Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Samara Galloway

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"Your memories and your choices will be all you have left. At the end of the game the King and the Pawns go into the same box. You have to decide what you'd be willing to sacrifice."
- Master Amara Mu to Samara(On separating from her brother during the Purge)

Name: Samara Galloway
Age: 28
Species: Human
Homeworld: Commenor
Rank: Jedi Master
Affiliation: The Jedi Order
Playby: Olivia Wilde

Personality: Samara Galloway was a human Jedi of the Order. Intelligent (with an IQ of 180) and fiercely opposed to the Empire and the Sith, she has focused much of her research on understanding the nature of good and evil. She is the type of person who hates disorder and is clean and organized. By extension, she also has the habit of solving unfinished jigsaw puzzles.

History: Born on Commenor, the younger twin of Judd Hunter, Samara was discovered by the Jedi Order, along with her brother, at the age of two. After she was deemed force sensitive Samara taken to be trained as a Jedi on Coruscant until she was fifteen. Stronger then her brother, Samara advanced through her training, attaining the rank of Knight just after her fifteenth birthday. The young Jedi wasn't able to enjoy her new status in the order for long before the rise of the Galactic Empire that forced the Order to scattered across the corners of the Galaxy.

In order to keep them save Samara was separated from her brother, who would go on to join the Rebellion, being taken to the obscured world of Kro Var by her former master. In was there that the young Jedi spent the next ten years in hiding, being trained by the force users of the world known as Shapers. By the time envoys of the reformer Jedi Order discovered Samara she had become well versed in the Shaper's use of the force, bringing a new way for the Jedi to fight back against the Empire.

<img src="" align="left"> Training: Like many Jedi, Samara was taken to be trained at a young age. Her strength in the force quickly drew the attention of Master Amara Mu, who convinced the council to being the young Samara's padawan training at only the age of ten. Right away the Chiss Jedi Master took Samara all over the galaxy, immersing her in new lores and force traditions on top of the traditional Jedi teachings.

For the next five years Samara accompanied her Master in Mu's duties as an Jedi Envoy to the separate force groups throughout the galaxy. Like her normal jedi training, Samara absorbed the lessons of beings such as the Aing-Tii, the Jensaarai, and the Force Witches of Dathomir to name a few. Impressed with her accelerated training Samara was soon elevated to Jedi Knight after her fifteenth birthday.

When the Galactic Empire was formed, and the Jedi Order disbanded with the Jedi hunted down Samara was taken into hiding by Master Mu to Kro Var. There Samara met the force users known as Shapers on their world. A culture with a force tradition unlike any she had countered before, the young Jedi labored to learn their ways. Though she struggled with their radical methods Samara soon became an adept in all four of their Shaper Arts.

Force Abilities

Core Powers
- Force speed
- Force Cloak
- Force Sight
- Farseeing
- Telepathy
- Force Empathy
- Telekinesis
- Force Jump/Leap

Universal Powers
- Breath Control
- Force Body
- Force Confusion
- Force Deflection
- Force Flash
- Force Barrier
- Force Vision
- Force Weapon
- Tapas
- Force Meld

Lightside Powers
- Alter Environment
- Battlemind
- Force Blinding
- Force Enlightenment
- Force Healing
- Force Absorb
- Force Stun
- Force Valor
- Hibernation Trance
- Force Light

Unique Force Feats
- Art of the Small
- Force Immersion
- Shatterpoint
- Shaper Arts

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