Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greetings, new here, sort of. This account was made two years ago apparently. Still trying to get acquainted with the site and whatnot but looking forward to roleplaying if I do choose to actually do so. Very open to taking advice and suggestions on stuff.
Thanks everyone!

Scherezade deWinter said:
[member="Zack"] Welcome to Chaos! Did you have any sort of character in mind? A type of personality you'd like to RP?
I have a few ideas to go through depending on factions and who'd be up to rp with me. A few of the ones I might do were:

Male (Either side): Non force sensitive (or not enough of it/training to be a Jedi or Sith) who is very interested in Jedi and Sith history and culture, particularly artifacts of the Sith. Most likely this would be either a strategist or very combative character that isn't human. Like an ikotchi if I wanted more broad skills or a Lasat or Basalisk if it was mainly combative but sort of had a knack for planning. This is the primary idea. This character would probably be meant to be more of a logical/strategic mindset, although he'd most likely use it to achieve more emotionally based goals such as the collection of artifacts and things. Probably empathetic for others including enemies though he may still go through with his plans in spite of it.

Female Firrereo: Probably force sensitive trying to be a Jedi type character (I don't know the rules yet about making characters who have already had training or not. If I could I'd probably try and make her an apprentice or something if someone was willing.) Likely a lot more emotional then the characters I'm used to making, sort of prideful, that way I can play with light side/dark side if I want so I'm not stuck on one end with her. Really open to which end she goes to initially if I planned it with someone.

Anyway those are the two main ones, primarily. There are smaller ones but it's these I mostly want to explore, with alterations where useful or necessary.
Figure I should mention this here, I won't really be online the next few days, just so people know I exist and haven't left after just getting here. I'm just not able to respond to what people did or legitimately get started.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wow, I think you may be like 3rd in holding the record of posts in two

Come on in...actually just jump in....the water is fine, [member="Zack"]
There's only a few sharks and barracudas swimming about. but fret not. I think they have eaten the last few new arrivals of last week and aren't looking to feed for a while. So yea, jump right in and swim...SWIM, SWIM, SWIM!

Gasp!... :eek: Oh-oh....I think i see a fin surfacing. Quickly, write a post..join a story!

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