Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Salvage on Scarif

Random Salvage Site
Kyra stared on in awe.

It wasn't the presence of so much untapped salvage that drew her attention, no given all of the battles which had happened in and around this planet in the past there was bound to be starships and the like lost within the tropical surroundings, it was in fact the one stray areca nut that had her perplexed. It lay there bright as day, yet the closest palm tree was many leagues in the other direction, on the shoreline. Being that she was effectively the furthest inland as one could be on a world filled with islands, it was a very strange sight to behold.

What manner of native creature has the strength enough to haul that thing over here?

Of course it could have been a humanoid, or other sentient being, who brought the nut out to this ancient wreckage... But if that was the case, then why was the ship untouched? There were vines still covering the entrances, dust and debris scattered all around and painting the hull in a murky grey, Kyra had seen plenty of untapped wrecks before now, but this was the most intact.

Shaking her head, and kicking the odd areca nut to one side, she stepped along the underbrush toward the felled corvette.

The thing was a beast, and had she not been standing on one of the larger islands she had no doubt it would have been mostly underwater at this point. Trees had grown around it since it had fallen, making it difficult to spot from overhead, and given just how many islands there really were it didn't completely surprise her that it lay untouched like it was... But still, her ship had managed to scan it without too much difficulty. Maybe people simply weren't looking for it, she was close to the impact zone after all. Most of what had lay within was obliterated or untouchable for quite some time following the devastation.

It was mostly sunk into the ground, so it was difficult to get a real grasp on just how large the thing was. Its tail end, which was what she was looking at now, stuck up at an angle toward the sky. She'd have a little bit of a rough time scaling up to one of the airlocks. Likely most of the buried half was in pieces, if the way hunks of the hull lay scattered about was anything to go by, but she didn't really want to spend her weeks digging it up.

No, upward it was.

Reaching to the side of her pack she pulled off the small grappling hook before unlooping the large length of coiled rope from the straps of her pack. She had it tied and ready to go in no time. Perhaps it was time to invest in something a little less archaic, like one of those fancy grapple guns she'd seen other people using. Far more compact... Easier to use.

Why haven't I gotten one of those yet?

No matter, she began to swing the makeshift device, building up its momentum, before targeting it up at an outlying piece of metal close to the airlock she had set her sights on earlier.

"Here goes nothing," she muttered, as she flung it sky high in hopes of it catching onto something.
​From the endless void of space, a single Imperial IV Star Destroyer slipped out of Hyperspace, bold to it's purpose the capital ship hovered over Scarif with menacing intent. Silently the ship loomed over the orb, making no action for a time until finally the hanger to the vessel was opened, releasing a small swarm of LAAT gunships. Seven of the gunships flew down in close formation, swiftly breaking through the upper atmosphere of Scarif and thundering down to the surface.

​Adron stood within the center gunship, his arms crossed as he looked to the Imperial Novatrooper that shared the gunship with him. "Are your men ready, Sergeant?" The High Moff asked, glancing back at the man with an arched brow.

"Yes, Sir." The trooper said, before tapping the side of his helmet. "This seems like a bit of a milk run for you Sir, wouldn't this type of thing be better accomplished by Director Caalgean?" The Sergeant asked, his arm returning to the hand rail that was above him.

An amused chuckle erupted from Adron as he realized his elite guard were being used for a task that one could define as, a milk run. "I'm not interested in protecting junk, Sergeant. I have another agenda I'll be fulfilling." As the high Moff spoke, the blast doors to the LAAT slowly slid from their closed position, revealing the crystal blue ocean that the gunships were soaring over. Interested eyes turned to see the large archipelago that laid in the distance.

​As the LAAT's cut through the water, they quickly found themselves swarming a beach, only a few yards from one of the fallen Republic- model ships. The gunships slowed down, forming a tight crescent at the edge of the beachhead.

​The moment they reached land, Adron stepped forward, watching as his men moved to take up a defensive perimeter. Novatroopers were nothing if not impressively diligent. Turning to the Sergeant, Adron gestured to the series of nearby ships. "Let's get started Sergeant. Two teams for every ship, everyone else will stay here, you come with me." As the Imperial Trooper transmitted the High Moff's orders back to the rest of the platoon, the two made their way over to a crashed Republic Hammerhead cruiser.

[member="Kyra Sol"]
It wasn't until she reached the interior that Kyra realized just how much damage this vessel had sustained.

The grueling climb had left her with burning muscles and a laborious breath cycle, yet now that it was over she felt as though she could see for miles. This world, for all of its fractured and bloody history, was undeniably beautiful... But she was not here for the sights. She had given herself but a minute or so to fully take in the view before forsaking it for the grungy interior of a ship which had been shot down prior to the fall of Palpatine's Empire, she now stood within a living, breathing piece of history, and the mere thought of that left her understandably speechless.

No different than the Graveyard of Jakku, she reminded herself; the giants there would put most of the ancient wreckage on Scarif to shame. Scaling a Star Destroyer really put things into perspective. Kyra had never actually salvaged from that mighty vessel, it had felt wrong. But this? Eh... Lets just say there were a few specific pieces she needed from it.

Attaching one end of the rope to her belt, making sure it was good and secure, she proceeded to venture through the sideways room. Everything which had been bolted down hung awkwardly, and those things which had been loose had crumpled to a pile down on her makeshift wall of a ground. She didn't care for most of what she saw, random items, a few pieces of tech, furniture, most of it was typical spacer chit, functional and made for the most part from durable metal. Likely the only reason any of it remained.

No, what she needed was to discover the heart of the vessel.

Reaching up she set one fingertip against her right temple and for a moment felt a searing pain through her optic nerves. Almost so severe that it made her nauseous and threatened to send her sprawling to the ground. Had she not experienced it before she might have passed out entirely. Patching into the cybernetics she had implanted within her brain was something she often forgot to do, it could be difficult to remember that they were even there at all given that there was no physical confirmation of it at any point until she chose to activate it.

Damn procedure almost killed me, the least I can do is make use of it.

Especially in moments like these where she couldn't risk taking one hand out of use by pulling out a datapad.

"Hammerhead Corvette, Rendili StarDrive... Show me a floor plan. I need the engine room."

While she waited for the uplink to form, aided by the droid she'd left behind on her ship, she pushed her way further through the vessel until she reached what should have been a doorway but instead looked more like a hatch. How far of a drop it would be depended on which room lay beyond.

[member="Adron Malvern"]

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