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Approved Vehicle 'Samara' Drop Pod

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Manufacturer: Sylva Motus
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Width: Low
Height: Small
Weight: Heavy
Size: Small

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

An individual Samara droppod - visible is the propeller hatch at the very top of the cone, the gooey resin protecting the main bulk of the cone, and the ablative heat shields beneath.

These images were made by me, using Sketchup


An individual segment of a heat shield. Designed with Regenetech heavy armor. Additional segments can be added as needed, but this may require recalibration of landing sequences.

Fully extended propeller blades; these are used for autorotation to allow the pod to land smoothly and without too much of a jolt.

The three segments within the pod; from left to right: the folded-up propellers in their hatch, ready for deployment; the guidance systems that are alternatively remotely controlled from a mothership or controlled via the pod user directly; the main pod area.

An example of a personnel seating arrangement; cushioned and reclined seat allows for maximum comfort and protection as the pod descends, and with significant interior space, there is ample room for both additional cushioning and weapon stockpiles.

An example of a storage arrangement; various Sylva Vitae technologies can be stored and compacted to fit in these pods.

  • Designed as a high altitude low opening (HALO) drop pod, capable of high-altitude insertion and atmospheric re-entry, the Samara drop pods are capable of being controlled by remote guidance biotech, or are capable of being controlled by the pilot itself.
  • Each pod is lined with four thick layers of Regenetech armor, which heat up and melt away as the pod races towards the ground. Type I and II atmospheres usually only require 2 out of 4 layers, the additional 2 are redundancy. The pod walls are made with Slimfit armor, providing durable protection but a quick deployment upon landing.
  • The outside of the pod nearest to the heat shields has a thick layer of heat-resistant resin, which hardens and fragments off as the pod makes atmospheric adjustments.
  • Once at a suitable height, the top of the pod opens, deploying the six wings that act like helicopter blades. These slow the pod down for a rapid but still controlled descent, auto-rotating to have a heavy but survivable crash-landing. Micro-adjustments made during descent allow the pod to steer to an optimal landing zone.
  • The functional area of the pod can be used to carry 1 passenger/pilot, or can be overhauled to carry a maximum cargo space, for deploying mass amounts of weaponry, ammunition, or other cargo as needed. When not piloted directly, it can be controlled remotely from a mothership.
  • Very durable & ablative heat shielding allows re-entry even from outside the atmosphere. While there is a minimum height requirement for the pods to deploy their autorotation blades, the pods are able to be dropped from any height above that, assuming there is a gravity well to drop into.
  • Variable cargo space (including personnel) allows for a wide selection of potential supplies - weapons, energy, supplies, etc.
  • Small and compact size strikes the perfect balance between speed for re-entry, weight for durability, and compactness for rapid production and deployment.
  • No thrusters or loud engines allow these drop pods to be near-silent when in use.
  • Small size limits the mass of cargo that can be deployed at once.
  • Organic design limits durability and survivability, even with Sylva Vitae regenerative biotech.
  • Has no method of locomotion; where they land is where they stay.
  • Unpowered flight means it is at the mercy of the pilot to steer in the correct direction, and cannot take off again once landed.
This is a cheap and easy-to-craft solution to the question of 'How do I get my plants from space to the ground as quick as possible, without breaking them?" While there is some burning-up in atmosphere, that is entirely by design. For when traditional ground transportation is impossible, or when standard dropships are too dangerous to be practical, the 'Samara' drop pod allows the quick deployment of personnel and cargo to a hot zone. Using atmospheric braking and autorotation to glide to the ground, the drop pods are quick and hypersonic as they travel through the air, until reaching the optimal height to deploy their blades and land with a very manageable thud.

'Carefully' floating to the ground, they shed any excess protection around the central pod and open an exterior hatch, allowing the occupant to leave with their gear in tow. If carrying no passenger, they simply land then deploy, allowing full access to the interior cargo. Even with full braking and the gentlest of landings, the landing is still fairly rapid - enough to be difficult to track by sight alone, but just soft enough that it won't harm the occupant beyond a noticeable thump. In addition, the seating for an occupant is designed to limit the strain on the body, and provide additional cushioning for landing. It is a slightly strange experience at first to be 'flying backwards', but with a modicum of training it is easy to master.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To craft a drop pod system for use in both personnel and supply applications
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Atmospheric re-entry theory (

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sylva Vitae, Sylva Motus, Jack Sandrow
Model: SMSV 'Samara'
Modular: Yes
Material: 'Regenetech' heavy armor, 'Slimfit' light armor, various other Sylva Vitae biotechnology
Movement: Other (See Description)
Armaments: N/A
Vehicle Type: Transport
Vehicle Role: Cargo Transport
Defense Rating: High
Traction Rating: None
Top Speed Rating: Very High
Braking Power Rating: High
Corner Speed Rating: Very Low
Speed Rating: Very High
Acceleration Rating: High
Balance Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 1
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

As usual, cool sub! The image source field is not working, I know you make all of your images, but I would like to ask you to put this into the sub. Others usually add the image source under the picture(s). Thank you for your understanding!
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