Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Salk

FACTION: True Galactic Empire

RANK: N/A (see bio)


AGE: 27

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5 foot 9

WEIGHT: 165 pounds

EYES: Black

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Olive



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Brawler- Advanced hand to hand skill

+ Fighter Pilot- If it is fast and agile he can fly it.

+/- Average Marksman- Salk knows his way around a blaster but is far from being a crack shot

+/- Infantry Tactics- Salk can survive if a group if need be.

- Shady past- Not much is known about him but the rumors are far from good.

- Unapproachable- His appearance makes people wary about approaching him.


Salk appears pretty much exactly like the picture. Long hair, scraggly beard, largely unkempt appearance. His most widely known feature are his seemingly soulless black eyes giving off the appearance of looking into a bottomless abyss. He wears a lot of dark leathers much like a person of nefarious intentions would. He almost always as weapons on him. A knife tucked up his sleeve when wearing a jacket or tucked in his pants at the small of his back when not. In a pocket he has brass knuckles with quarter inch spikes on them. In his boots he hides a small concealable blaster for the really sticky situations.


Public Bio (IC knowledge):

Salk was born somewhere in deep space. Nobody is entirely sure where. He first surfaced in a Mos Eisley Cantina as a teenager with a habit of bar fights. After a quick stint in the drunk tank Salk disappeared. A few years later rumors of him surfaced on Nar Shadaa, even a few more rumors put him on Dromund Kaas, others say he was spotted on Apatros. So rumors were able to be confirmed such as Nar Shadaa.

Then Salk disappeared again resurfacing a few years later on Mindabaal and then in a Cantina on Ord Mantell before disappearing again.

Nobody knows for sure who he is or who he works for if anyone any one. Most speculate he is a freelancers his disappearances are the result of being picked up by various system or sector agencies to serve prison time for various crimes ranging from Piracy, to smuggling, and multiple murder.

Private Classified file (OOC Bio until found out IC):

Salk is the code name for an Imperial Army Colonel specializing in Covert Operations and acting Director of Intelligence for the True Galactic Empire. Many of the disappearing acts were the many stages of his training. His rumored prison stints coincide with Infantry training, Counter Intelligence training, and various off the books military operations conducted by the Imperial Military. His greatest asset in maintaining his cover is still his appearance as nobody would believe such a person would be an Imperial.


Standard Cloakshape/H Fighter



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