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Saera's Beginners Guide to Alchemy

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Sith Alchemy can be both a simple yet complex thing. It covers a very broad range of abilities, but the art itself is fairly consistent. Without having to write a multiple-page essay, let's get started into the basic of the world of Star Wars Alchemy.
DISCLAIMER: This is in no way a set standard on how to do things! This is only how I would do them, and how I've learned from others how to do them. What you do and how you accomplish it is solely up to you and how much dedication you put forth to each project.

[ B A S I C S ]
Before you go any further, if you're not already familiar with Sith alchemy, you should read on to the links below.
Sith Alchemy Wiki - A basic description of the use and origins of the art via Wookieepedia.
Sith Alchemy Guide - A comprehensive article on the many uses and applications of Sith Alchemy.
Swords Q&A: Alchemy, Force-Imbuement, etc - By Jon. A good read on some key points of Sith Swords and imbued blades.

Alchemy is part-metallurgy and craftsmanship, and part-strength and focus in the Force. There are several tools an alchemist will undoubtedly need to perform his or her craft. As it's very much a production skill, most of these things are necessary, though for certain functions such as body augmentation or Sith spawning, some things may not apply.
  • Forge/Blast Furnace
  • Lab (assuming one does not work at their master's)
  • Altar
  • Smithing/Casting Tools or Droids
  • Force Crystals (type is non-specific)
  • Body/Limbs Capable of Crafting

Alchemy can be used for a great many things, and many of them turn out to be very powerful and beneficial in initial perspective. As it's a diverse, dynamic skill that can cover a broad range of applications, from weapons to armor to trinkets of all kinds.

[ E N T R Y _ L E V E L ]
Apprentice/Acolyte (learning threads)
Those just starting in the IC world to learn and develop alchemy should always start with a couple of development threads to express their introductory learning curve. While not absolutely mandatory, it defeats the "hand-wave" feel that others might get from simply rushing into it, and it shows genuine effort. Generally speaking, your first items will have only one or two abilities, with only one core ability, and with two requiring a minimum development thread (10 posts, 2 writers). Your first five items or so should be simple trinkets such as very minor amulets that confer bonuses within the scale of something a Padawan could accomplish through training. Nothing at the entry level should be above Unique in production.
e.g.: Cryastfire Signets
  • Core Ability - Imparts Pyrokinesis/Marginally enhances existing Pyrokinesis
  • Side Ability - Slight feeling of harmony and inner clarity

[ A P P R E N T I C E _ L E V E L ]
Apprentice/Acolyte (1-3 learning threads, 1st creation)
After a handful of items such as these are made, it can be assumed that the alchemist has a general understanding of the art and is just competent enough to produce works on their own, without the assistance of a master, though the quality of their work will reflect this. The next roughly ten productions will usually follow similar principles, though the potential of the item will be slightly greater. The alchemist can now afford two minor core abilities and a side effect. It is also common of items at this level of modification to hold a faint Dark aura or have a marginal influence, though this is far from always the case. The alchemist can now push themselves a little further, but require a great deal of focus and likely a development thread for stronger items. Projects can include basic alchemic weapons and some restricted metals at this level, with development threads.
e.g.: Bluemoon Swordbreaker
  • Partially lightsaber-resistant
  • Extra sharp and hard
  • Made of Cryastium - Restricted Material

[ A D E P T _ L E V E L ]
Apprentice to Knight (at 5-10 creations, 3-6 dev threads)
Adepts in alchemy can accomplish a great many things. Above what they were formerly able to accomplish, now they may teach an aspiring initiate in the ways of their craft, whom will usually work with their forge until they find or craft a suitable one of their own. Accomplishments at this level now include stronger alchemical weapons, Dark Armor and most Sithspawn transmutations; usually experimental in nature, as complex mutations of life require the knowledge and focus only a master alchemist has. Sith Swords can now be made, though they might not be completely lightsaber-resistant or fully conductive of Force Lightning like their full-fledged brethren, depending on the quality of material and the details of its creation (development thread quality). Basic amulets and trinkets as stated before can now usually be made on experience alone, without a development thread unless utilizing a restricted or specialty material - especially non-metallic substances which are usually within the realm of only a master.
e.g.: Kaine Zambrano's Sith Amulet
  • Nullifies Force presence, including any Dark Side items carried

[ M A S T E R _ L E V E L ]
Knight to Master/Lord (at 20-30 creations, 10-20 dev threads)
Master alchemist are almost unlimited in the accomplishments they may make. Masters in this craft can transmute violent and stupendous Sithspawn through repeated experimentation, and alchemize almost any product including Sith Poison. They are able to make full strength Sith Weapons and even add several other abilities to them through crafting or development. Materials other than metal can now be worked, and restricted metals usually need only be earned via requirements before submitting then in alchemy. With extreme effort and developmental content, even Unique items of almost relic-quality can be made, and most mundane creations will not require development threads... or at least, very complex ones.
e.g.: Gypsy Fang Sith Orb (No Dev)
  • Full lightsaber and blaster resistance
  • Increased strength and weight
  • Absorbs and dispenses Force Lightning and Judgement
  • Dark Side amplification
  • Secondary - Fire conductivity and alteration
  • Secondary - Minor Life Drain/Force Drain
  • Progressive haemophilia/addiction
e.g.: Entropy Sith Sword (With Dev)
  • Full lightsaber-resistance and bolt deflection
  • Increased strength and weight
  • Absorbs and dispenses Force Lightning and Judgement
  • Secondary - Highly detrimental to offensive Force powers
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