Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Salem & Olivia Apollo


Salem and Livia Apollo

Age: 14
Species: Human
Gender: Male (Salem), Female (Livia)
Height: Salem: 164 cm, Livia: 160 cm
Weight: Salem: 50 kg, Livia: 50 kg
Force Sensitive: Yes


Physical Description:
Salem and Livia, the 14-year-old twins of pilot Lucian Apollo Lucian Apollo , share similar physical traits. Both possess black hair inherited from their father and striking rose gold-colored eyes, distinctive features that mark their connection to the Force. Clad in Jedi robes, they carry an air of determination and grace.

  • Lightsabers
  • Jedi Robes
  • Comlinks


Salem is a focused and driven individual, excelling in lightsaber combat and displaying a keen interest in ancient Jedi lore. He approaches challenges with a calm determination, showcasing exceptional skills in wielding the lightsaber with precision. While deeply connected to the Force, Salem tends to be overly critical of himself, questioning his own abilities and decisions. Struggling with letting go of attachments and emotions, he occasionally finds it challenging to maintain a clear connection to the Force.

Livia is compassionate and diplomatic, using her innate empathy to foster understanding and resolve conflicts. While proficient in lightsaber combat, her true strength lies in her diplomatic skills. She approaches challenges with a commitment to empathy and peaceful resolutions whenever possible. Developing strong telekinetic abilities, Livia showcases proficiency in manipulating objects using the Force. Her compassionate nature sometimes leads her to be overly trusting, but she remains dedicated to the principles of the Jedi Order.

1. Exceptional Lightsaber Combat: Salem excels in lightsaber combat, displaying a natural aptitude for wielding the weapon with precision.
2. Knowledgeable in Jedi Lore: Salem's keen interest in ancient Jedi teachings provides him with valuable insights and perspectives.

1. Diplomatic Skills: Livia excels in diplomacy, using her innate empathy to foster understanding and resolve conflicts.
2. Telekinesis: She is developing strong telekinetic abilities, showcasing proficiency in manipulating objects using the Force.

1. Overly Self-Critical: Salem tends to be overly critical of himself, often questioning his own abilities and decisions.
2. Difficulty Letting Go: He struggles with letting go of attachments and emotions, occasionally hindering his connection to the Force.

1. Overly Trusting: Livia's compassionate nature sometimes leads her to be overly trusting, potentially exposing her to manipulation.
2. Reluctance in Combat: She is hesitant to fully embrace aggressive combat tactics, preferring peaceful resolutions whenever possible.


Salem and Livia are the children of the skilled pilot Lucian Apollo and an unnamed mother. Their Force sensitivity became apparent from a young age, leading them to join the Jedi Order as Padawans at the age of 14. Growing up within the Order, they embarked on a journey that encompasses a balance of combat training, diplomacy, and the pursuit of ancient Jedi teachings. Their unique roles within the galaxy contribute to the ongoing legacy of Lucian Apollo and the principles of the Jedi Order.



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