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Approved NPC Saha

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Atsushi Ono


  • Intent: To create a fleet for offensive and defensive Mandalorian threads.
  • ​Image Credit: "Monumental Parade" by, LordDoomhammer, Second image is unknown (just pintrest and photobucket links) but was edited by [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
  • Role: Fighter Support and Information Services
  • Links: None

[*]Total Length: 14,300 Meters
[*]Notable Characters: [member="Dorn Skirata"] - When on Deck or in major battles is commander of the fleet
[*]Ports of Call: Mandalore
  • Strengths:
    Overwhelming Force: Between the three carriers and standard compliment of the destroyers in this fleet, over 1000 fighters can be fielded to swarm the enemy, not to mention the hundreds of Bes'uliik war droid riders within and whoever is fighting Saha is in for a very rough day.
  • Coordination: The Pygmy II is one of MandalMotors' only ships that sports an electronic warfare suite. This combined with the massive amounts of combat data the Ash'amurs and Pygmy IIs can collect gives the captains and commander of Saha's ships an impressive view of the battlefield and knowledge that could be invaluable in combat.

  • All Large Ships: While the ships in Saha have an impressive amount of starfighters for defense, all it takes is for another super carrier fleet to overwhelm the starfighter screens of Saha. Comprised of entirely destroyer-class or above vessels the fleet is severely lacking in anti-starfighter defenses in the form of frigates and corvettes.
  • Attack vs Defense: When leaving the Mandalore system to fight part of the fleet must stay in Mandalorian space in order to defend House Skirata assets as well as the planet itself. If used in an invasion the fleet must be cut in half or more (depending on predetermined fleet limits of the engagement)

Description: Saha. The Pack. It was a fleet made up of volunteers from House Skirata's various clans that was essentially given to the Mand'alor. Over the decades its fleet composition has changed with the times but its mission was always to show House Skirata's support of the current Mand'alor. Under Dorn Skirata the fleet focuses less on assault and more on reinforcing his allies and providing them with invaluable information on the battlefield. With over 1000 fighters at its disposal total it is an impressive defensive fleet to go up against and a godsend in foreign waters. Despite it being a force made to aid the Mand'alor in their endevours outside of Mandalorian space and within, its true loyalty is still to House Skirata and the people of Mandalore. Thus, only a portion of the fleet may ever be away from Manda'yaim at any one time so as to prevent sneak attacks from totally destroying the Mandalorian fleets while the Mand'alor is away.
Hello I'm going to be judging this submission.

  • Please add a link to the source of your images. Both of them.
  • Please link to the Mandalorian Empire under Allegiance.
  • Your numbers are coming up short. I did a quick count and it comes out at 16,300k. The maximum you can have is 15k. Please edit the fleet to ensure it adds up to 15k or less, as well as anyway this affects things such as squadron count/strength.
[member="Dorn Skirata"]
[member="Dorn Skirata"]

"x4 Rekr-Class Mandalorian Dreadnought - Rotation from Skirata Main Fleet - 6k Meters"

Please change this to state 4k Meters, not 6k, to match the changes.
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