Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Salvor Arnex

Species/Race: Zabrak
Name: Salvor
Last Name: Arnex
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Iridonia
Age: 22
Weight: 181
Hair Color/Style: bald with a row of horns going over the middle of his head.
Facial Appearance: Salvor is not spectacular to look at but nor is he ugly. His face is slightly pointed at the chin and his features sit comfortably on his face.
Eye Color: purple
Body Appearance: an athletic build built over years of training in martial arts
Home Planet: Iridonia
Faction: One Sith
Rank: none right now
Armor: Black chest plate made from krayt dragon scales worn under a smoke colored tunic, smoke colored pants, a black cloak
Primary Weapon(s): single blade red light saber
Secondary Weapon(s): short blade red light saber, vibro dagger
Miscellaneous Item(s): commlink, data pad,

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+extremely skilled with a lightsaber
+is skilled at using the force to augment his physical skill (i.e. balance, strength and speed)
-/+ can be single minded, whcich depending on the situation could be an asset or a detriment
-not overly gifted at using the force in other areas
-not politically motivated
-doesn't stick strictly with Sith ideals, has his own code he follows
-is very skilled but will tend to over estimate his skills and bite off more than he can chew
-stubborn, will often times refuse to back down until he is absolutely forced to.

Biography: Salvor was born on Iridonia in to a relatively small but ferocious clan consisting of only about 15 members with Salvor being the last born before the war with a group of Trandoshan slavers that completely wiped out his clan.

Salvor grew up as any child on Iridonia, battling hard conditions, fierce beasts and competition over resources from rivaling clans. Salvor was the youngest of 6 siblings and doted upon as the baby of the family. 3 years after Sal was born a group of Trandoshan slavers landed near the encampment of the Arnex clan and almost immediately the two groups began waging a bloody and brutal war. In the end the firepower and numbers of the slavers proved to be to much for the small Zabraki clan as after the weeks of battles only 3 members remained alive: a 3 year old Salvor, his sister, and his young cousin who was only a year older than Salvor. The slavers took the young Zabraki children and were able to sell all three of them within weeks of acquiring them, Salvor’s sister was sold to some rich aristocrat in imperial territory while Salvor and his cousin were sold to Valturla an up and coming hutt gangster.

His first few years as a slave were like any other young slave’s first years, hard, cold, sad and scary. But as his people have done for eons Salvor persevered. As Salvor matured he started to grow into the warrior he was destined to be, so Valturla being the entrepreneur he was sought to make credits off the boy and have him train as a gladiator. Salvor had a budding rivalry with another young slave at the Ludus named Titus, during a training duel between the two with real blades Salvor nearly cut Titus’ face in two and left the young man with a hideous scar that would be with him his whole life. After this incident Valturla saw the boy’s potential as an assassin and had the young Zabraki taken from the Ludus to begin his training a hitman. So talented was the child that he only spent a few months under the tutelage of a mandalorian freelancer who taught the boy martial skill and to be able to wield a multitude of weapons efficiently along with teaching the young man the basics of interrogation.

Upon the completion of his training Salvor soon proved himself to be a natural killer with a flair for brutality and an affinity for avoiding harm and detection. Valturla used the teenager’s skills to shake down and eliminate beings that had “wronged” the Hutt. At 16 Salvor was given the task to hunt and kill an outlander who had recently killed one of Valturla’s captains. Salvor tracked the man for days before attempting to strike in an alley of the lower level of Nar Shadda the duel was short and vicious with Salvor unable to deal a killing blow to the spacer who turned out to be a Sith apprentice. the Sith was able to easily incapacitate the teenager but kept him alive after sensing Salvor‘s affinity for the force. after discussion with his master The sith proceeded to purchase Salvor from Valturla and take the young Zabraki for training.

Form I Shii-Cho: Adept

Form II Makashi: Beginner

Form III Soresu: Beginner

Form IV Ataru: Beginner

Form V Shien/Djem So: Beginner

Form VI Niman: Adept

Form VII Juyo/Vaapad: Beginner






A Tarisian meet-up
preactice makes perfect

searching for purpose

One Sith



Shadow Empire

Family sins
Together Again
Growing up
The Astral Ball

False peace

Tenebrus Triumvirate

Phrik Raid
Fire in Ice

Mercenary work:
When old allies meet
Tarisian meet up(Redux)
Throwing weight around

Shadow Dynasty rebirth:
Return of the warden
Filling in the blanks

no? Maybe? I don't know. I'm not 100 percent how it works. If it's not okay then I'll switch it up. I transferred this bio over from a different RP site with different rules, so I may have glossed over some details during the switch.

I also figured that since he was picked up by a sith, over a year ago according to his bio, he may of been handed a saber and given a small amount of training on how to use it.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]

Well Shit mang lol. I'm new too. dude. This was hard for me, as you could probably tell by my noob name. It's supposed to say "Larkoon Darkmat'r but my computer is stupid...I just slapped this one together and used my best knowledge of the lore to create my half Human Half Zabrak, Dathimirian.

But I hear you have to be given your saber and taught the skills/force poodoo and all that Mon.
[member="TheLastZabrak"], [member="Salvor Arnex"], yes you can start with a lightsaber, however you cannot be purely skilled as duelist of such a weapon from the get go (not saying you are) it was a nice read and interesting. however, I would like you more if you didn't have that One Sith listed as your faction.
[member="Dante Zankar"] Can it be custom made? You know like how Darth Zannah( Did I spell it right?) had an archaic saber staff? It couldn't turn on except for her demand.
[member="TheLastZabrak"], Yes you can make a special one, but if you want to make is as special as how alot of the famous Sith lords like Exar Kun, Darth Sidious, and even Darth Maul. You will need do do Dev, or Development threads to make the saber, or just simply to collect the materials necessary. Some sabers, (I used to have one) took me a total of three threads to make it. (Sadly I had to destroy it.)
[member="Dante Zankar"] VERY INTERESTING! Since I plan to train my character in Niman, souresu and Jarkai, I planned to copy off a certain rattatake that fucked with Obi-wan and Anakin during the Clone saga--One Asjji Ventress.
Very interesting concept, Good luck with that!

and since I don't want to flood up this thread anymore, if either of you have more questions, you can PM me and we can talk there about anything.
thank you both for the compliments on the character bio, I'm very proud of this character and I hope to see you guys around the boards at some point. as far as his saber training goes, he knows some of the basics but would most likely get killed in a duel with anyone that has any real training.

[member="Dante Zankar"]

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