Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sa’kaar Ra’an {In Progress}

Name: Sa’kaar Ra'an​
Faction: The One Sith​
Rank: Sith Acolyte​
Species: Dathomirian​
Age: 14​
Sex: Male​
Height: 6’ 0"​
Weight: 160 lbs.​
Eyes: Red​
Hair: None​
Skin:Gray and Black​
Force Sensitive: Yes​
Strengths And Weaknesses:
  1. Sa’kaar is very fast with his lighsaber attacks.
  2. Sa’kaar is a strong man.
  3. Sa’kaar gets faster the angrier he is.

  1. Sa’kaar isnt the fastest person.
  2. Sa’kaar can get blinded by his anger and do something stupid.
  3. Sa’kaar often doesnt check all his options.
Bounties Collected:


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