Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Safe Passages

They had gotten the tip from a freighter heading to Lianna a small group of 10 slaves needing evacuation just outside of Dromund Kaas. Bree was not feeling well but there were no others that could go, and from their position on Nar Shaddaa they were the closest.

The trip in had gone without incident but of course when you draw someone in you let them in, but you do your best to keep them from leaving. Primeval had chased them as far as Levantin space but not before their ship took on more damage.

The hull integrity was down, shield generator shot, and the engine drive was starting to smoke. In the ship the smoke was building,

"YOU HAVE TO TAKE US SOMEWHERE TO LAND!" Bree was running from one end of the ship to the cock pit, "WE will all die if you don't' get us down"

He turned looking at her, "LIKE I DON'T KNOW THAT!"

She groaned moved over to the Navcomp the position was just past Toola, "VOSS," Bree's fingers punched numbers in, "Its close enough I think we can make, least get out of the ship, on the ground.."

The pilot nodded and began the course corrections.

Bree ran back to her charges the look of fear, the sensations of fear rolled over her stopping her in the door. She smiled, "it's ok we are going land and I think we are far enough that they won't come, and we are close to Republic Space that I can get everyone home"

Bree walked in and sat down in the middle of the group of twi'leks and humans. All were silent but grateful, one older man reached over and touched her, "no matter what even if we died right now, we'd die free"

Bree nodded. "yes..there is that" She started cry and she did not know what. The all huddled together waiting for the all clear.

Bree pulled out her comm there with all of them touching, with murmurs of prayer Bree tapped out the message.

[member="Jericho"] Crashing on Voss, I think. Ship is badly damaged from trip but I got 10 more out. Ten Jericho. I need some time away, all of the dark emotions are draining away my joy, and I don't' feel good. If this doesn't go well, crashing and all. Know my thoughts are with you.

Smoked trailed after the ship as it broke through the atmosphere, the pilot opened the vents to get the smoke out. He calls to the back had gone un answered he prayed they were all alive, they had to be. If he got her killed someone would definitely not be happy.

[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Beep... Beep... Beep...


She realized the emergency commlink was beeping like very crazy, and got up from her bed, thinking that this issue wasn't ne to be taken lightly. She took her commlink and sent a signal to wherever the signal of the ship was coming. This way she would understand wherever the ship was and guide them to safety. And the coordinates came, the situation was pretty bad and ship was about to crash, she took her lightsaber from the shelf and escaped her home, still talking via the commlink and hoping that the pilot was a good one.

"This is Nima Tann from the Silver Jedi. Your ship is flying so near to the surface and about to crash one of our towers. I am going to send you some coordinates, try to get there in one piece and I will send help immediately. How many are in your ship and what's the ship's condition? Over."

And then turned the channel to Emergency Services, they had to act quick.

"Send a medical team back to the coast, we have a ship coming."

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
The pilot was having a hard time controlling the craft when the message came from [member="Nima Tann"] he acknowledged, "Will try" He pulled hard on the yoke taking in the coordinates, turning the ship till she laid almost on her side he missed the tower and now was headed for an open field, "BRACE YOURSELVES" he yelled.

Bree was huddled with the group, as she thought, oh god [member="Jericho"] that was the last thought before the ship slammed into the ground the nose was now about six feet into the ground the wings were sheered off, and the compartment that held the refugees and Bree had rolled several times. Refugees laid out on the ground groaning, Bree lay inside what remained of the cabin, unconscious with three others.

The Pilot was unconscious, and quite possibly dead. This was not good.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She ordered the medical team to come with her to the beach, which she sent the coordinates to the pilot. The communicator was taking so much static, that she was worried about the worse thing that would happen to them if they wasted time so, she had to be careful not to crash it to Voss. "Can you hear me? Hello, come in!" She shouted. But no one answered. "Anyone? Come on! If anyone can hear me, look at the pilot's datapad and enter it to the navigational system that is probably near to the pilot." She didn't know if they got the message, since the static was so interrupting that she couldn't even hear her own voice.

After a minute or two they arrived to the beach and started to wait for the ship's arrival, or one could say, crash. She already warned the Voss security and the only thing to do was hoping that no one would get hurt from this. There was no trace of the ship and no voice coming from the holocommunicator, so it was about to get ugly, no matter how she hoped that it wouldn't.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She laid there staring up she could hear some of her people were hurt she rolled over onto her side and looked about she groaned as she wiped her forehead her fingers ran through something thick, her hair was matted.

She didn't have time to nurse this, "Who is here?" She had first thought about asking who was still alive. But she knew the answer to that would come soon enough. She could see others with her, she moved over on her knees to begin checking those with her. The first she checked was the dear sweet old man who had given her such hope before, the crash was too much he was dead. Bree sat there looking into his sad eyes that now stared at what remained of the top of the transport. After a moment she reached up and closed his eyes.

She turned to look at another and when she did brilliant blue eyes met hers, K'tara had survived., "How you doing, you hurt?"

A gentle smile, "I think my arm is broken" Bree inched over and carefully looked at the arm it was horribly bruised, "let's find a way to make a sling to keep you from moving it too much ok" the young girl smiled.

There was more movement everyone was beginning to stir and check on each other. Bree looked around..she hoped someone was listening, and that the right someone's would find them.

"Ok..." Bree began to look for what would make a good splint.

[member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Jericho"]

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