Salvator Vonstein
Lord Of The Brethern Court

NAME: Salvator Vonstein
FACTION: Privateers Alliance
RANK: Lord Of The Brethern Court.
SPECIES: Zauberlord
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: He is six foot seven inches tall.
WEIGHT: He is three hundred pounds with the body of a Adonis, sculpted like a greek god of pure muscle.
EYES: He has red beady eyes.
HAIR: He has long dark flowing black hair the color of a ravens feathers.
SKIN: His Skin is white in color, not pale white.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Zauberlord's Have a racial gift to the force and those lucky enough to be born with the conection to the force are trained since birth too master there gifts. There race is exceptionally strong in force heal and force drain.
Power and Speed: The Zauberlords have advanced strength and speed nearly twice that of as regular human.
Heart Beat: Zauberlords have Excellent hearing so good in fact they can hear a persons pulse and track them simply by the sound of there breathing or heartbeat
Healing and Killing: Because of there deep connection to the force, Master Zauberlords are exceptionally good at two kinds of force specifically for heal and force drain, they can use there ability of force heal to cure most ailments be it common sickness or battle field wounds. As For force drain they use it to torture enemies.
Masters Of Torture:Because of there strength in force heal and force drain, they have been contracted in the past alot to deal people who wouldnt talk, they could torture them forever and just keep force healing them eventually everyone talked.
Night Stalker: They can see in the Perfect dark vision and see into the infrared spectrum, It only works at night.
Water:The Zauberlord cannot survive in water in large bodies of water. Though they can stand to be in water for short moments at a time, any more than that and they will drown. Due to their thick muscle fibers,Zauberlord are completely unable to swim.
Murderous intent: Zauberlords are carnivores, predators and need to eat. If they don't keep themselves sufficiently fed, they will start hungering for anything that has meat on its bones. Killing a entire colony if that's what it takes the stave off the hunger.Starving a Zauberlord will usually turn it into a very messy situation resulting in Mass murder.
Nomadic- Because the Zauberlords do not possess a home world anymore, or truly any permanents holdings on other worlds, that does somewhat harm the capacity for how many members their species can have. Should one venture far enough from known space, they would be restricted to there ships and advancing the population might prove difficult.
Backstabbing- The Zauberlords are a pretty selfish and conniving species, really caring only for themselves and ways to extend their life-span and power they do not have any capability for empathy.
Refer To Picture provided There is no more details about his appearance, that cant be seen in the picture.
He has lived his life as a smuggler for the better part of it , then he had the chance of a life time to build his own company and get filthy rich. Due to some bad gambling debts and a couple fools who got into the hutts real deep, he had found a way to switch jobs from smuggling to private trade.
He would black mail the people who owed the hutts money and pay there debts with money he made smuggling, Then he would use there information to raid other ships and sell the goods from those ships.
He needed some sort of legal front to avoid to many questions at space ports and the Privateer's Alliance was born into creation. He used his dirty money and formed a legit company that specialized in robotics and intergalatic war ships.
It was simple to figure out everyone goes to war why shouldnt he be the one to gain the profits.
SHIP: The Titian -Hyperlinked- it would take way to long to explain this ship.