Vorhi Alestrani
Blind Brawler
Vorhi grinned as he reach the interior. A secluded, quiet grotto. At the top of this unusually shaped wellspring was a rare hidden valley where the Sorceror Priests of Thamnos were said to create their rituals. These masterful techniques were used in the most dangerous of forms, that of creating weapons of war, imbued with the force.
He meditated on the lessons he had learned. The galaxy had spiraled further into chaos over the last few years, but it wasn't enough to stop him. He had been seeking more esoteric knowledge, more force traditions, letting the struggles of politics and war to others. He had virtually hidden himself form the galaxy. But he had found it--his key.
He had failed so many times to become what he had truly wished to be--a hero. Even on Druckenwell, he could not save them. And one of his greatest lessons returned to him. The lesson of knife-catching.
---- Approximately Twenty Years Ago----
Vorhi walked into his master's room, badly scuffed from a fight. "Mestare, I failed today."
"OH?" The older woman said, smiling wryly. "The mighty Alestrani has failed? Has the prodigy fallen?"
The blindfolded acolyte snorted. "Mestare Anya, please," he said with a grating annoyance. "I am here to be instructed."
Anya grinned. "Oppila, my humor is my instruction. For it is through Debauchery and wanton passion I fight, as much as it is through sagacity and charm that you do," she said, downing a shot of something that was more often used to thin paint.
"Master," he said succinctly, "How do you face knives without fear?"
----Back in the relative Present----
Vorhi smirked as he drank some water, ascending the stairs. "What an annoying lesson. I'll have to learn it again, I suppose," he mused dryly. He used his force sight to gaze upon the etchigns on the wall. Old Huttese, from before the Clone Wars. An old, obscure dialect, but weven with his fuzziness, he could get the details. A washing of blood, a cleansing fire, an honest warrior, a grand confession. From this the forge of the Cult of Thamnos could arise. It would suffice. He adjusted the pack on his shoulder. He had his supplies.