Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sam Jhovna


Disney's Princess
Character Profile: Sam Jhovna
NAME: Samantha Jhovna
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Knight - Consular
AGE: 32 years old
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 175cm - 5'9"
WEIGHT: 73kg - 160 lbs
EYES: Gray
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White



+ People Person
+ Dedicated Salesman

+ Combat Bladesman
- Eye Inflection

- Fear of Deep Waters
- Amateur Pilot


Natural Beauty. Sam is radiant human female of adult age and height. Her skin is pale and without blemish but she sunburns very easily. This effect turns her once pretty skin into a rash of cherry spots. Bleh. Her hair is long, lush, and golden but can't hold a curl to save her life. Truly, the amount of money she spends on getting her hair to behave is rather embarrassing to behold. She has a thin body with welcome womanly curves but has trouble gaining weight. A genetic trait passed on by her thin father's family. Strength training can reinforce her skinny bones with lean muscle but this rarely has the desired effect of making her more intimidating. She is rather conscience of her skinny little wrists as well. Should anyone make comment about her wrists, she tends to frown and get pouty. All in all. Sam is a pretty, tall, very self conscience mess. Any day without bad hair, is a good day in her book.


Vanity Fair. Sam is the daughter of a wealthy Coruscanti merchant and a Hapan warrior woman. Her upbringing was a vain, complicated, and often confusing tale of two cities. Her father taught her he rules of trade, the importance of charisma, good posture & tone, and even how to pamper your way to success. Opposite him was her mother Amazon. She taught her daughter that life was not fair, you only get what you earn, and that violence is a language that every wise leader speaks with great pride. From these two great personalities Sam became a unique hybrid. Growing up in the expanses of the Galactic Core Worlds gave her the freedom to earn wealth and experiment as she pleased. The Force was also mindful of her adventures and more than once interceded on her behalf. This magical occurrences always went unnoticed however. A butterfly effect that allowed this naïve young girl to learn and grow without injury or harm.

Now a firm young woman in her own right, Sam heads off into the galaxy to invest her time and talent in even greater adventures. Her family and friends remained safety moored to the nomadic lifestyle of modern investment traders. Many wild adventures follow.

Jedi Padawan. Sam joined the Jedi Temple and quickly progressed to the status of full Padawan Jedi. Advanced as a leader and skillful in battle, she gained a long mission list of successful adventures. Often completing her objectives without proper supervision or the assistance of a Jedi Master. This eventually leaned in her favor as she took on more combat oriented roles amongst the Republic Navy. However, she suffered a devastating defeat during the One Sith Invasion of Coruscant and another during the One Sith Invasion of Empress Teta. She was promoted to full Jedi Knight following her lengthy recovery in the hospital. She also received the Republic Medal of the Western Flotilla for her many tempered duties in assisting the Republic Navy.

Jedi Knight. As part of her mental recovery process following her traumatic war defeats, Sam was admitted to the Jedi Monastery of Ossus. Here she practiced trance mediation, botanical chemistry, and Force Alchemy for three years. Healing herself both in mind and in body. Eventually finding the faith, friends, and steadfastness in The Force; to once again rejoin the galaxy at large. She then formally left the Republic State Order and resigned as a Jedi Consular. Turning over her Padawan Bladestaff in symbolism and beginning her new life as an independent Jedi woman. Into a brave new world.


  • Synthetic Blue Lightsaber Staffs: (x2) - Waterproofed Wideblade. For Form V Practitioners. (Jedi) (Common)
  • Consulars Robes: - Custom Jedi Fashions. For that scholarly Hogwarts look. - (Jedi) (Common)
  • Jedi Utility Belt: - Gadgets and gizmos galore. Like Batman. - (Jedi) (Common)
  • Tin-Roberts EVA: Tier 6 - EVA Combat Spacesuit. - (Uncommon)



  • Force Abilities
    Telekinetic: Push, Pull, Jump, Feather Fall, Speed, Hold Person, Crushing Prison, and Shockwave/Repulse.
  • Defensive: Barrier, Force Shield, Resist Energy, Absorb Lightning, Freedom of Movement, and Resist Mental Domination.
  • Concentration: Active Meditation, Battlemind Link, Slow Time, and Enhance Perceptions.
  • Enhancement: Enhance Strength, Empower Blade, and Force Valor.
  • Healing: Heal Self, Heal Other, Close Wound, Neutralize Poisons, and Hibernation Trance.
  • Illusion: Mind Trick, Suggestion, and Create Sound.
  • Elemental: Lesser Flaming Touch, Lesser Frosting Touch, Lesser Shocking Touch, Lesser Gusting Touch.
  • Light: Magelight and Brighten Flames.
  • Exotic: None.





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