Morgana Forceborn
Good girl. Mean Streak.

NAME: Sally Brooks
RANK: Scientist
SPECIES: Human turned droid
AGE: 32
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 7”
WEIGHT: 180 Ilbs
EYES: Metallic Silver
HAIR: Metallic
SKIN: Silver, Chrome
+Brilliant scientific mind
+Droid body allows for higher endurance and strength compared to humans
+Slight slicing capabilities
+Jetpack upgrade
+Repulser-ray upgrades that simulate force push and pull
+Discharge upgrades that simulate force lightning
-Still feels pain through robotic parts
-Feels like a freak or outcast for being stuck in a robotic body
Given her new appearance Sally looked like a sliver bodied luxury droid. Features such as ears are missing but she does have hair-like attachments. Has holo-visor over the eyes. Usually she’ll try to wear clothing to feel as “normal” as possible.
Once a brilliant scientist in the fields of droid programming and engineering Sally Brooks of Bespin had been trying to break through the coding of the droid brain and the human mind to create a perfect the means of traveling through the holonet via the mind. Ever since she was a child she’d been fascinated by droids and their abilities to more-or-less communicate with other machines, a basic function among some. She envisioned the idea of creating a type of interface for any normal person to use in order to interact with machines as if they were another organic being and being able to traverse through the holonet for a more personal experience.
Over the years Sally had tried to get proper funding for her work but many had turned her down on the grounds of her theories being too radical. Others because they themselves were trying to develop their technology in the same field but, of course, wanted full credit for their work. After a long an arduous search Sally finally managed to find funding from an outside source that believed in her work. They’d even donated an old droid body that apparently was once inhabited by a sentient virus.
For weeks Sally had worked through her theories and programming, using the droid body as a test subject on a number of occasions. During this time some of the competitive companies had caught scent of what Ms. Brooks was trying to accomplish and felt she needed to be “dealt with”.
When Sally had felt she’d finally perfected her idea, even to where she was ready to test it, she was stopped by a group of hired thugs who helped to put an end to her research and her life. They shot her and left her for dead while trashing most of her equipment and leaving her lab to burn. Dying and without any other means of escape or survival Sally was forced to save herself the only way she could: through the droid’s body.
Reworking the process for her experiment she managed to download her very being into the droid body, now house within a cybernetic mind. Sally managed to survive after the lab was destroyed but she was now stuck in the droid body, no way or returning to her now dead remains. Even to the public she was declared dead, none believing her when she tried to convince them that she was alive inside the droid body.
Without a real body or sense of purpose Sally Brooks now wanders as a droid, feeling like an outcast because of her “condition”.