Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sadist Meets Masochist

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Suddenly, a figure dropped down behind Faef, having came from the roof of a nearby building. Instantly, a knife was pressed to her throat, and a lightsaber activated behind her, the telltale humming sound as it was held close behind her.

The figure pressed the knife tighter to her throat. "Hello, dearie. I noticed you when you first entered Jedi space and arrived on this planet." A male voice said. "Did you really think that we didn't notice you? Did you really think that you managed to slip by unnoticed? No, my dear, you were naïve and stubborn to think so. Seriously, activating your lightsaber in public, Sith? That was a poor move, my sweet. Seriously, you Sith are all the sa-" Then, the voice cut off.

"What's that smell?" The person behind her asked. The person sniffed the air, then asked, "Is... is that you?" He asked. "What is that? You smell really good... Surprisingly good. Why do you smell so good?" The person asked her.

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo chuckled to her response by lifting her saber menacingly and growling at him. How adorable, she truly was fiery, to say the least. She had that spirit inside of her. Algo respected that fire she had inside her. Algo lifted his lightsaber in response. He gently tapped his lightsaber against hers. Not attacking her in any way, just a playful test. The sabers sparked when they lightly touched, but they barely moved because of the light tap. "My dear, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already." He told her. "Now, do you truly want to test my reflexes? Cause I don't think you do. I can slice your throat open in seconds." Algo said.

Then, she asked him a question back. Algo shrugged. "Whatever do you mean? I don't understand the whims of a Sith. Plus, I don't know what perfume you put on today, so I also don't know why you smell so good."

He pressed the knife a little bit harder against her throat. "Now, why don't we turn off the lightsabers, and have a talk like rational people, no?"
Definitely Not A Cinnamon Roll
Faef growled at Subject 414 Algo as he tested her. "And you don't want to test me, Jedi." She said menacingly. At the suggestion that she wore perfume, the Togruta scoffed. "Perfume? Does this look like a formal event to you?" As he pressed the knife harder and suggested they talk, she growled, jerking her head away in an attempt to escape the knife and headbutt him. "Rational? Jedi aren't rational. I should know."

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo shrugged at her response. "Meh, I test a lot of Sith. They're all usually the same." He told her. Then he tilted her head at the response to perfume. "Fair point, but still, you smell strangely good. What soap do you us?" He asked her. There was something about her... Algo couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Then, she jerked her head and tried to headbutt him. Instead of moving out of the way to dodge it, he took it straight on, even leaning into it. The back of her head smashed into his face. He pressed the knife back against her throat. A small trickle of blood trickled down from his nose. Algo gave a small giggle, and exhaled from the pain. It felt so good! The sharp, crisp feeling of the pain she inflicted upon him, the blood trickling down his face. It all felt so good! He breathed a sigh of pleasure.

"Ouch! That hurt!" He told her, a grin on his face. "Want to do it again?" He asked her. Then, Algo released the knife from her throat. "This time, let's do it a little harder. Shall we?" Algo continued.
Definitely Not A Cinnamon Roll
"It's called leave me alone." Faef sneered, grunting as her head collided with Subject 414 Algo . The instant he released her, she whirled around, a fist aiming for his face and traveling at top speed. Once she did that, she backed away a little, lifting her lightsaber so the tip was centimeters away from his throat. "Who are you?" She growled

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo didn't even make any move to avoid her fist, taking the blow at full force. Algo stumbled back, the crisp sensation of her punch leaving a stinging feeling on his face. He laughed in glee and pleasure. It had been a while since someone had hit him like that. It felt... really good. Algo looked at her as she raised her lightsaber so that it was pointed at his throat. He didn't even make any move to stop her. He just let it all happen.

Finally, she asked him who he was. "So, you're finally ready to start talking like civilized people?" He asked her, tilting his head. Then, he grinned. "Well, I'm Subject 414, but my chosen codename is Algo. Everyone calls me Algo, so just call me that." He told her. "Though I am often called: Idiot, Creep, Sorry Excuse For A Jedi, and Masochist!"

"What about you,
sweetheart? What's your name?"

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo was interested when she called herself Darth. He knew it! She was a Sith! He chuckled when she growled to not call her sweetheart. "Whatever you say, my adorable little Sithie." He grinned. She had such a large temper, it was almost too easy! Plus, Algo was loving every minute of it. Her attempts to injure him, her insults, and her threats, it was all so thrilling! He hadn't felt this good ever before, and here was this girl, making him feel ecstatic with the pain! Life with the Jedi was fun, but it was pretty much devoid of the pain Algo craved. This was a most interesting encounter...

Then, to Algo's surprise, Faef admitted that perhaps he was more rational than she thought. "Was... was that a compliment?" He asked, amazed. "Aww, that's the nicest thing you've said to me yet! I think you're finally warming up to me!" Algo said happily.

"Yeah, people usually underestimate me. They think I'm not worth paying any attention to, then BAM, I completely surprise them and exceed their expectations. Most people tell me that I'm either dumb as hell, or way too smart." He said, shrugging.

"So, Faef, what brings you to this neck of the galaxy? You seem like a girl on a mission, are you looking for something in particular?" He asked her. "Come on, you can tell me! I'm a great secret keeper!"
Definitely Not A Cinnamon Roll
Faef rolled her eyes as Subject 414 Algo spoke. "You're impossible. I might as well tell you. There's this girl. She keeps appearing to me out of thin air. I can't do anything about it. Whenever I try to kill her, she disappears. She looks exactly like me, but with different clothes and eyes. She is sickeningly sweet."

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo listened to her, interested. Well... that sounded... strange, to say the least. Seeing a girl that isn't there, that appears out of thin air, that looks like her, and that is the exact opposite of her? That was weird. It was definitely a strange dilemma.

"Well... that certainly sounds interesting. Are you sure you aren't just hallucinating her or making her up?" Algo asked her. He had plenty of experience with people dealing with hallucinations. This sounded like one of those times, though, it sounded different, to see someone that looks like her, but is completely different from her? That would be a new one.

Algo looked over her, examining Faef. There was... something oddly familiar about Faef, Algo couldn't put his finger on it... "You know, now that you mention it... there is something about you that seems familiar... I just can't put my finger on it... I think I have met someone that looks like you, when I think about it." He told her.

"So, is that why you came to Jedi space, you think she's a Jedi?" He asked her.

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo shrugged when she said that what she saw wasn't a hallucination. "Whatever you say. That's exactly what someone with hallucinations would say." He told her, teasing her. Then, she asked what else had such a strong presence in the Light. "I mean, look at me. Do I seem like a Jedi to you? Most people say no, but I really am. It surprises everyone." Algo said.

"So, you think that she's here, on this planet? Or is this just the start for searching for her? Cause I might be able to help you on your search. Plus, if I'm with you, the Jedi won't try to kill you on sight." He offered.

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo smiled as she nodded, turned off her lightsaber, and accepted his offer. "Great!" He exclaimed. Good! He wanted to learn more about this enchanting Sith. "So there are two ways he could go about this. One: we go to the Jedi archives, and we look through the records for this person. Two: I scan your face, and use the facial recognition software to match it to every I.D. photo of Jedi to see who she is." He told her.

"I say that we use option two, since she looks like you, so it should be easy enough to match it up." Algo said.

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo shrugged at her response about the Jedi Temple. "You could get in if I vouched for you." He told her. Then, he pulled out a small device, and held it up to her face. "Try not to move." He said. The device began scanning her face, compiling her facial data, and searching databases for a facial match. If this person did exist, they would find her.

Eventually, the device beeped, finishing its scan. Algo looked at the screen. There were two names, and two images. The first one, Algo could tell that this was Faef, with the yellow eyes, and... interesting clothing choice. The device compiled her birth name as Shaalleesh Tano-Bonteri. Wait... Tano-Bonteri... Algo had heard that name before... But where?

The other looked almost exactly like Faef, or Shaalleesh, but there were small differences. They had different eye colors, and this other girl had scars. The device showed her name as Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri. Wait a minute... he definitely had heard that name before. Then, he saw that she had another alias. Subject 643...

Seeing this, Algo started coughing hard. He had been so surprised by this that he was now choking on his own spit. He had not been expecting that. That Kuxirra?! The one that always hung around Slip and refused to fight?! Her?!

Algo managed to stop coughing, and looked at Faef. "I KNOW her," Algo told Faef. "I lived with her for years. We trained together. She is a Padawan here at the Concord. I've seen her parents!" He continued. "You're related to Little Kux?!" He exclaimed, still not able to wrap his head around it.
Definitely Not A Cinnamon Roll
Faef raised an eye marking as Subject 414 Algo shoved a device in her face, staying still as it scanned her face. When the results popped up, the Togruta waited for Algo to stop coughing, not really caring whether or not he knocked himself out.

"Really? You know her? Interesting. What do you mean I'm related to her? How?"

Subject 414 Algo

Darth Faef Darth Faef

Algo froze when she asked what he meant that she was related to her. Oh... Oh no... He probably shouldn't have said that... He was leading this sadistic Sith to innocent and squishy Kuxirra. That probably wouldn't end well if they ever met. "Aw chit, I probably shouldn't have said that..." Algo mumbled.

He looked back up at Faef. "Well, er- you see... Her name is Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri. She's... she's a Jedi. I grew up with her, so yeah, I know her." Algo told her. "Here, it says that your name is Shaalleesh Tano-Bonteri. On your birth certificate it even shows that both of you have the same parents. And that... you were both born on the same day..."

Algo sighed. "Look, Faef, or Shaalleesh, whatever you want to be called. I might get in a lot of trouble for this, but I can bring you to Kuxirra and her parents. I mean, if you truly want to meet her face-to-face. Isn't just knowing about her enough?" He asked her.

"But for you, my cute little Sithie, I will do it, even if it means I get in trouble. Usually I would charge you some sort of price for my services, but for you, I do it for free."

"So, do you truly want to find her?"

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