Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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S.A.P.T.D (Saber and Physical Training Droid)-W.I.P


NAME: S.A.P.T.D (Saber and Physical Training Droid), once known as Jarus Markrin


RANK: (Actually not too sure what to put here, sorry.)

SPECIES: Droid/Cyborg (Though I like to consider him to be more of a Droid)

AGE: 70 years old

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: Though originally quite tall-6"4- upon becoming a droid, he became 7 feet tall.

WEIGHT: The iron body adds to his weight making him 290 lbs

EYES: His cybernetic eyes flash a glow of yellow.


SKIN: It is not really his skin, but mostly green.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but very little upon becoming a droid.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+Due to being a droid, his body is highly durable, and since he is also part human, he cannot be shut off like most droids.

+He is skilled at physical and unarmed combat, due to his powerful robotic body.

-Though strong, his iron body weighs him down, making him slower.

-Most of his emotions have been wiped away, making it hard to distinguish between friend and foe.

-Joints are exposed.



Before becoming a droid, Jarus was a 6"4 tall man with shaggy brown hair and a light, almost pale tone of skin. His eyes were green, and his body had a lean build, being not to skinny yet not to fat. His regular attire consisted of the usual jedi robes acquired at knight-hood.
His current appearance is that of a Droid with humanoid figure, with features including arms, legs and a head. It is painted over with green, red and occasionally yellow stripes, whilst some parts are left un-painted. It is incredibly tall, but also very thin, with several joints left exposed, a clear weakness.

PERSONALITY: Jarus, before and after becoming a cyborg/Droid, was almost always calm, nearly silent, despite the surrounding situation. His face was always filled with kindness, along with an occasional tint of seriousness, but never once would he let any of his other emotions show. Though he forbid himself from growing a passion for combat, he enjoyed training, and honing his skills. He always spoke with a formal, yet kind tone. These were the traits carried on to him after becoming a droid. However, everything else was lost. Even his sense of friend or foe. He finds it hard to draw the line between good and evil...


My memories are scarce. I am searching the banks for whatever I remember of my past, but it is difficult. I must start from the farthest memory I can access. This is the story of my life.

Memory 1

I was told that I was born in Correlia, taken to the jedi temple upon the discovery of my force sensitivity. I was taken under a master I do not remember, put through training i do not remember. I reached the rank of knight, or so I remember, but this was short-lived. During a mission, whilst capturing a gang of bandits on Tatooine, a fatal accident occurred, an explosion I believe. It very nearly killed me. I was taken to a hospital, but there was no way anybody could restore my original body.

Memory 2

I remember the doctor, a human doctor, coming in to tell me how I could be saved. I was half alive, not really enjoying myself, to say the least. He said he would have to implant my body, my brain and a few cells, into a droid body. After that was done, all i could do was train the padawans in Lightsaber combat and Physical combat. I was given the name S.A.P.T.D, and became a well known part of the Jedi Temple and it's training procedures. As a droid, or a cyborg, I began to see how other droids were treated. Horribly. I began to feel for them, despite the fact that they were not real beings, and just pieces of technology. This eventually led to my retirement....

Memory 3

I quit the order, no longer considering myself human, or a jedi. I know knew what i was. A droid. I traveled from planet to planet, buying droids off their owners with what little money I had. I decided that Droids needed to be known, thanked, respected. And as hard as it may be, I was going to do it. Using some old battle droids i found and repaired, I was able to do several missions, including bounty hunts and escort duties. I earned money, lots of it, and eventually was able to travel to Geonosis, hiring a droid manufacturer, making a very small army, but still growing in power.

Memory 4

I became associated with the Bounty Hunter's guild, but quit quickly, not really wanting to be one of them. I became more popular, and soon became a sort of police force, taking out criminals with my droids. I set up my main base on the planet Raxus Prime, as to find more resources for my army. My main enemies became the Black Sun crime syndicate, my new mission, to defeat them....






Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge

I'm not sure but I think you're going to be a droid you have to make a thread in the Technology section. But don't hold me on that, just ask an admin about it.

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