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Approved Tech S-ESPO

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King of Pumpkins

  • Manufacturer: Rex Taff
  • Production: Unique
  • Affiliation: Kei Raxis | closed-market
  • Model: S-ESPO
  • Modularity: No
  • Material: Droid components, Durasteel
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: 65kg
  • Height: 1.67m
  • Movement:Bipedal
  • Armaments: Durasteel wires electrified
  • Misc. Equipment: Sensors, Scanners
  • Sensor
  • Scanner
  • Can slice most computer systems
  • I am fluent in many languages: Is fluent in and can act as an interpreter for many languages.
  • I know many things: Is well-versed in many cultures and customs.
  • Why hello there: It is able to open itself up to infiltrate systems and kill people if they become a problem.
  • I can see your weak spot: Scanners and sensors to detect systems that can be easily sliced or to tell how well armed someone is.
  • Who am I: Looks like a Protocol droid and thus is usually inconspicuous.
  • Defend me: Isn't well defended and is ill-accustomed to handling weapons.
  • I'm trying to slice over here: When it is slicing it uses the cords from inside it, showing that is not a protocol droid.
  • Whoops not enough room: If it collects to much data before returning home it starts to delete it's protocol droid routines.
  • Wait your not on my list: An improvement upon the E-ESPO model is it now has been programmed with people it can't kill. However if an allies isn't within it's data bank it will still attempt to kill them.
Rex was hired by Kei Raxis to create a protocol droid. After he showed Kei E-ESPO, he was asked to repeat it again but to make it slightly different. Thus the brother of E-ESPO, S-ESPO was born. Rex followed the similar design plan he had used on his earlier version E-ESPO. He hopes that this droid will be able to take on some snatch and grab ops on enemy data and perhaps even on allies data if need be for Kei as that was what he was asked for. However he removed the friend or foe problem from the droid instead allowing it to be programmed with unacceptable targets. However it is still a protocol droid and thus is not well armed or armoured.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Hi [member="Rex Taff"]. Can you please update the following:

  • Please enter "No" for modularity, per the instructions in the template.
  • Can you please elaborate on how this droid functions vis a vis the "Wait your not on my list" weakness and the corresponding part of the description? It makes it seem like the droid has a list of people it can't kill and will (attempt to) kill anyone else. This seems to be at odds with its purpose as an espionage droid, since it seems that it is designed to appear as a protocol droid. But if it's trying to kill anyone 'not on the list' it would seem impossible to deploy this droid in a non-clandestine setting. Am I misunderstanding? If so, please expand on this in the description and that weakness. How does the 'do not kill' list impact the droid's limited memory banks?
Please tag me when you are ready for me to review. Thanks! :)


King of Pumpkins
[member="Natasi Fortan Vitalis"]
Fixed the modularity.
As for the weakness and the description I have added to both to explain what is happening. The reason why it has the sensors, is so it is able to tell how well armed a opponents is as well as the best systems to hack into. It will only take on those that are in the way of it's mission.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Thanks for your edits, I believe I understand the 'not on my list' weakness works now.

However, the modularity still says "None" instead of "No". Can you please correct this to reflect the template requirement?

[member="Rex Taff"]
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