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Sadarus Azzar

Sadarus Azzar

Sadarus Azzar
Khagan of Khanates

| Basic Information |

  • Name: Sadarus Azzar

  • Alias: Azzar the Honored

  • Titles: Khagan

  • Homeworld: Kalee

  • Current Residence: Kalee

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Marital Status: Unmarried

  • Force Sensitive: N/A

  • Character Alignment: True Neutral
| Physical Information |

  • Species: Reptilian Humanoid

  • Race: Kaleesh

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 32 Standard Years

  • Height: 6'0"

  • Weight: 190lbs

  • Eye Color: Yellow-Orange

  • Hair Color: None

  • Skin Color: Dark Red
| Affiliations |

  • Clan Sadarus of Kalee
| Relationships|

  • Parents: Sadarus Alai, Sadarus Saba

  • Sibling: Sadarus Myli, Sadarus Ayastal, Sadarus Alammar

  • Spouse: N/A

  • Children: N/A

Personality - Sadarus Azzar is a warrior born and bred, as all Kaleesh are. While ruthless when committed to eliminating an enemy of Clan Sadarus, Azzar believed strongly in a code of honor. Be it man, woman, or child, he was determined that should any of them stand in his way, that he would give them a true warrior's death that was so deserving of his people. Otherwise, he was a simple man who took delight in the simple rituals and pleasures of everyday life.

War was sacred, and worshiping the ancient gods were almost even more so important to him. Knowledge and learning, surprisingly, were valued almost as much as courage to this warrior. He savored the act of discovering flaws in foes' battle lines, adored his Kolkpravis' for being able to adapt, and knew that knowledge was the only true way to succeed - besides victory.

Appearance - Tall and lean was his body build. Coiled muscle wrapped around strong bones and an even stronger heart that beat only for warfare and the worship of ancient deities. Azzar stands proud, chest out and shoulders back and his sun-hued gaze knows no bounds. While he lacks the weight of most Kaleesh, he makes up for it by being much more agile than them in combat on powerful legs, coupling perfectly with his fairly wiry frame.

| Powers and Abilities |


Melee Combat - It has been said that the sword is the third arm of Azzar, severed off during his fight against his gods before his rebirth into reality. In the entire Alai clan and the vast surrounding lands, his skills as a swordsman know no equal. Duels have been challenged and pitiful opponents meekly defend in comparison to his strong, swift strikes against them.

As for hand-to-hand combat, Azzar is arguably one of the most proficient within his clan. Although this is his tertiary skill as a combatant, its more than enough to save him should he be on the brink of death or defeat. Agility is a key factor in this area of expertise and his kicks are legendary.

Ranged Comabt - Marksmanship is Azzar's secondary ability. Slugthrowers are all he knows how to wield and his skill with the Outland rifle is astounding. While numerous marksman and snipers may outmatch him - he'll still put up a fight in the challenge.

| Possessions |
| Starships |
  • N/A

| Confirmed Kills |

  • N/A

| Bounties Collected |

  • N/A


To be added.
[member="Rael sul B'an"]
Sorry didn't see you but still, cool you guys are rping with Kaleesh's it will make

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