Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ryn'Dhal's return to Voss

If anyone who has had any significant interactions with Ryn wishes to participate, feel free to toss me a pm, or make your request here! I'm hoping to not over-load the thread, but want to try to get some really good personal growth with the poor padawan.

I do have a couple characters in mind I'd like to see join it, but I refrain from asking for fear of making them feel guilted into coming, or feeling like they've got to -force- the rp.

So, again, only fire me a message if you 1) really wanna be a part of this, and 2) really believe you'll make a good impact on the thread!

(Please forgive me if any of the above came across pretentious or anything. Exhausted, overnight shift, and heading to sleep. Got a 12 hour shift tonight in less than 8 hours. X.x;;; )

Well I am already there Puss. ;)


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