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Approved NPC Rynn the Varactyl

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  • Intent: To create a cool beast mount and explore the creatures of star wars
  • Image Credit: X
  • Role: War mount & steed
  • Permissions: My sub accounts
  • Links: Varactyl
  • Age: 25
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Deathspine Varactyl
  • Appearance: Kormir is a female adult varactyl
  • Name: Rynn
  • Loyalties: Ninurta Slaabur'r
  • Personality: Electric, ecstatic, affectionate and aggressive best describe Rynn's personality. Rynn is very intelligent and acts closer to a feline in mood than anything else. Often Rynn seeks attention and exploration and typically does not tolerate not getting attention from others well. This other side of Rynn is where her aggression comes from as a predator of Kashyyyk and has been tempered greatly with training from Ninurta but has never been dismissed in full.
  • Combat Function: Rynn in combat is effective but not suited for every battle. Though armored with beskar and augmented with cybernetics, Rynn is reliant on his masters verbal or pheromonal instructions and without such commands the steed will attempt follow Ninurta around or flee the scene to later return and search for Ninurta. The beast is extremely loyal to Ninurta and will guard him from danger or become hostile to those that threaten him. In combat Rynn utilizes her cybernetic strength, speed and reflexes to preform strikes that are amazing to behold or employ tackles on enemies to knock them to the ground.
  • Combat Capability:
    • Beskar claws
    • Beskar tail blade
    • Enhanced speed, strength and reflex
  • Defenses:
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A
  • Role: Armored war mount
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: 1690kg
  • Height: 3.9 meters
  • Length: 15.24 meters
  • Mount Experience/Training: Expert
  • Maneuverability: Very agile, Rynn despite his defenses and augmentations remains flexible and able to turn sharp suddenly, leap distances extending up to Rynn's own length[15.24 meters] and climb/stick to vertical surfaces
  • Speed: Able to keep up with modern air speeders
  • Locomotion: Quadrupedal
  • Passenger Capacity: One
  • Cargo Capacity: Able to carry light equipment and tools

  • Extremely loyal
  • Plated in Beskar, Resistant to blaster, ballistic and lightsaber strikes
  • Augmented with cybernetics - Extremely fast
  • Has exposed hide between armor gaps
  • Relies on the command of her owner
Ninurta's was requested to locate a missing Wookiee youth who had embarked and rumored to be injured on the Ryatt Trail. Known for its treacherous terrain and dangerous wildlife, the trail was not a place for the inexperienced, but the young Wookiee had been driven by a desire to prove his bravery and step into adulthood. Ninurta tracked the Wookiee through the dense, towering forests of Kashyyyk. He fought off a group of Trandoshans slavers that had ambushed the wookie and then killed several Webweavers that attempted to claim them both as prey, but by the time he reached the youth after the battle, it was too late. The young Wookiee had succumbed to his injuries.

Honoring the fallen, Ninurta carefully retrieved the Wookiee's body and made the somber journey back to the village. The Wookiee family, devastated by their loss, was deeply grateful for Ninurta's bravery and the respect he showed in returning their kin. In their grief, they offered him a rare and valuable gift—a Deathspine Varactyl named Rynn.

Rynn was no ordinary Varactyl. Larger and more robust than her kin, she had been bred and raised for war, her lineage tied to the fierce beasts that once roamed the shadowy depths of Kashyyyk's forests. Though young, Rynn was already showing signs of the formidable creature she would become, her scales glinting with an iridescent sheen, and her spine adorned with razor-sharp quills that could puncture armor. Ninurta accepted the gift with deep respect, recognizing the bond that was to be formed between them. Over the years, as he trained Rynn, a deep loyalty and understanding grew between the two. Ninurta saw in Rynn not just a mount, but a companion, and he sought to enhance her natural abilities through both training and technology. Today Rynn is one of the Falleens most loyal companions.
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