Sören Ré Átras
A True Gentleman
-Sören Ré Átras-
Life is like a play. And I am he who writes the script.
Full Name: Sören Ré Átras
Nicknames: Ré
Official Title: Jedi Archivist in Training
Home World: Tatooine
CHAPTER 1: The Basics
Faction: The Republic
Rank: Padawan/Historian
Gender: Male
Age: 24 GSY Old
Species: Human
Height: 6ft 2 in
Weight: 191 lbs
CHAPTER 2: Building it Up
Hair: Buzz cuts are so... efficient. No bangs to keep out of the way, little to no maintenance, and a nice look for a man like Sören. Add a simple, short black beard and you're all set to go! Though a thin mustache helps one like proper. So that is how the man keeps himself. Proper. Like a true gentleman.
Eyes: Grey, like the midday skies of Maanan, Sören's eyes a interesting things. At times they seem to glow, unnerving some. Many say that they seem to bore into one's soul, seeing all that would usually be hidden. Some note a hint of sadness in them, no matter the occasion, even if Sören is smiling.
Skin: Like all in his family, the man has tan, olive toned skin. The suns of Tatooine were not terribly kind to him, but over the years he managed to build up a resistance to sunburns. In another dimension, one might assume his family hailed from Israel. Whatever that means. Currently the lad has quite a few tattoos, most visible being his hand, arm, and his face tattoos.
Body Structure: There isn't anything odd about Sören's body structure, and he appears to be your average athletic human male. However, on closer inspection one can tell his right knee is damaged, and that (due to less use) his right leg is in fact slightly thinner then his left. Overall he's semi-tall, semi-muscular, and has a semi-stocky build.
Personality: Don't expect Sören to hold his tongue. If there is something that needs to be said, he will say it, no matter the consequences. Especially if it may help protect someone he cares about, or hurt someone who stands in the way of the greater good. For the most part he follows the rules, but he will break them if it will heed better results. Basically he wants to protect those who can't protect themselves, return equality to the galaxy, and help rebuild what was lost in the chaos of war.
CHAPTER 3: Filling in the Gaps
Childhood: Born and raised on Tatooine, Sören was quickly forced to get used to the heat. He grew up on a moisture farm, selling water to thirsty travelers for his parents. They slowly did their best to save up credits, wanting to move somewhere... colder. During his free time the boy studied, and enjoyed reading about the Republic's history. By age twelve he knew a surprising amount, along with being able to read at a level much higher then expected. Besides this he had a rather... boring childhood. No one noticed his force sensitivity, so he wasn't trained at all. Just left to gather knowledge and be a regular kid.
Teenage Years: Around his 13th year of existing, his family moved to Coruscant. Sören then started working at a library, organizing things and assisting guests in finding information. It was a very expansive building, and he spent almost all of his free time there. Because of this he really didn't make many friends, instead learning to love the books and datapads he worked with. In time a passing Jedi realized his potential before quietly recommending he go to the Temple.
Adult Life: It wasn't until the man was an adult did he do as suggested, heading to the training grounds of the Jedi. There he started his learning. Not much has happened yet, though he continues to record and document history, gladly observing the universe.
Force Status and Abilities: Force Sensitive, currently has minimum training in the force. Can manage basic Padawan level skills.
Mental State: Unsurprisingly, Sören is quite sane. The lad does have a minor case of OCD, but that's controlled with a pill taken daily. He's also pretty smart, and loves puzzles and riddles. HINT HINT (For those who want to befriend the man).
CHAPTER 4: Smoothing it Out
Don't Underestimate Him- A man walking with a cane who appears as tired as Sören does is usually labeled as a cripple. And often targeted by thieves. Many make that mistake. In all reality he is actually quite fit, seeing as he exercises daily, along with keeping his food intake balanced. Besides his knee he is very healthy, and can put up more of a fight then most expect.
Words Aren't the Worst- Of course, fighting doesn't solve everything. So Sören has done his best to learn the art of persuasion- and manipulation. While everything he does is to try and make things better people, he will resort to outright tricking them. Unfortunately for some, he has become quite good at it.
Bad Knee- Four years ago when Sören was drunk and on his way home, he was mugged. In his everything but sober state, he was unable to defend himself, and got beaten to a pulp by a group of thugs. Ever since he's done his best to remain in tip-top shape. However his right knee was shattered in the incident, and didn't heal properly. Nowadays running is hard, and he has to walk with a cane. The injury could be fixed with surgery, but he can't afford it at the moment.
Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks: AKA: Sören is stubborn as hell. He enjoys the way he lives his life, and hates major changes. Ordering something different at a cafe? Fine. Having to go to a different cafe, or wield a weapon differently? Insert aggressive growling. And lots of stubborn muttering. Potentially even a glare or two. Point is, he doesn't like doing things any other way then the way he learned first. Good luck teaching him how to use a lightsaber.
Peace is Preferred: Defending himself? Yes. Attacking someone? Nope. Sören is mainly a peaceful man, and will not resort to violence unless he is attacked first. Even then he will fight to disarm or subdue, but never kill. If there is an option that will result in less injuries or deaths, he will take it- even if he ends up hurt because of it.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (straight).
Master/Trainer: N/A
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Allies: N/A
Mate/Spouse: N/A
Ship: No personal ship. Uses Republic Transports when needed.
Kills: None.
Bounties Collected: None ATM.
Playby: None reserved. Basically tattooed men with beards. Yay.
RPs: To Be Added.