Saki lin
NAME:Saki Lin
AGE: 23
EYES: icy blue
HAIR:tentacles are White down to her eyes then stripe pattern that is Orange red
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Saki is very naive at times and can have trouble listening to others but she is very loyal and will help
+expert engineer
-bold that can get you into trouble
APPEARANCE:Saki has a cut down her back from a blade her skin is orange with stripe patterns of white on her arms and legs
Saki was born on her home world she was born to a fairly rich family at the age of 16 she ran away to chase her dream of being a bounty hunter the first two year beat her causing her to have to toughen up a bit from a girl to a woman
Over the years after getting a job with the red ravens Saki fought with them commanding cruisers and taking control of he space battles, that was short lived as when the red ravens disbanded she was left with no job and became a drunk living off of barely enough
Now she is back and looking to change herslef but who is to say what will happen in a uncertain future?
The future looked up for saki it has seemed, when ZTI had a recruitment thing on the planet She became a drunk on she putold froth all her money quickly to get cleaned and a good dress, she went to the recruitment test and solved nearly every task at hand
She was transferred to [member="Darth Erebos"] or as she would know him as t'zanith, she quickly took a liking to him as he did her, their love was a little quick yet it aligned perfectly, she became a engineer for his company and helped him as her first job build a massive ship showing excellence there
Soon following she joined the sith to improve her connection to the force, unknowingly she her master became erebos, who she had no idea was t'zanith, she was taught a littke different then the regular sith letting anger not control her but her use it instead, she was also taught many different other powers that suited her fighting style, a few would be Shii-cho and Fireshaping
But soon dark.times fell again, the one sith was weak, she had been told by her master that the times were coming and gave her a holocron as a gift should the events happen, not to long after corusaunt was attacked and she barely had time to escape, now she has bounced around factions before setting with the Mandalorians, knowing she'd be some what safe with them while she improved her skills and search for her master....not knowing her lover and master were both the same man
Force powers/what she has leaned
Force based physical augmention-apprentice
Force lightning-apprentice
Curato salva-apprentice
Items she owns
AGE: 23
EYES: icy blue
HAIR:tentacles are White down to her eyes then stripe pattern that is Orange red
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Saki is very naive at times and can have trouble listening to others but she is very loyal and will help
+expert engineer
-bold that can get you into trouble
APPEARANCE:Saki has a cut down her back from a blade her skin is orange with stripe patterns of white on her arms and legs
Saki was born on her home world she was born to a fairly rich family at the age of 16 she ran away to chase her dream of being a bounty hunter the first two year beat her causing her to have to toughen up a bit from a girl to a woman
Over the years after getting a job with the red ravens Saki fought with them commanding cruisers and taking control of he space battles, that was short lived as when the red ravens disbanded she was left with no job and became a drunk living off of barely enough
Now she is back and looking to change herslef but who is to say what will happen in a uncertain future?
The future looked up for saki it has seemed, when ZTI had a recruitment thing on the planet She became a drunk on she putold froth all her money quickly to get cleaned and a good dress, she went to the recruitment test and solved nearly every task at hand
She was transferred to [member="Darth Erebos"] or as she would know him as t'zanith, she quickly took a liking to him as he did her, their love was a little quick yet it aligned perfectly, she became a engineer for his company and helped him as her first job build a massive ship showing excellence there
Soon following she joined the sith to improve her connection to the force, unknowingly she her master became erebos, who she had no idea was t'zanith, she was taught a littke different then the regular sith letting anger not control her but her use it instead, she was also taught many different other powers that suited her fighting style, a few would be Shii-cho and Fireshaping
But soon dark.times fell again, the one sith was weak, she had been told by her master that the times were coming and gave her a holocron as a gift should the events happen, not to long after corusaunt was attacked and she barely had time to escape, now she has bounced around factions before setting with the Mandalorians, knowing she'd be some what safe with them while she improved her skills and search for her master....not knowing her lover and master were both the same man
Force powers/what she has leaned
Force based physical augmention-apprentice
Force lightning-apprentice
Curato salva-apprentice
Items she owns