Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rylan Turow

Geneva Wessiri

Rylan Turow
The Uglier Side of Iego

Social Information
Name: Rylan Turow
Alias: Ryl
Titles: N/A
Planet of Birth: Iego
Living Situation: Varies
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: Dark Jedi Padawan
Force Alignment: Bogan
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Voice Sample: Theo James

Physical Information
Species: Maelibus
Gender: Male
Age: 19 GSY
Height: 2.5 metres
Weight: 89 kilograms

Affiliated with
+ Hypnotic Singing Voice
+ Talented Fighter
Physically Strong
~ Never Shows Out Emotions
- Bad With Any Vehicle
- Difficulties At Force Usage
- Demonic, Frightening Appearance

Ryl was born on Iego as a member of the Maelibus species who are the lesser known inhabitants of the Iego system. The boy lived underground for years without having able to see the light of the day and even though he grew used to that, he wanted to see the sun one day. His parents were really conservative about their views and greatly disapproved leaving the planet like the newer generations of Maelibi seemed to do. Thus, they never even thought of leaving their home and tried to keep living underground as long as possible.

The boy grew older and soon a greater dislike towards his parent started forming in him. He wanted to leave, explore, but his family was a great obstacle on his way which he had to pass somehow.

So on a calm night during his teenage years, Rylan ran away from his home without leaving a single note. And even though his parents started a search to find the boy, they never found out where he went. What they didn't know is that the boy started traveling the galaxy to find somebody who he could share his experience in.

And somebody he could work on his plans with.

Geneva Wessiri

Decided to revamp this character and turn him into somebody I would enjoy RPing a lot more.

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