Darth Faef
Algo shrugged at her response about the Jedi Temple.
"You could get in if I vouched for you." He told her. Then, he pulled out a small device, and held it up to her face.
"Try not to move." He said. The device began scanning her face, compiling her facial data, and searching databases for a facial match. If this person did exist, they would find her.
Eventually, the device beeped, finishing its scan. Algo looked at the screen. There were two names, and two images. The first one, Algo could tell that this was Faef, with the yellow eyes, and... interesting clothing choice. The device compiled her birth name as Shaalleesh Tano-Bonteri. Wait... Tano-Bonteri... Algo had heard that name before... But where?
The other looked almost exactly like Faef, or Shaalleesh, but there were small differences. They had different eye colors, and this other girl had scars. The device showed her name as Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri. Wait a minute... he definitely had heard that name before. Then, he saw that she had another alias. Subject 643...
Seeing this, Algo started coughing hard. He had been so surprised by this that he was now choking on his own spit. He had not been expecting that. That Kuxirra?! The one that always hung around Slip and refused to fight?! Her?!
Algo managed to stop coughing, and looked at Faef.
"I KNOW her," Algo told Faef.
"I lived with her for years. We trained together. She is a Padawan here at the Concord. I've seen her parents!" He continued.
"You're related to Little Kux?!" He exclaimed, still not able to wrap his head around it.