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Approved NPC Sable Juggernaut

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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before

Image Debit: Sable Juggernaut unarmed on Mirial

  • Intent: To provide an antagonist in Ta'jar Blood Gang-related threads
  • ​Image Credit: Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Role: Regional crime ring leader
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 43
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Esh-Kha
  • Appearance: As with most Esh-Khas, Sable Juggernaut is a gray-skinned humanoid with equinoid features, such as muzzles and digitigrade legs with three digits on them; he also sports black eyes. Standing about 2.20m tall, weighing 150kg, Sable Juggernaut is a giant by human standards, but he isn't particularly bulky by Esh-Kha standards. Also, as one of the many racial features of Esh-Khas, his ears are wide open, and he has rather bulky arms, too. Finally, he sports a dark brown mane at spots where Esh-Khas call a beard.
  • Name: Sable Juggernaut
  • Loyalties: Ta'jar Blood Gang
  • Wealth: Moderate
  • Notable Possessions: A suit of red-and-black doonium armor, a red lightsaber, an assault slugthrower
  • Skills:
  • Marksmanship (Veteran)
  • Juyo (Knight-level)
  • Force-horror (Padawan-level)
  • Telekinesis (Knight-level)
  • Art of Movement (Padawan-level)
  • Mind trick (Padawan-level)
  • Force-lightning (Knight-level)
  • Personality: Sable Juggernaut is, simply put, ruthless; he will not hesitate to kill on the spot if he is double-crossed or otherwise angered. As for what can anger him, sedition, or even suspicion thereof, is often something that drives him mad. He also tolerates non-Esh-Khas at best, when he feels he can use them as pawns, but he prefers to kill quickly when he does feel the need to kill people, if at all possible. He also gets frustrated when an attempt to kill a non-Esh-Kha mark is taking too long for his taste.
  • Weapon of Choice: Repeater particle rifle
  • Combat Function: Sable Juggernaut would prefer to engage an enemy at range at first, but if enemies can somehow close in within range where a repeater particle rifle could prove dangerous to use, he could use either Force-horror or Force-lightning, depending on whether the opponent is wanted alive or dead. However, his lack of agility can prove problematic when fighting in close quarters, and also makes it difficult for him to use cover effectively unless in an environment filled with species at or above his size. Even with Art of Movement active, he is barely as agile as an average human NFU his age. Also, his lackluster stamina could prove problematic if fights are drawn out.
Born on Belsavis among the Esh-Kha enclaves in that planet's mountains, Sable Juggernaut was originally part of the savant caste by virtue of being detected early in life as a Force-sensitive. During his savant training, he was found to be highly drawn to combat activities and hence was drawn to bounty hunting as a profession, where he could hunt criminals and provide them with quick deaths upon sighting. However, he had to juggle both training as an Esh-Kha savant as well as combat training, such as the use of a lightsaber and marksmanship, which caused him to destabilize at some point in his combat training. As a result, he left Belsavis when he was in position to acquire basic bounty hunting equipment.

For years after he left Belsavis, Sable Juggernaut tracked down a variety of criminals all over the galaxy, from a lot of different races, but when the Primeval came into existence, especially near Mirial, the Esh-Kha became drawn to them, seeing in the Primeval an opportunity to further his own agenda, as well as his own dark-side training. Thus he thrived when the Primeval existed, taking on as many bounty hunting missions as he could handle so long as kills were an option. He settled on Mirial because zombie-hunting missions netted him the most stable stream of bounty money per week out of all his bounty-hunting options in that area of space.

After the Sith Empire abandoned Mirial to instead relocate in its orbit, he joined the Ta'jar Blood Gang, feeling that his own bounty hunting activities have no future on Mirial; for a while he toiled away as a bounty hunter in Wild Space, even going so far as to kill rival slavers so as to seize their slave shipments from them. Once the Ta'jar Blood Gang vacated the Chalacta system, he was called in on Corellia to hunt down rival smugglers, and he found himself establishing a base of power in the Corellian underworld, based out of the Daoba Hotel, which his ring used to launder money, while also making an attempt at operating the Daoba Hotel as a bona fide luxury hotel. He even used captured slaves as labor for the hotel, and considered slave labor as expendable. In fact, he was known to kill hotel staff regardless of rank in the hotel's staff hierarchy.

Move it to NPCs please [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Allyson Locke"]
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