. To buy a small shop... and company.

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