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Character Sable Varro

Physiological Audio RecordingClick to Listen
Full nameSable Varro
ClassificationAugmented Humanoid
Current HomeworldUnknown
Faction(s)The Sith Order
SpeciesHuman 'Echani'
Force SensitiveYes
Template byAvalion


Sable Varro

Medical History


Medical History & Cybernetic Modifications

Neurological Alterations:

  • Extensive neural augmentation designed to enhance cognitive processing, reaction speed, and memory retention.
  • Multiple interfaces for direct neural link with systems, allowing rapid assimilation of data and cyber warfare capabilities. Potential remains, survivability of patient is unlikely.
  • Severe degradation of organic neural pathways due to repeated attempts at memory overwriting, resulting in memory fragmentation and occasional dissociative episodes.

Physiological Concerns:

  • Declining organic tissue viability in areas surrounding several neurological vital areas.
  • Early-stage rejection symptoms detected; immunosuppressive treatments recommended.
  • Pain receptors partially disabled, leading to delayed recognition of physical trauma.
  • Stimulant dependency likely due to prolonged exposure to enhancement routines.

Psychological Assessment

Cognitive Stability:

  • Persistent dissociation noted in high-stress environments, potentially linked to memory fragmentation.
  • Subject exhibits calculated pragmatism, but underlying paranoia suggests deep-seated mistrust.
  • Adaptive but unstable moral framework, indicating external influences over formative years.

Psychological Trauma:

  • Repeated exposure to high-intensity combat and psychological conditioning has resulted in desensitization to violence.
  • PTSD markers detected; recurring intrusive memories and latent emotional repression present.
  • Subject displays signs of hypervigilance and an aversion to prolonged social interaction.
  • Difficulty distinguishing past experiences from fabricated or altered memories due to neural reprogramming.

Behavioral Patterns:

  • Highly analytical, prioritizing efficiency over emotional considerations.
  • Limited emotional expression; potential coping mechanism or result of neural modifications.
  • Demonstrates attachment issues—oscillating between detachment and intense loyalty when trust is established.
  • Episodes of erratic behavior when confronted with specific stimuli tied to fragmented memories.


  • Regular cognitive recalibration sessions to prevent neural instability.
  • Psychological monitoring to track memory degradation and emotional stability.
  • Immunosuppressant regimen to mitigate rejection symptoms.
  • Continued evaluation for cybernetic maintenance and potential risk factors associated with system failures.

Status: Under observation. Continued analysis required to determine long-term viability of augmentations and psychological stability.

Observation Report


The following is a medical report compiled by Dr. [REDACTED], Chief Medical Officer of [REDACTED].

Subject: Sable Varro

Designation: [REDACTED]


Species: Human

Affiliations: [REDACTED]

Physical Attributes

  • Height: 5'8"
  • Build: Athletic, optimized for close-quarters combat and high-intensity engagements
  • Hair: Snow-white
  • Notable Features: Physique honed for cage fighting, reflecting exceptional endurance, agility, and strength. Several tattoos denote past life. Suggest patient resort to either skin treatments to remove signs of past involvement, or devote themselves to complete coverage during operations.​

Behavioral Patterns

  • Highly analytical, prioritizing efficiency over emotional considerations.
  • Limited emotional expression; potential coping mechanism or result of neural modifications.
  • Demonstrates attachment issues—oscillating between detachment and intense loyalty when trust is established.
  • Episodes of erratic behavior when confronted with specific stimuli tied to fragmented memories.
  • Observational Notes:
  • Subject often maintains a calculated, almost predatory stillness when at rest, indicative of heightened situational awareness.
  • Displays a methodical and almost ritualistic approach to combat engagements, suggesting a deeply ingrained discipline or trauma-based coping mechanism.
  • Speech patterns tend to be direct and devoid of unnecessary embellishment; emotional cues are often deliberately muted or entirely absent.
  • Avoids idle socialization, but has shown moments of intense, almost obsessive focus on certain individuals or tasks.
  • During moments of heightened stress or perceived betrayal, subject exhibits cold, detached violence with little to no hesitation.
  • Patterns suggest subconscious triggers linked to past trauma; further study recommended to determine the extent of conditioning and memory corruption.

  • Regular cognitive recalibration sessions to prevent neural instability.
  • Psychological monitoring to track memory degradation and emotional stability.
  • Immunosuppressant regimen to mitigate rejection symptoms.
  • Continued evaluation for cybernetic maintenance and potential risk factors associated with system failures.


Under observation. Continued analysis required to determine long-term viability of augmentations and psychological stability.


Force Powers

None, Beginner, Adapt, Intermediate, Advanced, Master.

  • Telekenesis
  • Force Rage
  • Force Augmentation
  • Force Psychometry
  • Force Shield
  • Mind Trick

Saber Combat

None, Beginner, Adapt, Intermediate, Advanced, Master.

  • Shi-cho
  • Makashi
  • Soresu
  • Ataru
  • Djem-So
  • Shien
  • Niman
  • Juyo

Other Skills

None, Beginner, Adapt, Intermediate, Advanced, Master.

  • Martial Arts
  • Melee Weapons
  • Blasters
  • Throwing Weapons
  • Piloting
  • Mechanics
  • Cooking
  • Diplomacy
  • Stealth

Final Assessment



  • Exceptional combat efficiency, particularly in close-quarters engagements.
  • Enhanced physical resilience due to genetic engineering.
  • High adaptability in combat and strategic situations.
  • Advanced analytical skills and quick decision-making.
  • Increased endurance and toxin resistance.
  • Strong sense of discipline and focus when engaged in objectives.
  • Skilled in applying force abilities to enhance body and reaction times.


  • Psychological instability, including dissociation and paranoia.
  • Neural degradation leading to memory fragmentation and cognitive instability.
  • High risk of sensory overload due to augmentations.
  • Difficulty forming and maintaining stable interpersonal relationships.
  • Risk of cybernetic system failures and early-stage rejection symptoms if cybernetics are attempted.
  • Lack of pain recognition can lead to unnoticed, untreated injuries.
  • Prone to episodes of emotionally detached violence when triggered.


Subject requires a level of supervision. Suggest caution when leaving subject alone.




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