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Saab f'Czeht'sk

*Will probably add a hand-drawn picture better representing Saab later*

NAME: Saab f’Czeht’sk
SPECIES: Verpine
AGE: 27
SEX: (Hermaphrodite) Male personality
HEIGHT: 5’8 (typically hunched over appearing to be closer to 5’2)
WEIGHT: ~180lbs
EYES: Black with a dark red tint
SKIN: Reseda Green
FORCE SENSITIVE: Saab is not at all force sensitive.


- Brilliant intellect and mechanical ability – there’s not much that Saab cannot fix…or at least jury-rig to fix it for a while…
- B1 Arm – due to it being mechanical, he can be extremely precise when using this arm…it also increases his strength to a degree, being able to land a punch easily twice as hard as any man (not that he would throw a punch)

- Social ineptness – due to his species being a hive mind, Saab is not used to having to express himself verbally nor can he understand why other species do not openly express themselves…this often leads to him regrettably separating from certain individuals
- B1 Arm – while a strength, it is also a huge weakness; while being subject to EMPs and the like, his arm also has limited battery life and tends to fail under excessive force
- Physique – being small has its advantages…but as a below average size Verpine, Saab is weaker overall than many humanoids the same size, and heavily relies on his droids and others to do heavy lifting for him

Saab f’Czeht’sk is notably short for a Verpine, especially since he is most often in a crouched stance. With dark green skin and dark red eyes, he looked like most Verpine did. An exception to this was his right arm, which he had lost and replaced with a B-1’s arm. Due to a lack of access to proper prosthetics, the arm requires power to operate, leading him to refashion a B-1’s comlink booster pack into a portable battery (it had a charge that could last roughly a week, unless under constant/extreme duress, before needing to be recharged). He typically could be found wearing his salvage gear; engineering goggles, a brown leather satchel, a utility belt with a fusioncutter and a number of pouches, a holster to fit his heavily modified DE-10, and a scabbard strapped to his right leg). Saab also had some ‘wargear’ mostly made from repurposed B1 parts which included: a B1 head fitted to act as a mask/helmet, a comlink booster pack panel attached as a sort of shield to his droid arm, a refitted B1 torso, and B1 ‘greaves’.

Saab f’Czeht’sk is your typical Verpine; intelligent, creative, and damn-near brilliant when it comes to engineering. He was born in the year 824 ABY on one of the smaller remaining Roche asteroids, quickly becoming proficient in both mechanical engineering and robotics. He was set to usher in a new era of Verpine tech; his mind racing with schematics to be built, but it was not to be. In 847 ABY during a salvage on Saleucami, Saab was left behind by his team when an explosion from abandoned ordnance knocked him unconscious and massacred his right arm. When he awoke, he found his team left in fear of safety and that his one arm was unusable. From that point on, Saab learned the art of jury-rigging, which he used to replace his arm and save his life. Over the next two years he and his new team, comprised of droids he’d repaired, restored an old Clone War-era gunship that his old team had initially discovered. At present he works in and around Taleucema, taking on mechanic and repair jobs.

While Saab loves what he does, and gets great satisfaction from being able to contribute to the city, he longs to be part of something larger, but fears of returning to Roche as he feels it is his fault of endangering his crew. It’s because of this that he feels like he is unable to do anything else.
In addition to that, Saab struggles with social encounters, and longs for companionship. Due to Verpine being a hive mind species, it frustrates him that other species are not open. As he used to live in a society where there were no secrets, no mysteries to an individual, Saab has immense trouble understanding people. In turn, he has driven many people away from him due to his obliviousness, but tends to blame it on others for not being more communicative in their opinions and issues. Because of this he has surrounded himself with his only friends being the droids he repairs and builds, but ends up isolating himself socially even more.

While f’Czeht’sk sometimes tires of people’s social drama, he is unable to hide is joy of being in a team; he tends to overexcite when he feels as if he’s befriended someone, which often leads to him acting…oddly. Saab also has an apparent obsession with droids, particularly B1’s and pit droids. While he adorns himself in armour made from B1 parts…many of the droids he repairs and programs are pit droids, though he has two B1’s which he’s programmed as his ever-loyal elite crewmen.

Saab feels an incredible drive to help…though this may stem from his role in his species. Despite this, he always feels obligated to help anyone, no matter who they are or what faction they side with. This drive also makes Saab stressed for his inability to do more, and wishes for a way to be able to assist the galaxy rather than just the individuals he meets.

Saab’s ship, the Alloy, is a renovated LAAT/c that he had discovered on a salvage on Saleucami. Half-buried, he spent over a year digging it out and getting it running again. During this time he learned of the ship’s demise; during the Clone War she had taken a shot that made contact with the AT-TE under her hull, fusing the two together before crashing into a marsh which has since dried up. At present, the Ship runs almost as well as it did when it was new; her engines were replaced with a TIE’s and Saab has permanently joined the LAAT’s hull with the AT-TE’s cockpit. Aside from any repair/salvage tools and equipment, most of the AT-TE’s compartments are filled with droid parts.
While the ship itself does not possess a hyperspace drive, the LAAT/c still is able to withstand the vacuum of space, and boasts an impressive armament. Saab converted the bow guns into massive verpine shatter cannons…killing their range and fire rate, but making them super deadly in CQB.

  • Saab's SF-01
  • Reliable fusion-cutter
  • Medium sized utility blade
  • Salvaging gear [goggles, satchel, utility belt, pouches, holster]
  • Converted comlink booster power pack
  • Salvaged and refitted 'B1 Armour' [mask/helmet, arm shield, torso plate, thigh/'greaves']
  • 2 rebuilt/programmed B1 Battledroids (programmed to be friendly, act as crewmates, capable of operating the 'Alloy's cannons)(programmed to speak both Basic and Huttese)
  • 4 rebuilt DUM-series pit droids(all modified and programmed to be able to speak Verpine)
  • A number of misc droid parts spread across his ship
  • Most basic tools associated with repairs and maintenance of a small ship





ZZzt, welcome to the forum. Good to see another Verpine, if you wish to collaberate on anything just say and I can get something going. Also feel free to use the Verpine tag in my signature.

For sure! I honestly have no idea how to rp via forums yet...been reading a lot of threads trying to get an idea of how everything's best written...but it's still so foreign to me, haha.

Feel free to come up with some sort of scenario Saab would be able to participate in!

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