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Sadorti Sylar

[ Image to be Added]​

NAME: Sadorti Sylar
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 17
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’2”
WEIGHT: 84kg
EYES: None
HAIR: Pale blonde often dyed to less sightly colours
SKIN: Pale tan


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Endurance and Agility - What most see when they meet Sadorti is his acrobatic body structure, one of the few things he takes pride in and makes time to train.

[+/-] Miraluka Legacy - Being part of his race has gifted Sadorti in use of the force, this talent easily puts him a step ahead of most padawans in the use of force powers. This also means he lacks eyes, replaced by the use of force sight. In some cases this can be a disadvantage, as those void of the force may become invisible.

[-] Lightsabers? Vibroblades? - Sadorti comes from a background in the Luka sene, where he trained his force abilities to higher levels. As such, any form of combat training has yet to be seeked out.

[+] Sense for detail - One of his most overlooked skills is Sadorti’s attention to details, small ones at that. No smudge of dirt goes untouched, unsmelt, or untasted

[+/-] Cynicist - Sadorti has no belief in loyalty to others, or some form of cause. In his mind each is to their own, and no one does a thing without it being their own gain

[+/-] Honourable duty - Sadorti would outright refuse maintenance jobs, or delivering messages on the battlefield, but give him a job of importance and he’d do it even if it meant he’d die trying

[-] Troublemaker - Sadorti’s questioning nature often lands him in trouble, trouble that he is more than happy to stir, but not without good reason

Most of Sadorti’s head and body is covered in clothing. Large coats and jackets are common amongst his attire, and his head is often wrapped or covered to only reveal his nose and mouth. This combination is suited for the cold climates that he often works within.

Descending from a long line of nomadic working class generations, Sadorti was limited in his educative years. It was only due to the Luka Sene that he had any viable training at all, travelling far from the adopted homeworld Alpheridies only to abduct him back. A rather conflicting event of Sadorti’s life; being pushed by strangers into the practice of the force, something he had hardly come to grasps with understanding at the time.

He excelled in the general training and started his own line of work as a freelance investigator. His work was few and far between. If it weren't for his working class heritage, finding funds for a scout ship might have been impossible. But the heated days in repulsor assembly lines payed off, allowing him to return to the stars as he once did as a child.

Here he became used to the sleepless days of his work, as obsession began to take over. The raw emotions that fueled his lifestyle began to twist his own perceptions and the controversial nature of what he did began to take toll on his reputation. It was far too soon when he was reclaimed by the Luka Sene yet again, and coasted back to his cement shoes; Alpheridies.

He was rigorously retrained, and thoroughly misinterpreted, the dark reputation created by rumor had preceded him. The Luka Sene forbade him from pursuing Investigative works, and was reconciled to more training, only this time under the eye of the Jedi. Sadorti along with a number of gifted Miraluka were escorted to the Mandalorian Border, and offered to the hands of the republic as suitable Padawan additions to the Jedi.





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