Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rylan Kordel

Rylan Kordel


Name: Rylan Kordel

Faction: The Confederacy of Independent Systems

Rank: Dark Jedi Master, Lord Vizier

Species: Morellian

Age: Is around 895 years old, appears to be roughly 40 in appearance.


Height: 6'3

Weight: 220 lbs.

Eyes: Switch between Amber and Blue depending on his current mood

Hair: Auburnish Dirty Blonde

Skin: Lightly
Tanned Caucasian

Force Sensitive: Yes


Strengths and Weakness:

  • Intelligent, a trained and prepared tactician
  • Physically fit, quick, and powerful form.
  • Durable, can push through most minor and moderate injuries to a point.
  • Strong Force connection, though untrained and not disciplined in its use.
  • Quick-witted, can come up with no plans on the fly due to unseen circumstances.
  • He suffers from severe PTSD.
  • He can be very distrustful of most people.
  • He has a tendency to get lost in his own mind at the worst possible times.
  • He doesn't care for small talk and, makes it very clear with his irritation when it happens.

Force Powers:
  • Standard Array: Jump, Push, Pull, Lift, Speed and Sense
  • Force Absorb
  • Force Drain
  • Force Lightning
  • Force Choke
  • Torture By Chagrin
  • Mind Trick

Tall, dark piercing eyes, slightly crazed looking. All these words describe Rylan well, but so much more, if one were to look closer, they'd see the scars from multiple battles that cover his body and the many tattoos that tell the story of his long life.

Born on Morellia to a pair of Dar'manda mercenaries some 50 years before the fall of the Old Republic and rise of the Galactic Empire, Rylan was taken away by the Jedi Order due to being Force-sensitive. Raised in the Jedi temple from the tender age of five, the Morellian would be raised to see some of the most trying times the Jedi and the Republic would face, and in fact, he would see the end of the Republic as it descended into the Clone Wars where he would lead Clone Troopers as a General, he narrowly escaped order 66 when his troops turned on him, only to fall into the clutches of the imperial inquisitor program a couple of years after the Empire arose from the ashes of the Republic, it was in this program he would eventually hunt down and kill many other survivors, and slowly became more and more bloodthirsty.

Following the deaths of the Emporer and Vader, Rylan was one of many imperial assets who fled into the unknown regions as apart of the Imperial Remnant, though in time he would become disillusioned watching all the petty Moff's and their squabbling to be the new Emporer. Eventually, he would witness the rise of the First Order and their bloody campaign for galactic dominance, but having grown distasteful of the many conflicts he had already seen, he went into hiding, waiting to see who would be the new victors of the next conflict. Unfortunately for him, that lead to being ambushed by bounty hunters who had taken him unaware and froze the former Jedi in carbonite for an unknown contractor.

Somewhere a century or so down the line, a Sith Lord ended up with the carbonite bound Rylan, who released the man under the premise he would lead a mercenary faction for the man in the new war he planned to unleash on the galaxy, and where the former knight was hesitant at first, he also realized in this time, there was nothing left of the life he had known, and he was already an assumed causality and ghost from the wars centuries before. Taking up the cause of this Sith Lord, he drove a bloody path across the stars with his new army, taking system after system in campaigns similar to those seen in the Mandalorian Wars of old, until one bloody and fateful day the Jedi and Republic of this era finally set a trap that would see the army routed and demolished, the Sith's ship destroyed, and his own having taken massive damage, and he was certain his time had come...

However, he survived only for his ship to get sucked into a black hole that ejected him some centuries forward. His saviors then had been a resurgence of the Galactic Empire, and he went on to serve as a Sith Knight and as an Imperial tie commander, leading many victories in skirmishes against the many factions that stood against his Emporer. It didn't take long for fractures in this empire to show, and an all-out war broke between all the factions, in the middle of the chaos, Rylan found himself serving new masters, who tried to use him to and many others as pawns in a new game of Galactic dominance.

When he refused the orders of said dark masters, they sent clones of himself as assassin's to kill the now rogue Sith Lord, to which he dispatched every single one in a blaze of defiance. Eventually faking his death, and assuming the mantle of one of the clones, he went on to learn of what plans his former masters held for the galaxy, which unfortunately once again lead to his being entombed in carbonite once again for another hundred years or so.

He was discovered by a batch of Battle droids serving the new Confederacy of Independent Systems, who would awaken him and let him go free, but having no place, and no knowledge of the galaxies workings by this point, he decided to join the CIS, taking up a position as one of the Knights Obsidian, leading the way in many battles as a scout and warrior on different worlds they sought to save from enemy factions. Following the fall of Coruscant, Rylan doubled down even more in his position within the CIS, seeking better ways to help the people, he went on a deep scout into territories far away, only to return to take up a new mantle in the order, and hopefully, to aid the very people he's grown to rely on in the last few years since his awakening.

The Revenant, A modified Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft

None, yet.

None, yet.


Ah ha ha ha stayin' Alive
Trouble on Ryloth
Valborge Notte
Nightmares Never Forgotten
Thou Shall Not Suffer an Empire to Live
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Council of Obsidian
Meeting by Moonlight
An Evening in Theed
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