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Unreviewed Saijan City


  • Intent: Create a planetary capital for the planet of Saijo.
  • Image Credit: Pinterest
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Saijo | Darth Fury
  • City Name: Saijan City
  • Classification: Metropolis
  • Location: Saijo
  • Affiliation: Darth Fury | Sith Order
  • Population: Crowded
  • Demographics:
  • Wealth: High; Saijan City has begun to modernize and industrialize recently, expanding it's manufacturing and export capabilities while providing new jobs and opportunities for locals. While this has certainly increased it's value and wealth, the Sith economy of keeping the lower strata poor offsets any gains on paper by a large margin. Though the wealthy elite of the city and planet continue to grow their wallets and stockpile their coffers.
  • Stability: High; While there is certainly unrest among the poorest of inhabitants of the city, Saijo itself is a fortress world of the Sith Order. Because of this it remains heavily defended by large numbers of garrisoned troops and Inquisition agents. Any discontent is quickly rooted out and suppressed via military might or cloaked patrols. Due to it's focus on military production, the city doesn't see many annual tourist except for those seeking employment within the war industry or other ambitious investors. Though it does maintain a lively night scene with plenty of places to explore.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Saijan City is a metropolis within the confines of the strict and oppressive Sith Order. It's people are forced to adhere to Sith philosophy in both mind, body and spirit. The market is also likewise restricted heavily and very few free market ideals and practices are permitted. The planet is ruled by a Sith Lord aristocrat who rules over his domain like a monarchy with dictatorial strategies.
  • Description: It's buildings are either drab grey or completely black like obsidian. It's lighting and neon mostly red with few variations. It's streets are ordered and it's blocks squared and meticulously planned. It's architecture is a mix between corporate standard and aristocrat embellishment. It's people are either among the lower classes of the poor, middling supervisors and managers, or wealthy business owners and investors. It's upper class remain it's noble rulers with Legion and Fleet officers. The city presents itself as a futuristic cyberpunk blend with corporate and gothic tones. It's architecture has square designs with sharp or curved edges, all dark in color with gothic ornamentation and dull lighting.
  • Crimson Citadel: This serves as the administrative and political capital of the city and the entire planet. It is here where the Sith aristocracy rule over their vassals and power bases while plotting how to expand their influence and assets. A constant war of intrigue and diplomacy mixed with corporate espionage make up the day to day within it's grand gothic halls. It also serves as the personal residence of it's Governor and Lord, Darth Fury, who maintains various rooms for personal privacy. The building is the most defensible and heavily guarded on the planet. Both from ground and air attacks.
  • Volton Tower: A tall, dark tower that strikes into the ever night sky. While not as large as the towers of the Citadel itself, this building remains the corporate headquarters for the prosperous and influential Volton Technologies. A well known military manufacturer of all things needed during war.
  • Bloodhowl Arena: The tall pyramid serves as a place of sport, both deadly or otherwise, for the inhabitants of the city and it's yearly gladiatorial games attract many across the entire sector of space. Gambling and profits made from these games and sporting events contributes greatly to the cities standing and annual GDP.
  • Fort Fury: This massive Sith military installation serves as the headquarters of both the Saijo Legion and Saijo Fleet. It is located in the planets far northern mountains and not very accesible via foot except for a highly protected and concealed tunnel beneath a mountain north of the city. It's air traffic is heavily monitored and patrolled, making any ill-intentioned enemies hard pressed to even gain entry much less cause any harm.
  • Twin Chantries: These two buildings serve as both offices, barracks and seats for the local Eternal church of Sepulchral Ultima and the Sith unit known as the Blades of Fury. Both buildings are heavily restricted unless having authorized permission to enter.

Rating: Maximum

The city was founded millennia ago as a haven for fleeing criminals, outcast and fleeing exiled nobles alike. It was a place on the edge of the Outer Rim where those who wished to disappear could do so. The cities origins as a pirate haven are well known and it wasn't until around 92BBY that it started to transform into something more civilized though it's chaotic criminal element remained. It wasn't until the Sith took over the planet that real law and order were brought to it's inhabitants with a iron fist. Criminal gangs were stamped out and exiled nobles established as its ruling class. The planet, and Saijan City, were split into domains of wealthy patrons to rule over their vassals as they wished. So long as the Sith continued to get their soldiers and war materials the aristocracy was allowed to flourish. And while noble families still retain their strongholds to this day and rule over their appointed baronnies, countries and dukedoms, the planet has begun a swing into a more corporate ran metropolis. Said noble houses are now beginning the transition into modern oligarchy as they invest and found their own companies.
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