Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Saalia



  • Full name:
    Alternative names:
    Dark Siren
    Songstress of the Sith​
    Yavin 8​
    Ersansyr (Transformed, born a Melodie)​
    Force Sensitive:


  • Born a Melodie on the world of Yavin 8, Saalia was, for all intents and purposes, one amongst many. Hatched from an egg and raised within the safety of the planet's underground lakes, she longed to explore the world from a young age- and yet, the constant dangers posed by predators kept her from indulging this wanderlust. Turned into an Elder at the age of 20, as with all other members of her species, she found herself torn between her love for the comfort and embrace of the water… and her longing to see more of what the galaxy had to offer.

    So it was that she met Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , a young Sithspawn on a quest of her own. Eager to interact with an outsider from beyond the reaches of Yavin 8, the Melodie helped this outsider in her search for an item of great importance across the planet. The two became fast friends, and when the time came for Damsy to leave, she promised Saalia that she would one day return to grant her her wish to see and experience all that the galaxy had to offer.

    And so Saalia waited patiently for the return of her friend, ignoring the looks of pity she received from her sisters: she knew that her friend from beyond the lakes would return, holding on to that notion even as weeks turned to months. Just as she began to despair, the Sithspwan did return… and made her an offer she could not refuse.

    Through a combination of alchemic serums any professional would consider unstable and retro-virsues whose ethics would appall those of the belief that the gift of creation should remain untouched, Saalia ascended from her existence as a Melodie… and became an Ersansyr. A Sith Siren.

    Eternally grateful to her friend for the freedom granted to her, Saalia left Yavin 8 without looking back. The galaxy proved to be much richer than she anticipated- and the people within it, so much more interesting to charm and deceive...

  • TBA

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    +Shapeshifter - As with the rest of her species, Saalia is able to trade her pair of legs for a powerful, elegant tail when the situation calls for it: that is without mentioning the ability to turn teeth and nails into fangs and claws for combat.
    +Enthralling Song - All Ersansyr are gifted with vocal chords allowing them to entrance and influence others through words and song alike. Saalia's profession as a renowned singer has allowed her to further refine her understanding of this power.
    +Manipulator - Saalia knows how to flip people's switches: she is, by all accounts, a difficult person to say '''no'' to. She knows how to make herself trusted by a target, becoming their confident and friend: such an understanding of what people want, combined with her siren-like song, has made her a deceptively dangerous person to deal with.
    +Aquatic - There are no greater swimmers in the galaxy than the Ersansyr and the Melodie they are descended from, and Saalia is no exception.
    +Sonic Scream - Generally used when she is made desperate, Saalia can unleash a scream on par with a sonic weapon, capable of killing if pushed to its limit.

    -Shapeshifter - Not only are the shapeshifting abilities of the Ersansyr severely limited compared to more advanced forms of shape-shifting creatures, it can cause problems with equipment, clothing, armour, and so on.
    -Low Tolerance - As with all other Ersansyr, Saalia is particularly vulnerable to poisons due to a fault in the system required to break down dangerous substances among her species: the effects of alcohol are much more immediate, and deadly poisons require a much smaller dose to become lethal.
    -Neck-Breather - Although it allows her to sing and charm others without cause to stop, the gills located at her neck make gasmasks and most life support systems installed in helmets entirely useless.

  • TBA

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