Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ryiah Tenriem


NAME: Ryiah Tenriem
RANK(S): Acolyte
FACTION: Shapers of Kro Var
SPECIES: Togruta
AGE: 20
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.78m / 5.84ft
WEIGHT: 82.4kg / 182.66lb
VOICE: Kasumi =
EYES: Her left pupil is red while the sclera is black. Her right pupil is blue.
SKIN: Purple
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Facial pigmentation patterns.

SEXUALITY: Homosexual.
- Students: N/A
- Teachers/Leaders: N/A
- Loved Ones: N/A


+ Highly Trained Body. Ryiah has trained her body over the years until she achieved what she considered to be perfection. Her build is lithe with compact muscles, leaning towards speed over strength. She has also trained herself in flexibility and is now extremely flexible.
+ Empathetic. Over the years, Ryiah has developed the skill of reading body language and often uses that to understand the feelings of whoever she is talking to. Only the most skilled practitioners of controlling body language can trick her.
+ Creative and Sharp. Ryiah's mind has been honed, giving her a high amount of intelligence. She is also very creative and this skill has been applied to all aspects of Ryiah's life. Whether she is planning something or researching something, she is creative in what she does, looking at things from sometimes odd angles.
+ Risk Taker: Ryiah enjoys challenging herself and others, showing no fear when trying something new. Driven and determined to improve herself in skills an abilities.

-Past As A Slave. Due to her past as a slave, Ryiah highly values her freedom, to the point that she views every new being that she meets as a threat to that freedom. In such situations she will seek to dominant or disorientate this new person, to put them under her control before they can do so to her, through a variety of ways; physical strength through combat being the most common and seduction the second most common.
-Mask Upon Mask. The emotional wounds of the mental and physical torture she endure while those that owned her tried to break her, caused Ryiah to hide from the world through the usage of mask, either emotional masks that hide her true personality from harm or physical masks when she is feeling her lowest.
-Unhealed Wound. Across Ryiah's back is a large scar. More often than not, this scar is hidden behind layers of make up matching the purple skin of the Togruta. However, this scar never properly healed and, if hit, can cause large amounts of pain.

Ryiah is a deep orchid coloured Togruta female with four lekku and prominent montrals. Her colouration makes her distinguished from other Togruta as the orchid and light stripes are rare to the Togrutas. She has a rough scar on her left shoulder, just under her back left lekku which she covers with matching pigment to conceal it. She is well toned and muscular from years of exercise and working out and enjoys wearing clothing that can show off her physique, often consisting of halter tops and simple double split skirts. She wears ornamental jewellery that is significant to her culture and her heritage. She has light purple and grey markings on her face, chest, back, arms and thighs.


At the young age of 2, Ryiah was captured during a slave raid on Shili, where she had lived with her parents. Unfortunately for the Tenriem, only Ryiah was taken, leaving the parents to greave for the loose of their child after trying, and failing to search for her. The only way Ryiah even new of her name was the charm necklace she wore around her neck, a simple length of leather with a poorly cut, circular tag made out of Lapis Lazu and had her name engraved on the back. That piece of crystal, the only thing that she had linked her to her past would stay with her, shifting across her clothing until it came to rest on the joint where her bra crosses over her collar bone.

She was held in slavery for ten years, her and the other captives form Shili being shifted one Crime Lord to another, never really settling as the whole group was bought, sold and traded for favours, slaves and credits. It wasn't until she was 12 that she was "freed" from slavery, but was immediately sent to training in dancing and seduction by her "former" Master.

This life continued for a further two years and, when she was 14, she was sent out into the world of Nar Shaddaa to be a dancer in a Cantina as well as an agent for her Master. During the days she would dance, seducing rumours and truths out of her targets while at night she would follow her buried, predatorily, Togruta instincts and hunt her prey from the shadows, ambushing and seducing them only to drive a knife into their backs and to lighten them of credits.

Ryiah was sold one final time when she was 16, as collateral for a lost bet her Master had made. At first she was depressed, this was the first time she had ever been isolated as, even when she was a slave previous, she had been kept among others, now she was kept alone and her Togruta instincts rebelled against this, seeking the comfort of a group. She suffered for a couple of months before a part of her broke, her need for contact finally becoming too much for her mind and an almost split personality grew. She developed two sides to her personality, a true side that still yearned for closeness in a group, while a false side was worn like a mask, protecting her form the harshness of her life and was projected for everyone to see to stop them from getting close.

After she was broken, her training began again, this time focussing on combat skills as she was eventually forced to pull heists for the gang that now controlled her. On her first heist she made a mistake and was found by the guards of her target. While she managed to escape without notice or capture, she was injured when a thrown vibroblade tore through her right shoulder, narrowly missing her lekku. Learning from her mistakes, she tried again and again, becoming better and better at fighting, sneaking, seducing and tricking with every success and failure her efforts brought. And every time she stole, she stole extra and hid it away as a private fund.

Days before her eighteenth birthday, she used the money she had saved and convinced a weak-willed man to buy her from her Masters, promising him that she loved him and that they would be together. However, as soon as she was free, she rendered the man unconscious, stole his ship and left the planet she had been restricted to for the majority of her life, ready to explore the galaxy. The trigger that caused this was simple, she had been captured and was about to be killed when she called on the Force for the first time in her life, causing the hand holding the knife about to end her existence to explode, providing her enough of a distraction to escape. This experience caused her to gain a sense of self-worth and a desire to be free, hence, why she stole her freedom from those that stole it from her.

Lost as to what to do with her new-found freedom, Ryiah ended up returning to the planet of her birth, where she lived alone within the wilds, honing her skills as a hunter and communing with nature. Her isolation negatively effected Ryiah, who, like the majority of her species, craved a social environment to thrive in. The result of her living such an abnormal life (according the her species's culture) was that Ryiah's mind began to fracture and, with that, so did the majority of her control over both her emotions and the Force.
Possessions and Abilities

  • Brown leather, Headdress.
  • Brown, cloth, Bra that is made out of two straps of cloth that reach over the shoulder before coming around to cover the breasts. The two straps are fastened at the collar with a circular name tag made out of Lapis Lazu. Where the straps wrap around the neck, they are decorated with Akul teeth, the proof of her successful hunts.
  • Brown, cloth Loincloth.
  • A belt made out of beads of Lapis Lazu and hanging bronze tags.
  • Brown, leather, hand wraps.
  • Brown, leather wraps around the arms.
  • Black robes.
  • Silver plated Durasteel mask.

  • Vibrodagger
  • Blaster Pistol
  • 4x Lightsabers (Red)
  • Glaive


  • N/A

{Beginner ||| Intermediate ||| Average ||| Skilled ||| Adept ||| Masterful ||| Apex}​

With Weapons:
  • Dagger: Skilled
  • Lightsaber: Skilled (No Style)
  • Blaster Pistol: Skilled
  • Glaive: Skilled

With No Weapons:
  • Instinctual Fighting: Skilled

With The Force (No Skill Ranking):
  • Force Sense
  • Flamusfracta/Combustion
  • Mind Trick
  • Telekinesis

  • Languages: Togruti, Ryl, Huttese, Basic
  • Seduction: Masterful
  • Stealth: Skilled
  • Slicing: Skilled
  • Piloting: Intermediate
Thread Tracker







  • Pain Is A Weapon (Training)
  • Teras My Kasi (Training)
  • A Togruta and an Echani walk into a bar... (Other)


Training Threads
Total: 1 | Completed: 0

Teaching Threads
Total: 0 | Completing: 0

Duel Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0

Faction Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0

Development Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0

Other Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0

Dominion, Invasion and Skirmishs Threads
Total: 1 |Completed: 0
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"], [member="Leila Karr"], [member="Lady Medax"], [member="Enoch Zambrano"]

I would like to thank you all for the comments. I hope that we can rp at some time in the future.

Also, if any of you are willing, could you PM me and help me make Ryiah's background? I have a few key points that will happen to her already planned, but I'm really struggling to write a past for her and any help would be greatly appreciated.
[member="Ryiah Tenriem"]

*looks at Togruta with slight disdain* So...My Master has graced you with her teachings? How...charitable.

[member="Sawa Ike"] :p

IC: "My dear, if you have something to say, please, do say it. But, I ask you not to anger me, I am not rational nor kind when angry. Besides, there are more ... fun~ things that we could be doing instead."

OOC: Hi! :)

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