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Approved NPC S2-S3 'Seconds'

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Name: S2-S3 'Seconds'

Loyalties: The Nova Outbound Fleet, Nomad

Role: To access any information that might aid Nomad in his missions

Development Threads: If needed

Age: 2 months

Species: Droid [Custom make]

Force-Sensitive: N/A

Appearance: S2-S3 has gold paint, the paint has scratches from twigs, animals, and even people.

Personality: S2-S3 is sort of C-3PO and R2-D2 combined: Witty, sarcastic and sensible headed.

Weapon of Choice: no weapon proficiency

Wealth: N/A

Combat Function: Useless in a fight, often runs for cover.

Skills: fluent in Mando'a, Basic, Huttese and Catharese, Can access history records and medical procedures.

Notable Possessions: Nothing notable

Other Notes: Often causes more harm in negotiations then good.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Thank you, this looks good and while the droid is an NPC understand if it gets reported it will require a tech sub as a custom model. Abuse and Suffer.

Approved Pending Secondary
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