Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sage Lumiya

Sage Lumiya



Sage Lumiya

NAME: Sage Lumiya
  • None so far
  • Lumiya undine tribe - Felucia
  • Sith Order
  • Tribal Warrior
  • Sith Acolyte
SPECIES: Maszlaime Jeviso
AGE: Presents as young adult, is a late-teenager relative to her species age Progression
HEIGHT: 1.51m
EYES: Purple
HAIR: Purple
SKIN: Green
  • Basic
  • Felucian
  • Jeviso Khutrai (swamp undine)


Her most distinctive features are her membrane ears and her colouration. She has relatively long and strong legs ending in clawed feet and a feminine figure. Her large eyes are a deep purple as is her hair. When her nictitating membranes are closed her eyes appear a dark inky purple without and visible sclera.


Force user - Even among her isolated people her skills developed quickly and while she has limited proper tutelage in the force, she has much potential.
Species Strengths - Her species has many strengths listed in its submission.
Warrior - Brought up from soon after birth for combat and spending whole life, however short, fighting other tribes has honed her skills.


Species Weaknesses - Her species sub contains several weaknesses.
Naive to the galaxy at large - Living for just a short time in an isolated tribe means thar Sage knows little about the rest of the galaxy.


Loves combat - Is her happiest when in battle
Reveres breeders - She is of the warrior caste of her tribe who has been taught to protect with her life the breeder caste. This reverence and wish to protect means she is inclined to protect breeders of other species if given a choice. But it is not blind reverence and she wont hesitate if the need arises.
Us or them! - Has been brought up to see enemies around her, constant tribal war has seen to that. She will defend herself and whatever tribe she is in with vigour.


Sage was born from one of the first members of the Lumiya Tribe of Swamp Undine seeded by Vestara VII Vestara VII on Felucia. Her tribe was named after a famous Female member of the Sith. Her tribe inhabit a thriving swamp covering several thousand square miles with a rocky outcropping to the northern end that serves as their home. They are sandwiched between two other early tribes, the Cognus Tribe to the west and and Talon tribe to the South. the other tribes are further afield including Veila and Zannah as the most powerful. The close proximity and need for resources causes the tribes to be at near constant war with Lumiya suffering badly from its position between two other groups.

Sage holds a position as a Warrior and on her first birthday took the trials to be considered an adult, having already distinguished herself as a warrior she was promoted to lead several units in battle, she did well but it was tough and she desired more. Then she met a human, noted xenobotanologisylt Trinity Harris Trinity Harris who shared stories of wider galaxy at war.

Once Sage shared this with her tribal leaders it was determined that with her already good talents she would head to Sith Space to seek acolyte training. The Tribal leaders hoped that the increased power of having a Sith knight in battle would turn the tide and force peace, allowing the tribes to end the war. Only Sage doesn't want peace, she loves her tribe and sees its place clearly above the others. She will return a Knight to lead her people, but she will lead them as a ruler and finally unite all of the Swamp Undine of Felucia under her banner.


  • Parang Nabur sword hardened against lightsabers and with near monomolecular sharpened edge.
  • Sith Lanvarok
  • Guarderma Hazard suit - modified with atmospheric water moisture capture and dermal hydrator system.

  • Numerous sisters all named Lumiya with various herbal and swamp plant based first names.
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