Ryiah Tenriem
Blood and Wine
"Sometimes, when I am alone within the Silence, the whispers, the doubts and the fears, all of it, they quieten and, in that moment, I am free to be me and only me. And I will latch onto that with all my strength, but then, She awakens, She who is my Curse and my Demon, and the Silence shatters and I am reminded of the truth. That I am broken, shattered beyond redemption."
-Exert From the Early Diaries of Ryiah Tenriem
NAME: Ryiah Tenriem (Pronounced: Rie-ee-ah Ten-ree-em)
- N/A
- N/A
AGE: 20
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 178cm / 5' 10"
WEIGHT: 82.4kg / 182.66lbs / 12.98st
VOICE: Kym Hoy as Kasumi Goto from Mass Effect 3
Sexuality: Homosexual
- N/A
+ Empathetic. Over the years, Ryiah has developed the skill of reading body language and often uses that to understand the feelings of whoever she is talking to. Only the most skilled practitioners of controlling body language can trick her.
+ Devourer of Knowledge. Despite the rather flighty attitude that she might display, or the insane and bloodthirsty demoness she may become during one of her 'states', Ryiah is in fact someone who avidly pursues knowledge and is extremely devoted to her studies.
+ Contortionist. Ryiah is capable of bending and shaping her body into positions that would be next to impossible for most to achieve, avoiding pain and injury where others would not be able to do so.
- Mentally Unstable. While the life that Ryiah has lived is unfortunately common in the galaxy, Ryiah ended out coming out the other end of her experiences drastically changed for the worse. Unable to truly cope or accept what she went through, Ryiah's mental state became shaky and, with a deep and instinctive connection to the Force, this lead to the formation of a Darker Half empowered by the Dark Side, a side to herself that Ryiah labels as her Curse and personal Demon.
- Vain. Despite her unstable mental state, Ryiah holds one guilty flaw: she is highly vain about her appearance. It is not a simple desire to be beautiful, however, that drives this vanity. Rather, Ryiah is vain due to the half remembered words once whispered to her by a fellow Togruta slave: "No matter what they do to you, you will always be beautiful." In her vanity, Ryiah will always cover the scars on her body with cosmetics.
- Poorly Healed Wound. On the top left of her back, on her shoulder blade, is a large scar caused by a vibrodagger that never truly healed properly and is constantly covered up by layers of makeup. While Ryiah has grown accustomed to the constant ache, the wound does sometimes flare up in pain. Also, if the wound is hit directly, then the pain that Ryiah feels can be debilitating.
The patterning of the pigmentation markings down her arms and legs are very much similar, stripes that encircle nearly all of the limb, leaving out only the inside side, that taper out into point and cover the entirety of the limb. On her torso, only three horizontal stripes make up the entirety of the pattern, each of the three stripes reach across the entirety of her back before curving around her sides and coming to a stop before both ends can meet each other on her chest; the topmost of the stripes reach across her breasts. On her face, the pigmentation is displayed a a more complicated manner. On her chin there is a single, vertical stripe whereas there is a perfect circle in the middle of her forehead. A large design curves underneath and to the sides of the circle before splitting after covering almost all of her forehead, leaving only a small vertical section above the ridge of her nose, before reaching down over both eyes and coming to a stop at her cheek bones. Beneath the two curved points on her cheek bones are two, small circles.
Her Lekku, the front two of which reach down to halfway down her abdominal region where as the back to reach down to mid-thigh, and Montrals are white, much like her pigmentation, but are decorated with natural blue, horizontal stripes; apart from the tips of her Montrals where the colouring is solid.
The most unique thing about her appearance, beyond her abnormal colouring, are her eye. Her right eye possesses a rich blue coloured iris and white sclera whereas her left eye possesses a deep, blood red iris and pitch black sclera.
She was held in slavery for ten years, her and the other captives form Shili being shifted one Crime Lord to another, never really settling as the whole group was bought, sold and traded for favours, slaves and credits. It wasn't until she was 12 that she was "freed" from slavery, but was immediately sent to training in dancing and seduction by her "former" Master. This life continued for a further two years and, when she was 14, she was sent out into the world of Nar Shaddaa to be a dancer in a Cantina as well as an agent for her Master. During the days she would dance, seducing rumours and truths out of her targets while at night she would follow her buried, predatory, Togruta instincts and hunt her prey from the shadows, ambushing and seducing them only to drive a knife into their backs and to lighten them of credits.
Ryiah was sold one final time when she was 16, as collateral for a lost bet her Master had made. The gang now owned her saw use in Ryiah as a potential resource, but sought to break her to their will before they would make use of her in their operations. As such, Ryiah was subjected to an array of torture, both physical and mental, and, everyday, her mind would edge ever closer to the abyss that whispered to her promise of release. Eventually, the fight within Ryiah was beaten down and the gang finally started to use her in their operations, however, a small spark of her old self still existed within her mind. Now that the gang thought her entirely broken, Ryiah's training began again, this time focusing on combat skills as she was eventually forced to pull heists for the gang that now controlled her. On her first heist she made a mistake and was found by the guards of her target. While she managed to escape without notice or capture, she was injured when a thrown vibroblade that tore through her left shoulder, narrowly missing her lekku. Learning from her mistakes, she tried again and again, becoming better and better at fighting, sneaking, seducing and tricking with every success and failure her efforts brought. And every time she stole, she stole extra and hid it away as a private fund; the only act of rebellion the small spark that remained could manage to achieve.
Days before her eighteenth birthday, she used the money she had saved and convinced a weak-willed man to buy her from her Masters, promising him that she loved him and that they would be together. However, as soon as she was free, she snapped the small time thug's neck and stole his ship and left the planet she had been restricted to for the majority of her life, ready to explore the galaxy. The trigger that caused this was simple, she had been captured and was about to be killed when she called on the Force for the first time in her life, causing the hand holding the knife about to end her existence to explode, providing her enough of a distraction to escape. While the fact that she was about to be killed was by no means special, indeed she had been in that position numerous times and suffered through fates she considered worse than death, it was the fact that she used the Force that drove Ryiah to act, for, in that moment, within her broken psyche, Ryiah saw the Force as a way to obtain a new life.
Lost as to what to do with her new-found freedom, despite all the desires rolling around within her, Ryiah ended up returning to the planet of her birth, where she lived alone within the wilds, honing her skills as a hunter and trying to piece back together the fragile shards of her mind in complete isolation.