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Approved NPC Saaraishash Purification Legionnaires

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  • Intent: Create a unit of soldiers analogous to the purge troopers of canon
  • Image Credit: Click - LeadZero@DeviantArt
  • Role: Jedi Hunters
  • Links: N/A

[*]Melee Weapons

[*]Ranged Weapons


[*]Description: Formed from the hardened elite of the Saaraishash's non-Sith agents, the Purification Legionnaires are specifically trained to track, combat, and ultimately kill both Jedi and Sith who have gone against the Emperor's will. Outfitted with state-of-the-art beskar armor and a menagerie of both ranged and melee weaponry, they are more than well-equipped to handle most obstacles that impedes the path to completing their mission. These specialized soldiers are also trained in a variety of martial arts, including Teräs Käsi, Echani, Bakuuni Hand, Zavat, and Nar Kanji techniques, so they can face physical threats of all kind.
  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
  • Combat Function: The Purification Legionnaires' sole purpose is to combat Force-sensitive enemies and neutralize them, particularly devotees of the Jedi Order. To do this, they often pair themselves with members of the Imperial Legion to greater strength in numbers to overwhelm their adversaries. In order to stand a chance against the best of the Jedi Order, the Purification Legionnaires are taught that having fear, surprise, and intimidation on their side. If any of these three elements is lacking, the Legionnaires are instructed to retreat until a more advantageous opportunity presents itself.
  • Beskar Armor: Purification Legionnaires wear suits of armor woven from beskar, which is highly resistant against blaster bolts and the bite of a lightsaber's slash, though a direct stab could still penetrate. Regardless, this still makes Purification Legionnaires an exceptionally tough nut to crack.
  • Well-Trained: Strictly regimented in multiple forms of martial arts as well as extensive firearms training, other soldierly skills, and possessing well-documented tours of service in both the Imperial Legion and the Saaraishash, the Purification Legionnaires are more than prepared to deal with anything or anyone that's thrown their way.
  • Limited in Number: Due to the scarcity of beskar owned by the Saaraishash, they could only afford to arm a select number of veterans with the Purification armor. They somewhat compensate for this by pairing the Purification Legionnaires with normal Legion units during operations, as well as putting them under the command of Saaraishash Inquisitors.
  • Non-Force User: The Purification Legionnaires are exclusively non-Force Users, having been selected from among the best of the best of Saaraishash agents for their individual skill and exceptional combat records. Though they are highly skilled, they still are susceptible to the powers of the Force employed by competent Jedi.

The Purification Program was conceived shortly following the Empire's occupation of Mandalore, when great machines began to crack open the surface of the planet to extract the rich veins of beskar from within. Such a surplus of valuable metal led to many ideas being passed around as to what it could be used for. One of these ideas was an elite cadre of Jedi hunting soldiers wearing armor made of beskar, and thus the Purification Legionnaire was born.

Agents of the Saaraishash who had displayed combat exceptionalism and stalwart loyalty were chosen to be the first to benefit from Mandalore's exploitation, their histories wiped from Imperial records while they were being inducted as Purifiers. Beskar armor became their new identity as they learned at the feet of Sith Inquisitors to improve their knowledge of their chosen enemy; the Jedi.

Freshly minted and highly skilled, the Purification Legionnaires began their first field missions as hostilities between the Silver Jedi and the Sith Empire reignited over boundary disputes in the territory formerly controlled by the Mandalorian Clans.
Darth Carnifex said:
DAX-15 L.I.S. Grenade
Everything looks in order except for one matter that needs clarifying. This grenade is manufactured by Santhe Sienar Technologies. Santhe, the now defunct ACA, Tion Hegemony and Spynet factions are listed in Affiliation, but not TSE or the Saaraishash. I know the submitter is a TSE member, but can you confirm that they have given you permission to use this item?

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
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